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Everything posted by Leazes1986

  1. Niall Quinn got one at the scum and he didn't play anywhere near 10 years did he? It would be decent of the club to have a match for him and charge something small like a tenner a ticket and give it all to charity but i don't think it'll happen. That way everyone gets to have a good night and a load of money goes to charity. It wouldn't exactly be a non event like Rob Lee's if it was cheap enough and the likes of Shearer, Speed, Lee and Barton got a run out.
  2. 8 1/2 seasons at the toon next May then. Just think, if Sir Bobby never sold him he would have completed 10 years.
  3. Fucking hell that is a shite team to be fair.
  4. He's gonna get one hell of an ovation on the last home game of next season thats for sure. He'll back back for Givens testimonial in the future though i reckon
  5. More good news then. Nobby's still a very handy player.
  6. This isn't allowed is it?
  7. For Barton, certainly. Could sign for Newcastle to tomorrow but apparently he cares more about money. For Newcastle, not for me to say. For City, not for me. Not embarrased over this one bit. I'd be embarrased if were willing to pay the odious little spacker. In fact I'll go as far to say that if City agree to pay him this, without being forced into it by a court of law, they'll never see another penny of my money again. I don't want you to think you're alone on this forum who think City have every reason to stick to their guns on this one... The actual clause itself implies a transfer request should a bid of 5.5m be lodged. It's like a transfer request written into the contract A contract law specialist would make a better case than me, but I would imagine a decent barrister would make it not so cut and dried as some posters here think. I'm sure I'm not the only Toon fan with a bad taste in his mouth after these "loyalty payments" revalations... Yes I agree with this also, the greedy little c*** doesn't deserve a penny, considering what he'll get from Newcastle, worst thing was to sign this piece of garbage we could much better IMO. No we couldn't.
  8. Totally. Its why i'm liking SA working the current budget. In fact i'd rather him stick to this budget right now and do it sensibly and not over stretch the club. Do you think its just mis communication at Liverpool right now or something bigger? A difference in opinions more like, Rafa feels he can't do a lot more to bridge the gap and wants to bring in 3 world-class players at say 20m each but the new owners aren't going to pump that in, not when they've just forked out 400m or so to buy the club, plan to build a new stadium and Rafa has already spent good money on players in the past who lets be honest, haven't shown good value for money (some of them anyway). I can see Rafa's point like but he's a good enough manager to be able to win the title on 25-30m surely which is still a large kitty by anyone's standard? I don't think they can win the title with £25-£30m. Not because of fat Rafa's management ability though. I just think Manure and Chelsea are so far ahead with the quality of players they have, and they probably haven't finished their summer spending yet. I think Mourinho will probably get at least one top class player in. Liverpool haven't got one top class striker, and they need a winger as well.
  9. Was gonna post more or less the exact same thing but didnt want to hijack the thread. Anyone who cant see that Jenas has improved as a player since joining us is massively deluded. still massively overrated though which i think is the problem ie. the constant England call ups despite him never concievably(sp?) going to play, etc. But other then Gerrard and Lamplard there's not really another English centre midfielder like him who is able to score goals and do hes fair share defensively. Name another midfielder who is energetic and scores a decent amount of goals? Joey Barton Kevin Nolan (ok he didn't have such a good season last season) I would have Barton in the England squad as i think he's the closest thing this country's got to Gerrard in terms of he's all round game. It makes me laugh the amount of people who claim Jenas is overrated yet have the audacity to name Nolan as a good player. Imo he is by far the most overrated pile of steaming crap there is and even Bolton fans dont want him in their team. On the basis of one bad season? He's scored 8+ league goals in 3 of the last 6 seasons. He obviously needs to be more consistent and do it every season, but its certainly not a bad record.
  10. Was gonna post more or less the exact same thing but didnt want to hijack the thread. Anyone who cant see that Jenas has improved as a player since joining us is massively deluded. still massively overrated though which i think is the problem ie. the constant England call ups despite him never concievably(sp?) going to play, etc. But other then Gerrard and Lamplard there's not really another English centre midfielder like him who is able to score goals and do hes fair share defensively. Name another midfielder who is energetic and scores a decent amount of goals? Joey Barton Kevin Nolan (ok he didn't have such a good season last season)
  11. Actually he must of gone well downhill if Spurs fans think Jenas is better.
  12. We won't be signing any more fowards until Owen's gone anyway.
  13. Murphy was actually on good form for Charlton before he moved to Spurs. He'd be a decent squad player if they only want £1.5m for him.
  14. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    And just as i write that theres another paper mentioning Hyypia at the bottom of an article YOU'RE STILL A CUNT OLIVER
  15. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    Oliver is talking fucking crap as usual. As if anyone thought Baines was gonna cost under £5m. As soon as he gets back from holiday he starts printing his shite again. I don't know why he keeps on mentioning Hyypia either. I would like him here, but nobody else is saying anything about him signing for us, and Liverpool seem to want to keep him. He seems to be having a one man campaign to sign him.
  16. Only England player i was really impressed with tonight at all was Reo Coker. He showed a bit of drive. Still nothings changed though, we should definitely go for Baines. On a different note though, on Nugent's last couple of showings i wouldn't pay anywhere near £6m for him. He hasn't got the best goalscoring record at club level really, and his finishing has been quite poor in the last couple of U21 matches. He done well for the penalty though. Jury is still out.
  17. He's at a good age though. If he has another season like he had last season, then he will have proven he is over his injury's.
  18. We will never ever win a thing if we don't get top players in eventually. I'd like to think we could bring players in who could become top players here though, rather than going down the Chelsea route.
  19. I hope we never have to pay a player £100,000 a week or over again once we get rid of s*** face. We should forget about Hollywood signings because they never work out for us. If Ben Haim has any desire to play football then he will come here rather than Chelsea.
  20. http://www.kalumriverlodge.com/fly-fishing/fly-fishing051.jpg
  21. His contract has another 4 years on it. At least give him another year with a good team around him hopefully.
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