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Everything posted by Leazes1986

  1. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    From a Brugge fan on a forum i go on:
  2. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    Richards is so much better than Bramble its actually painful.
  3. Taylor definitely still has rough edges, but you can see even now that he has the potential to go all the way. Everyone had doubts about Bramble all of his career really. Taylor has the right attitude and he wants to improve. As long as he keeps a steady head and gets a decent defence around him he can really be a quality defender.
  4. Leazes1986

    Luke Young

    Carr should never play another game for us. He's fat and slow and his attitude is awful. Very poor defender. When he was younger he was always one of them full backs who were better going foward than defending but he had some pace to be able to do it effectively back then. Now he just gets caught out time and time again. Even if his attitude was spot on, he still couldn't get away with his lack of pace in that position. Nobby gets away with it because he's clever as fuck and can read the game with his eyes shut.
  5. Leazes1986

    Luke Young

    He's not great but he's solid enough and i would take him for now for a couple of million if we can't get a top right back in.
  6. I'd love to see him become a top manager one day.
  7. I think i'm gonna have a brain overload with all of this stuff going on at the club at the minute. We've always been in the news, but the amounts of potential changes/things going on at the minute are madness even for our standards.
  8. Freddy Shepherd is a great chairman. Always backs his managers etc
  9. If it was a clause for the same price we paid for him or less i would be angry. I tell you what though, if we got £22m in for him and Owen i wouldn't lose to much sleep over it. That article also mentions offloading Dyer and Emre. I have said many times over the last few months i would definitely sell them for the right price. This article could be "way off the mark", but if its bang on i wouldn't be too unhappy. I like Martins but i think we could get someone more reliable for that money. Freddy Shepherd with these fucking clauses though
  10. Fucking hell. Everyone knows Fat Fred interferes but i have never thought he would interfere that much. Souness could just be talking out of his arse now though. His reputation is already totally ruined so he won't do himself any harm passing some blame on to the man who sacked him and give him a £3m pay off. I hope this is Souness lying here because i already despise that fat one as it is.
  11. I couldn't agree more. When i was watching the match the neet and he made that mistake where their striker got past him, but he got a free kick for it i thought straightaway to myself that there will be a certain few people on here who wouldn't be able to post about his mistake on here quick enough. Some people are definitely willing him to make an error just so they can say "told you so". It makes me wonder even more because we haven't had a quality defender come through the ranks here for years and now we have one who could on to be a genuine top Premiership defender if he is managed right in a good defence. Some people just love to moan though. He will go on to become a very important player for this club for years to come. I'm glad its just the forum moaners who get on his back though, rather than the 52,000 who go every other week.
  12. On the day that we're supposedly playing Sampdoria at home as well
  13. No centre backs will push the current lot out of the squad for a good while yet. As long as Terry, Ferdinand, Woodgate, Carragher and King all stay fit then they will be mainstays for the next couple of years. In a couple of years though i expect Taylor to have developed quite a bit. He is definitely capable of overtaking Brown, Dawson and Upson in the pecking order. Its just we have so much quality there that he's not gonna get his chance for a good while yet. I think he will go on to be a much better defender than Brown, Dawson, Lescott and Upson in a few years though. We have to remember he was robbed nearly a whole season in 05/06 as well. He's still learning. Definitely got the potential to be an international defender though, no doubts about that.
  14. Carson has had an excellent tournament. Can't blame him.
  15. Well there is no issue here at all. Shearer's done nothing wrong. He has done a talk in and in HIS opinion he doesn't think we should sign Bellamy back. Thats the be all and end all of this. Of course Shearer is a cancer to this club though and we will never win anything until his life ends. Worst thing to ever happen to the club.
  16. He's not coming back. I wish some people would just get over it. He was good when he was here, but the little gobshite is history.
  17. Bellamy can piss off to the mackems tbh.
  18. Shearer...the truth about me and Gullit. Shearer...on Roy Keane Shearer...on Singing on Bebo Shearer...on Best Managers Shearer...On Going Into Management Thanks a lot for that
  19. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    Sorry for posting it ffs
  20. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

  21. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    This is one of the exact reasons i wanted Allardyce to come in as manager. £3m for an experienced International centre back. We do not need the Hollywood signings at the minute. Roeder wanted to bring in Curtis Davies and Gareth Bale. He would have had to spend over £15m to get them two to the club probably, and neither of them are proven or experienced. If Roeder had of had his way next season we would have probably been lining up with a defence of Carr, Taylor, Davies and Bale. As it happens we are now probably gonna get 3 new defenders plus backup in for the price he would have paid for them two. And i am pretty confident they will be good defenders as well.
  22. Don't bother with away tops anymore. Nice to see England's Michael Owen wearing the new away top, like he done with new home top as well even though he might not be wearing either ever again. *TIN HAT ON*
  23. You rate Scott Parker though so perhaps you're not in the best position to call people daft over the players they rate. Oh fuck off man. My avatar has been like that for ages. I haven't got round to changing it cos i'm not fussed about it. But now that you mentioned it, Parker was brilliant in his first season, and was poor in his second. Newcastle fans have had enough opportunities to make their minds up whether they rate him or not. Rossi hardly kicked a ball for us. People judging him from his handful of appearances for us are just being stupid. If people have actually seen him for Manure and Italy U21's they will see that he's a talent.
  24. Rossi is a good player. Any Newcastle fan who says otherwise is just being daft. He got the odd run out for us playing alongside absolute shite. He's got loads of talent though.
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