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Everything posted by Leazes1986

  1. I was a massive fan of Bowyer as well before we signed him. Obviously there was his off the pitch shit, but as a player i really rated him. We rarely seen the form of his Leeds days in a black and white shirt though. His performance against Tottenham at SJP last season was superb. Thats probably the only time he put in a 9/10 performance out of us out of all the games he played. Its probably one of the only times he put in a performance above a 7/10 tbh.
  2. He was one of my favourite players for the season he was here.
  3. Cheat. I actually posted that then read your post which is a few above mine when i scrolled back up! The reason my post is a few minutes behind yours is because i had a think about it.
  4. I could make a list of players i can't believe either pulled on a black and white shirt ever or played as many games as they did. Theres fuckin loads of them but i'm bored so i'm gonna think some of the top of my head. I'll definitely forget some names like but nevermind. Hooper Karelse Marcelino Dumas Charvet Carr Babayaro Boumsong W.Quinn Bramble Ramage Serrant Pistone O'Brien Georgiadis Brady Faye Fumaca Bassedas Viana Hamilton Maric Rush Andersson Ameobi Guivarch Cort Luque I would have definitely missed some. Theres a nice list of some players i didn't rate. Theres a couple in there who didn't play enough games to rate but they cost enough, and theres probably a couple who were decent players but done f*** all for us.
  5. Speaking of MacDonald, he's gonna be fuckin loving it tonight on the legends.
  6. Leazes1986

    Our set pieces

    Nobby is normally a good set piece taker. Milner seems to take free kicks and corners rather than Nobby these days though. Well he did before he was dropped anyway.
  7. Do you think he played well like? No he played piss. Thats not what annoyed me. It was the bit about selling him. It wouldn't surprise me if Martins is one of the ones who won't give him an interview so he's got it in for him.
  8. That wound me up so much when i read that bit about Martins. The mans a fuckin prick. He is one person i would love to punch tbh.
  9. To be fair i wouldn't mind Roeder getting his old job back at the academy. Be was doing a good job by all accounts and we've seen some of his players from the academy this season in the first team do well which wasn't expected.
  10. I think he has got these last few games to save his job.
  11. Not the point. Roeder has to go, that is step 1, and its vital. He's not even worth the paper and ink we used giving him his job offer. The fact that no-one is knocking on the door for the job is NO reason to keep a feckless, pathetic, lying little c*** in the job. If that happens then i can see the same thing happening again though. Shepherd will give someone within the club the job until the end of the season (or probably try his best to get Shearer), then they'll get some good results like what always seems to happen when a new manager comes in and he will "win the job". So you think we should keep Roeder??? No, my point is i just do not trust Shepherd at all when it comes to appointing another manager. I can see the same mistakes happening over and over again and the only thing its doing apart from pissing the fans of is making the job less attractive with each manager who comes and goes. Bit fundamentally, Roeder CANNOT be allowed to damage us any further. He HAS to go, now. Whoever we get, its likely he'll be better than Roeder, who is an absolute cretin. Is that good enough though? A manager who is just "better than Roeder"? Any manager who comes in is expected to have us in the top 6 in his 2nd season at the longest. If we appoint an average manager then he might get us in a bit of a better position but that won't be good enough for most of the fans and he will be drove out of the club. We need to identify a manager who we could realisitcally get who would be capabale of getting us back amongst the top 5. I can't think of any of the top of my head who would really want to come though. Its catch 22 really. We cannot afford to make the next appointment a bad one though.
  12. Not the point. Roeder has to go, that is step 1, and its vital. He's not even worth the paper and ink we used giving him his job offer. The fact that no-one is knocking on the door for the job is NO reason to keep a feckless, pathetic, lying little c*** in the job. If that happens then i can see the same thing happening again though. Shepherd will give someone within the club the job until the end of the season (or probably try his best to get Shearer), then they'll get some good results like what always seems to happen when a new manager comes in and he will "win the job". So you think we should keep Roeder??? No, my point is i just do not trust Shepherd at all when it comes to appointing another manager. I can see the same mistakes happening over and over again and the only thing its doing apart from pissing the fans of is making the job less attractive with each manager who comes and goes.
  13. Not the point. Roeder has to go, that is step 1, and its vital. He's not even worth the paper and ink we used giving him his job offer. The fact that no-one is knocking on the door for the job is NO reason to keep a feckless, pathetic, lying little c*** in the job. If that happens then i can see the same thing happening again though. Shepherd will give someone within the club the job until the end of the season (or probably try his best to get Shearer), then they'll get some good results like what always seems to happen when a new manager comes in and he will "win the job".
  14. Thats the thing. I don't think any manager who is good enough to make us into one of the top teams again would be interested in going anywhere near the job at the minute.
  15. Aye but sadly it doesn't look like the club has got any long term plan at all. How many times are we gonna have to put up with Shepherd appointing managers, giving them millions of our money to spend then sacking them and repeating the same mistake?
  16. It won't change while Freddy Shepherd is chairman. The rot started long before Roeder got the job.
  17. Leazes1986

    These players...

