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Everything posted by Leazes1986

  1. Why would we want to sell Butt to Sunderland? Thats just stupid.
  2. Apparently Milner and Young are playing off Nugent, with Reo Coker, Huddlestone and Richardson in the middle.
  3. Sky have reported it as £3.5m, BBC reporting it as £3m. Jesus christ transfer deals these days are fucking complicating
  4. nothing tops rodent resigning .;-) Shepherd selling up tbh.
  5. I wouldn't be arsed if we didn't get a penny for him as long as we get him off the wage bill.
  6. Its already been confirmed. £3.5m
  7. After they've tied up the deals for Jaaskelainen and Butt
  8. Nah. We've stuck with Dyer but he certainly hasn't developed. Milner has only played one full season here really. Hope we do stick with him though cos i think he can turn into a very good player.
  9. I think its obvious Allardyce would look to offload him, but i don't believe anything The Journal prints tbh. I think he will look to offload Carr as well. The Journal always writes articles "way off the mark"
  10. Can understand Woodgate's decision in a way though. Its his hometown club so thats obviously a major factor in his decision. Another thing that will be part of his decision is how well the medical staff have looked after him. Boro may well go down next season, but he knows that if they do then he will easily get a move straight back to the Premiership as long as he has another season like he had last season fitness wise. Even if the smogmonsters stay up i think Woodgate will only stay there for 2 seasons maximum if they don't improve dramatically.
  11. I remember a couple of months ago some people were saying they would take relegation if it means getting rid of the board
  12. I wonder what Shearer will think about it if Owen leaves. He won't come out in public saying anything bad about Owen, and he might not even say much to him, but deep down he'll be fucking disgusted in him i think. I'd love Owen to stay here but only if he signed a new contract which isn't gonna happen. If he goes then buy Anelka. If we lose Martins as well then i think Darren Bent would be a good buy. We would probably get more goals out of them two than Owen and Martins next season taking into account Owens injury record and Martins consistency (he should be more consistent next season fingers crossed).
  13. Hopefully Taylor goes through him early on and puts him out of the mat...season.
  14. "and its another...its a hat-track for Asprilla"
  15. Souness signed 12 players while he was manager here. He left in February 2006. If Babayaro, Luque and Owen leave (which are all looking really likely assuming we find takers) this summer then we the only survivors will be Krul, Solano and Emre (with Clark retiring obviously). Even out of them 3 theres only Krul 100% certain to be here next season (and he's not even a first team player). All them players came up to around £50m. Its quite scary thinking about it. We've got back just under £13m from the 6 players who he signed who have since left. Assuming Owen leaves for £9m, Babayaro leaves for free, and Luque is loaned out that comes to around £22m from the players he signed who we have since got shot of. £28m down, and probably only 3 players left to show for it come September.
  16. Leazes1986


    Spot on about Owen. Was just reading that a few minutes ago.
  17. The Collymore and Albert ones definitely stick out. Shearer scoring past Switzerland "Alan Shearer has scored for England. When it matters, Shearer comes good"
  18. This is some of the over-rating bollocks I was talking about. Talk about huge expectations. Which is why i said "in a few years". I'm not saying he is an international defender now. I'm saying he has the potential to be one and i think he will reach his potential now that he is hopefully gonna be playing alongside some quality defenders every week.
  19. I really don't see the logic in selling him unless we got silly money for him. He can improve a lot. He's scored 17 goals and he hasn't even played very well in a lot of the games. If he finds consistency, and improves a bit more then he definitely has the ability to break the 20 goal mark.
  20. I don't really thinks its the best of ideas to bring in a player at that age who has never played in the Premiership and will be on big money. He's a great player though.
  21. Bramble at his best? He has a couple of good games a season. Bramble doesn't have a best, he's awful. Taylor will go on to be an England regular in a few years imo. Bramble will probably be playing in the Championship in 2008/09. Thats where he belongs.
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