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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. People who complain about swearing at the match are usually the fuckwits who leave on 80 minutes to avoid the traffic. In short, they're complete fucking blits. If you're in the family section fair enough, telling the referee you're going to shit on his lass after a bad decision is probably out of order but anywhere else in the ground you should expect to hear swearing.
  2. Shame is RTG used to be a fantastic website inhabited by very funny characters from both sides of the divide then over a period of about 18 months loads of kids joined and it turned into an absolute mongfest.
  3. http://play.esea.net/global/media_preview.php?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.icecreamconvos.com%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2012%2F01%2Fmichael-jordan-laughing.gif
  4. We were fine in the first half. Got caught on the break a few times but there we deserved to go in ahead at HT. We started so slowly in the second half though and by the time we woke up they'd equalised and were in the ascendancy. Second half was the worst I've seen us play this season. I'm not sure if it was a case of trying a bit too hard, but some of our passing was absolute dogshit. They gave us no time on the ball and we panicked.
  5. What goes on between friends who have an understanding is a completely different kettle of fish. I'm talking about the undercurrent of latent racism that punctuates debates such as this and can be felt at football matches etc. In those instances I don't think context and intent really matter. I also don't like this notion that only the people who are subject of racism can be offended by it. Just because I'm white and working class it doesn't mean I didn't cringe every time I heard the Kenwyne Jones song. When I complain about racism I'm not doing so on behalf of black people, I'm doing so for me.
  6. What do you suggest we call people who use the colour of some one's skin to abuse or denigrate them? You've just proved my point. What you describe would be a racist yeah. You can bring up the colour of someones skin without being racist though. Not if you're using it in an abusive way, no you can't. We're meant to be a civil, forward thinking society. If the best insult you can come up with is "black cunt lol" then not only are you a racist but I feel very strongly that you shouldn't be allowed to procreate.
  7. What do you suggest we call people who use the colour of some one's skin to abuse or denigrate them?
  8. The stadium is about 4km away from the Market Square.
  9. can't blame you. Everyone should dress up as Poirot, just to piss the Belgian polis off. Fuck that, I'm going as JCVD.
  10. Same here, basically. It's just a lads trip away now the prospect of getting a ticket has went out of the window.
  11. Me too. Are there enough cells in Brugge to accommodate all of us? Somehow I doubt it
  12. What do you think the club has been doing for the last 2 years since he's been here then? It's only his second red. Granted he's been on a thin line quite a few times but that's ow it goes in centre mid, he's hardly a scumbag like cattermole And I think it's worth remembering his first red was for what I still regard as an absolutely fantastic tackle.
  13. Anyone else seen the thread regarding O'Neill condemning them for singing the Taylor song? They've suddenly decided this afternoon that we were booing Danny Rose (with the racist connotations being obvious). Honestly, there's no level they won't sink to in an attempt to get one over on us. It's actually quite disgusting they'd use the racism he suffered in Serbia and build a fucking tale around it to try and win this absolutely ridiculous argument about class.
  14. "Selection committee, what's the score!?"
  15. That video is amazing. You can hear the pure, undying hatred in his voice every time he spits "scthum!"
  16. I thought I heard them singing "Jimmy Savile, he shags who he wants"
  17. I expect the FA will award Leeds United with their "Best Behaved Fans Eva!11!!" award like they did a matter of months after Harper was assaulted by the Mackems.
  18. A lot of Ben Arfa's best performances have been away from St James'.
  19. "A replica of the original sign - which graced the ground for more than a century" Hadn't that sign only been there since the extension? Nope. It's been around for over 100 years, hence the use of the crest we unveiled in 1988.
  20. I dreamt we won 4-2 and Warren Barton scored. I was also running up and down the stairs in the Strawberry Corner in nowt but a pair of tight red boxer shorts.
  21. Ok i'll have a go. Without mentioning the years of utter one-sidedness, the sub 20pt relegations, the drubbings.... - None of our players have had to 'tweet' about their own fans racially abusing their mothers - Our current club captain hasn't felt the need to visit sunderland and kick s*** out of parked cars - Our manager hasn't been caught on camera as refusing to denounce bigoted sectarian chanting - Our fans manage to celebrate a derby goal without running onto the pitch to assault the opposition 'Aye but yeez smash up ya phone boxes hahaha bouycoutt 9-1 FTM!!111LOL!' Insignificant tramps Has he apologised for fabricating the story about "referee visit" at half time last season, or can he still be justifiably described as a liar ? I don't think so. Whereas Pardew apologised for nearly decking the silly cunt at the Manager of the Year awards ceremony.
  22. I do enjoy the arrogance that's displayed before every derby by their lot. They never ever learn.
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