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Everything posted by Leazes1986

  1. I see him in the way i seen Kevin Gallacher. He will get a good ovation when he comes back.
  2. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    Nah its not. The clubs have been in contact, the player is interested, no agreement has been made between the clubs yet so we haven't had permission to talk to the player. Long way to go.
  3. Its hardly surprising after all the shit whats went on with him at Man City.
  4. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    Aye all he needs to be able to do after that is tackle, pass and cross then we're laughing.
  5. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    Johnson is s*** imo Excellent at lPompey. Hmm well i've not watched many Portsmouth games really over the last season but he hasn't really stood out when i have seen them. I'm not convinced anyway. I've just got a feeling Allardyce is gonna bring in a right back from abroad. A big strong physical one. Could be wrong though.
  6. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    I think Nobby can do a job at right back, but it really is asking a bit much of him to play there every week at his age. We would be best of getting a natural right back in and getting rid of Carr, then keeping Nobby as back up right back and right wing.
  7. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    Johnson is shit imo
  8. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    We can do better than Young. If we manage to get the Ben Haim, Rozenhal and Baines then all we need is a good right back then when you add Taylor into the equation we will for the first time in my life have a very good back four.
  9. Leazes1986

    Club Captain

    A good captain doesn't just wear the armband though. A good captain should be inspirational and be able to keep his head up and lift the rest of the team when things are going bad.
  10. Leazes1986

    Club Captain

    Do you lot think its right to give the captaincy to a new signing? Usually i would say no, but considering that half of our line up next seasons is probably gonna be a new look team then i think it might be possible. Out of the players currently at the club now i would say only Given and Owen are absolutely 100% to start next season in the line up and i wouldn't give the captaincy to either of them.
  11. Would be good if we did fuck off West Ham for more money though. By the looks of it, its not as if it was an agreement that they would get Parker once we've signed Barton. It looks like West Ham really wanted to fuck us off by signing Parker and Barton. £10m now you cockney cunts tbh.
  12. That did actually cross my mind today funnily enough but surely not. I'd be happy for us to keep Parker cos i think Allardyce could get the best out of him and use him effectively, but i think his days are up tbh
  13. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/main.jhtml?view=DETAILS&grid=&xml=/sport/2007/06/06/sfnnew06.xml
  14. 5.5m for Barton is not cheap, imo. Speed £5.5m - 1998 Hamann £4.5m - 1998 Dyer £6m - 1999 Maric £3.5m - 1999 Bassedas - £4m - 2000 Jenas - £5m - 2002 Viana - £8.5m - 2002 Parker £6.5m - 2005 Emre £3.8m - 2005 A selection of central midfield players over the last decade who have signed for us. Look at the prices even as far back as when we bought Speed. I don't think we've got a bad deal at all in terms of a transfer fee considering he's proven Premiership quality. If he does half as well as Speed then we're on a winner.
  15. It should be more as well, Nugent is guilty of missing a few sitters, and Derbyshire should have scored.
  16. Taylor hasn't been tested defensively really, but he's brought the ball out well and got himself a goal. Took the captains armband when Reo Coker went of. He's been vocal as well.
  17. Been quite impressed with Huddlestone.
  18. If Dyer goes it will soften it a bit considering Barton's a better player and Dyer is supposed to be on over £80,000 a week.
  19. Its the way we're gonna have to go with West Ham and Villa now looking like they are ready to spend big. If we don't match the wages then we are gonna fall further behind. At least it looks like we're gonna have a new owner with a shitload of money. I agree though, its crazy money.
  20. Fucking hell thats scary. Emre's are the scariest though for a so called creative player with good vision. We should get shot of him, he doesn't offer much.
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