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Everything posted by Leazes1986

  1. We won't sign Koumas. Malcolm Allen mentioned him so Olivers brought it up in his article. "Wide of the mark".
  2. I just used that as an indicator to show where the bookies seem to place us now. A month ago we were down with the Boro's, Pompey's & Blackburn's. Now they reckon we're up with Everton & Spurs again, which is about right I reckon. f****** Everton, that's an insult. Nah, team wise they're better than us. I'd say Yobo, Lescott, Hibbert, Cahill & Arteta would walk into our team. There's no way Everton are better than us. Only Arteta would walk into our team, at the moment not for long though... Aye they are better than us at the minute. They've got better full backs, more than one good centre back for a start. Arteta would walk into our team ahead of Emre as well.
  3. I was always gonna renew anyway like. I reckon a few heads have been turned by the stuff whats happened over the last few weeks though. Every year you get people saying they aren't gonna renew but they do in the end. I think some people had seriously had enough after last season though. Not getting too carried away cos its early days, but the signs are very good.
  4. Its hard to put into words really. Has a clubs fortunes and optimism eve changed as quickly as ours have over the last few weeks? We've gone from doom and gloom to a possible great future where the skys the limit.
  5. I wanted him as our manager, and his press conference when he was unveiled was massively encouraging. Even though i had faith in him as a very good manager, he has really surprised me the way he has gone about business in this last week. Two players in the bag already by the looks of it and quality ones at that. Our first signing last summer was in July, and our next signing didn't come until August. Massively impressive.
  6. If Taylor keeps on improving the way he has been lately, then he will make his place his own anyway. He's impressed me so much lately.
  7. I'm finding us being linked with Cacapa and Jean-Sebastien Jaures really interesting. We've been strongly linked with Ben Haim, Rozenhal and Baines. I wonder if this is all true and Big Sam actually wants the lot of them with Cacapa being a 4th centre back, allowing Ramage to move on, and Jaures being backup left back with Babayaro fucking off, leaving us with 4 centre backs next season and 2 left backs. Nah i'm dreaming i think
  8. Its a relationship tbh. One that involves arguing, spending shitloads of money, shouting and getting angry like any relationship. It annoys you and frustrates you, but it can also give you loads of joy and make your week, and it can involve some of the best moments of your life. This relationship is there for life though and it doesn't turn funny once a month. What the f*** have i been on
  9. He's as good as signed man. He'll complete it tomorrow. Don't know why people worry so much.
  10. What makes Owen such a good goalscorer is he can play shit without touching the ball for 89 minutes, then he'll pop up and score. Unbelievable people don't realize this and moan about how he was playing up until he scored. Thats whats so special about him.
  11. Why do we need a defensive midfielder against Estonia?
  12. Absolutely no chance of Emre going to Everton, and absolutely no chance of buying Arteta unless we were to offer absolutely silly money.
  13. We know who the productive players are who done nowt under Roeder. N'Zogbia is one. Well he performed well for him at the end of 05/06 but was shite last season. He is clearly capable of being a productive player. Duff is another player who is proven Premiership class and he was piss last season. Emre has shown fuck all really. I agree he has had a few games we're he's looked a class act, but apart from that he's done fuck all. His set pieces are awful, he creates nowt, and he doesn't score goals. We could probably get about £5m for him. I bet he's on a good wage as well. We could get someone in more consistent than him who offers more. Theres no point in trying to rely on him hoping he is gonna do it more than a handful of games a season all of a sudden. He's got bite, but so has Barton and Butt. Let him go and get someone productive in. Easier said than done, but Allardyce can do it.
  14. You'll get tossers booing him next season. I'll clap him though anyway.
  15. Leazes1986

    Club Captain

    Why not just wait and see who we buy first?
  16. SSN say they are expecting to hear something in the next hour.
  17. Good luck to him. West Ham are cunts but i appreciate the effort Parker put in for us. He didn't have a great season last year but he had an excellent first season. He's clearly got the ability to be a good defensive midfielder, just needs to be a bit more disciplined.
  18. Depends on the transfer fee and how much he would want in wages. A foward line of Owen/Viduka/Martins/Smith would be quality but it would go overboard with our wage budget.
  19. Well i think it would harm Taylor more than anything by dropping him now. He's been coming on so much over the last few months imo. He's full of confidence now. I'm also a big fan of Milner and the Zog but Taylor is the main one who i have big hopes for.
  20. No room for Oba? Thats exactly the team i picked a couple of days ago. Its very possible. Wait and see once we get them all in first though. I think that strikeforce would be shithot as long as they both stayed fit which is a big ask.
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