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Everything posted by Leazes1986

  1. I want to see more performances from Taylor like he played against Arsenal at SJP last season. He was immense that day. If he can find more consistency then he can go on to become one of the best defenders in the Premiership in a few years.
  2. I don't see why people are talking about who should be captain, when its looking like we are gonna be buying 3 more new players after Viduka and Barton, just to go in the starting 11. Possibly 4.
  3. Why have you still got a Scott Parker avatar? Never really took much notice tbh. I'll change it soon.
  4. Sell him and hope he breaks his legs and it ends his career. England need him, but Newcastle need him as well. If he has the audacity to ask for a transfer then he deserves everything bad that happens to him.
  5. Good thing about Dyer, is that with that formation he can fill in about four of those positions. Five if you count right-back. Fill them in aye. Badly.
  6. I've got a mate who was fuming because Rooney went to Euro 2004 and Ameobi didn't despite "Ameobi being better". He was also fuming when Souness got sacked because he hadn't had enough time. What was our first home match under Roeder again? I can't remember who we were playing now but i remember we won and the performance was much better. After the match when we were going for the metro he said "it would have been the same if Souness was manager today". Then he was fuming when Roeder got sacked for exactly the same reason. Bad luck and injuries. He even had in his msn name "fuck off Allardyce" http://images.skysports.com/images/playerpics06_07/Experts/kamaramain.jpg "UNBELIEVABLE JEFF" tbh
  7. Where have i heard that before. Loan him out for a couple of years to gain some experience imo.
  8. I hate the Union Rooms like
  9. I remember earlier this season when Taylor was having a bad time, a few people on here were saying Ramage is better than Taylor after Ramage had a rare good game in the UEFA Cup You couldn't make it up
  10. Viduka is going to be one of the first names on the teamsheet.
  11. We don't need Bellamy back really. Hopefully we keep Owen and Martins. I loved Bellamy when he was here, but we can do without his shit off the pitch.
  12. People who are expecting a top four finish next season are expecting too much too soon. We have money but we are also gonna probably have half a team full of new players. Maybe in a year or two we can push to get back into the top four. Top 6 would be great for now though.
  13. If he's got any ambition though he will want to play in England. The dutch league isn't very high standard. I think we should definitely loan him out for a few years. Don't know if a Championship team will gamble on him at the minute. Given has plenty of years left in him yet though, so if we loan Krul out for 3 years even then i don't see a problem with it. Ideally a year in League One, a year in the Championship, then if he really impresses a year at a Premiership club. He could then come back to us with a load of matches under his belt.
  14. Why would anyone prefer to have Krul on our bench when it will do him no good whatsoever?
  15. What happens to their club captain Neville if they sign Richards? They're hardly gonna put him at CB in place of Ferdinand or Vidic.
  16. A year in Holland, then two years on loan in England. One year in a lower league, then one in the Premiership.
  17. they're dirt cheap on Ebay, and there's a load of them. Sadly hardly any have names on the back. I have one as a seat cover on my desk chair with "Ferdinand 10" on, but alas it no longer fits - it's a pure gem! Aye, i'd love one with Shearer or Ferdinand 9 on the back like. Any with names on the back on ebay will probably have been worn loads and in bad condition.
  18. Leazes1986

    Wes Brown

    I'd rather have a proper right back like, but for a few million he would be decent for now imo. Saying that, if Big Sam keeps on going at the rate he is at the minute, we'll have plenty of time to concentrate on finding a right back if he hasn't already.
  19. Wonder if they'll release the 95-97 top in a few years.
  20. None of the top 4 are in for Richards, but if anyone outside the top 4 bids for him then Chelsea will be straight in for him.
  21. Leazes1986

    Wes Brown

    Brown - Taylor - Ben Haim - Baines TBH.
  22. Leazes1986

    Wes Brown

    He's not better than Ben Haim like.
  23. Leazes1986

    Wes Brown

    Why not buy a right-back? Well that would be even better. Wait and see.
  24. Leazes1986

    Wes Brown

    £3m tops. I would definitely take him as a right back for now. Brown - Taylor - Ben Haim - Baines Massive improvement. Would definitely be more than good enough for now. If we got Rozenhal in as well then it means we've got more than enough cover with Brown being versatile, and Taylor can do a job at right back if needed. Ramage won't be needed at all then.
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