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Everything posted by James

  1. James

    Kieran Trippier

    It’s becoming a bit of a strange situation where new elite players are joining the club, they meet Trippier who is captain but not captain, and then there is this guy at training who never plays who is the real captain. to be honest I will have lost a lot of respect for Lascelles if he is still here in September and hasn’t resigned the club captaincy.
  2. Bruno G already fulfils 458% of the midfields smile quota so the smile doesn’t matter
  3. and this is where they had to bathe in wheelie bins
  4. nah. our central midfield is well stocked with quality players who are worth a combined £285m. if we sign another it means that a really good player is not going to feature much, which means we can’t sell them for as much. in summary one more CM unless we are selling this summer is not a wise move.
  5. James

    Felix Nmecha

    Shame on Dortmund for signing someone with such hideous homophobia
  6. Ooh I need your rumours, 8 days a week
  7. I h8 Mike. So give me transfer rumours
  8. Who appreci8s a good transfer rumour?
  9. Who 8 all the transfer rumours?
  10. Think that guy was a reserve player whose name I’ve completely forgotten.
  11. At this rate I’m expecting us to not announce Tonali and he is just a front for someone else
  12. To be honest I’ve learned to never be happy or unhappy with club’s transfer business during a transfer window. What matters is where we are on the last day of the season.
  13. looking serious like Sissoko did there. worrying
  14. nah £10m not that much at all. In fact Staveley might as well just forward it to me.
  15. Clemence can fuck off away from our club
  16. I’m not that bothered as I can’t really see how he fits in. right now I think Spurs are more likely to be relegated than get in to the Champions League.
  17. James

    Tino Livramento

    This feels like a last week of window or never type deal to me
  18. James

    Matheus França

    New €22.5m bid submitted
  19. James

    Garang Kuol

    What about Hearts?
  20. yeah but the player is Bella Kotchap so I want the sauce
  21. pretty standard for a 2 - 3 week break for international players so if they go all the way could be looking at 22nd July. for that reason I don’t think he will be regularly starting until October.
  22. Could be quite a few weeks yet before he actually makes it to SJP
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