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Everything posted by Leazes1986

  1. I hope we sign him, but if we don't its not the end of the world. He's going for a good price, but he chooses West Ham it will be because of silly money offered in wages. I know some of our players chose Newcastle because of the money they are on, but Barton is not worth going over the top with when it comes to wages. If West Ham offer something like £70,000 a week, i would rather we let him go there than offering him that sort of money. We could obviously afford to match it, but Barton is too much of a risk signing anyway to be throwing silly money at. Hope we get him though.
  2. I admire any local player when they stay at their club for the love of it. Carragher certainly does. Gerrard's future is always uncertain though and he hasn't always been 100% committed. Especially when Chelsea came sniffing around. I don't understand it when Newcastle fans criticize players from other clubs for showing no ambition by staying at their local club. We don't have to look any further than Shearer. He could have won just about everything in the game, but he stayed here because he loved pulling on the black and white shirt every week and banging the goals in. Thats why i respect local players from other clubs for following their heart rather than their head.
  3. Leazes1986


    I'd rather have Zoggy and Duff
  4. We've already got a load of shit out of the club. Getting rid of Carr, Babayaro and Dyer is surely too good to be true.
  5. I agree, sell the little horrible cunt
  6. hmm --------------------------Given--------------------- -------------Taylor----Ben Haim----Rozenhal---------- Dyer-----------------------------------------------------Baines ---------------Barton-----Butt------Emre--------------------- ---------------------Viduka----Owen/Martins------------ Probably totally wide of the mark.
  7. The title of this thread has been changed i think. Has there been a development?
  8. Thing is though if we put him in League one for a season then he will be 21 next summer with only League One experience. We could always loan him out for another season after that but that would take him up to his 22nd birthday and the end of his contract i think. I like what i have seen of him so far. Maybe half a season in League One, and if he impresses then a Championship club might take a look at him for the 2nd part of 07/08? He might not every turn into a Premiership class defender, but he looks like he's got good potential.
  9. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    You need to remember though, the three we got rid of were shite. I can't see us signing 3 quality centre backs. Well we might sign 3 quality ones, but the biggest name one will probably be Ben Haim if we sign him. The other two will probably be from abroad for a few million each at the most.
  10. I would also imagine that Allardyce won't want to end up buying Barton and then something happens and he ends up stuck with Parker as well.
  11. No news. I think Allardyce will wait until he has got all of the players in he wants before allowing people to leave on loan. A year in the Championship would do him good.
  12. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    If we sign Rozenhal and Ben Haim we won't spend big on another cente back. I can only see us signing a 4th one of we let Ramage go, and it will probably be a cheap one as well.
  13. Terry McDermott believes that Gokdeniz Karadeniz has good craic for the dressing room. Its scary to think that Terry Mac was trusted as a scout under Roeder
  14. SSN said yesterday that Barton would sign for us depending on Parker's transfer to West Ham. Basically West Ham won't get Parker, unless we get Barton.
  15. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    Just have faith in the managers judgement. I'd rather we signed someone like him for £2-3m under Allardyce's judgement, than spend big money on Curtis Davies like Roeder was looking like he would.
  16. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    Absolutely nothing. We've let 2 central defenders go on free transfers, and we don't have a central defender at the club over the age of 21 (apart from Ramage but he doesn't count). Allardyce said when he came that he needs to sign probably 4 or 5 players, plus replace the ones who left. Ben Haim for free and Ronzenhal for a few million would be good business. I assumed we'd want to keep taylor starting though, and let him develop into a good player. And i wouldnt have though ben haim or this guy would come to be on the bench. So ben haim and rozenhal starting with taylor on the bench? Well i don't know for certain but if i was to guess i would say Taylor and Ben Haim would start the season together. Then again i have a funny feeling we might be starting the season with 3 at the back. Don't know why though.
  17. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    Absolutely nothing. We've let 2 central defenders go on free transfers, and we don't have a central defender at the club over the age of 21 (apart from Ramage but he doesn't count). Allardyce said when he came that he needs to sign probably 4 or 5 players, plus replace the ones who left. Ben Haim for free and Ronzenhal for a few million would be good business.
  18. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    The English? Is there more than us interested? Do you expect him to say "The Geordies" like?
  19. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    It might be a good thing to stay well clear of the trophy signings for good.
  20. Leazes1986

    David Rozehnal

    Taylor, Ben Haim, Rozenhal, Ramage ( ), Edgar, Huntington Would people be happy with that if it comes of, or does anyone expect 4 quality centre halfs (having faith in Allardyce's judgement that Rozenhal is quality) Ramage is shite i know, but i think he'll probably be backup.
  21. He will get first team football if he comes here tbh. Probably be one of the first names on the team sheet.
  22. They can't get Parker without us getting Barton tbh.
  23. Just sell the fucker, he's a little waster.
  24. If they buy these standard of players they will build a good team, but they are only ever gonna be top 8. Not really good enough when your spending that kind of money. They are gonna be spending top class money on just canny/good players.
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