    Question 1) Are they good enough for the FIRST TEAM of a club aiming for top 4 (via top 6)? Answer - No, not really. Question 2) Are they worth keeping on as squad players? Answer - bearing in mind their limited impact/ability, are they worth the £130k a week they cost us as SQUAD players, NO. 1.None of our players apart from Given and Owen are good enough to get in a top four line up. Owen has been a crock so far. Martins is on a good day but he's far too hit and miss at the minute. 2.I don't know how much they are on a week exactly but if Dyer is on the reported £80,000 a week then he's definitely not worth keeping as a squad player considering how much we get out of him. Most of our squad are overpaid though and its a big problem but we can't really address it because even if we sell the ones on big money it's gonna cost more money to replace a lot of them. I would keep these for definite: Given, Solano, Taylor, Parker, N'zogbia, Milner, Martins I would definitely get rid of the ones i listed earlier in the thread. I would sell Emre if we got a decent bid for him taking all things into consideration, i would sell Duff if we got our money back, i would sell Dyer if we got £3m for him, i would definitely sell Ameobi if i thought there was any chance of us signing enough strikers so we have 4 quality strikers to go into next season with. It's all ifs and buts though. I just don't think its realistic what some people are saying. Long term fine, but this summer the biggest priorities have got to be a new defence, a creative midfielder and a couple of new strikers ideally.
  18. Leazes1986

    These players...

    Bollocks. I want a genuine top 6 team. So the likes of Parker, Ameobi, Dyer (if we want to push on, or even have a really consistent team) aren't good enough. I want a genuine top 4 team but it's not gonna happen overnight, and it certainly won't happen by selling the whole squad. I think some of you forget that you need a squad as well as a first 11. Yeah, totally forgot about that tbh, how it slipped my mind i do not know. Maybe i should ask Fat Fred as it slipped his mind at the start of this season as well? The point the most are trying to make in this thread is that there are not many player who you would keep, even the ones that you'd like to build a squad with as so highly paid you want rid of them for younger, hungrier players who perform more than once per 10 games. Its all good fun keeping the like of Duff, Parker, Emre, Dyer & Owen as they are good players, but how often do they perform if at all, and how much a week do this bunch of stars cost the club which is losing money quicker than if Nick Leeson was in charge? I know what you're saying but we have to be realistic as well. A lot of them are clearly overpaid, but even if we sold the likes of Emre who might be on £60,000 a week, it's probably gonna cost more to replace him. If it was an ideal world then i would get rid of most of our players, but realistically we will not be able to so it so we need to sort the priorities out which are clearly some new full backs, centre backs, a creative centre midfielder and a striker as well as a few more good squad players. There is absolutely no chance of us selling a whole defence and half a midfield and a couple of strikers then replacing them all.
  19. Leazes1986

    These players...

    Well its all about opinions, but i think Parker and Dyer are definitely good enough players for the 20 odd man squad we should have next season.
  20. Leazes1986

    These players...

    Bollocks. I want a genuine top 6 team. So the likes of Parker, Ameobi, Dyer (if we want to push on, or even have a really consistent team) aren't good enough. I want a genuine top 4 team but it's not gonna happen overnight, and it certainly won't happen by selling the whole squad. I think some of you forget that you need a squad as well as a first 11.
  21. How often will you pretend that mediocre journeyment like Parker and Dyer are "much better" than performance after performance after performance shows?? Jesus. Every time they play s****, they get defended. Then on the rare occasions they perform, its taken as proof they are top class. Parker and Dyer aren't mediocre players though. I wasn't defending them at all, i was picking them out as the players who let us down today because they were awful yet they are four members of our squad who are amongst the best of a average/poor bunch. They are clearly better players than they have shown today, but don't take the point i made as if i was sticking up for them because i wasn't. I was picking them out for criticism more than anything. They are very much mediocre. They aren't 'international class', they're id table sloggers at the end of the day. And before you start on Dyer, he runs around a lot, and contributes pretty much f*** all. I've been one of Dyer's biggest critics on here in the past because of his attitude/injuries/lack of end product, but this season he's contributed with a few goals to be fair. I'm not calling him a great player at all though. I rate Parker but i'm not getting in an argument with you over him cos i can't be arsed. Been over it too many times. He was crap today.
  22. I would love it to happen but i think he'll be here for a few more years yet wasting our money appointing 3rd rate managers.
  23. Leazes1986

    These players...

    I don't know who some of you think we are tbh. These players clearly aren't up to standard: Srnicek Carr Bramble Moore (had his day) Ramage Babayaro Bernard Pattison O'Brien Luque Sibierski (really like him but he's not good enough) Those lot should not be here next season. The rest of the senior players we have are capable enough but they aren't doing it for one reason or another. Don't kid yourselves by saying our whole squad should be sold though because they aren't Newcastle standard players. Its clear we need new players, but we don't need a whole new squad. We need a strong squad but we won't get that by selling our better players.
  24. How often will you pretend that mediocre journeyment like Parker and Dyer are "much better" than performance after performance after performance shows?? Jesus. Every time they play s****, they get defended. Then on the rare occasions they perform, its taken as proof they are top class. Parker and Dyer aren't mediocre players though. I wasn't defending them at all, i was picking them out as the players who let us down today because they were awful yet they are four members of our squad who are amongst the best of a average/poor bunch. They are clearly better players than they have shown today, but don't take the point i made as if i was sticking up for them because i wasn't. I was picking them out for criticism more than anything.
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