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Everything posted by Leazes1986

  1. Team selection was awful so Roeder takes a lot of blame but the players definitely have to take some blame. Don't expect anything from Carr and Babayaro because they aren't good enough to give anymore than they actually do. They are both piss poor. Butt, Parker, Dyer and Martins are much better players than they shown today though.
  2. No, he hasn't, but until recently, over 60% of the people who were reading nufc-online.com thought he was actually the right man to turn things around. He was never the right man, but he's just a scapegoat while the guy whose responsibility is the greatest, Freddy Shepherd, gets away with all kinds of b***s**t. 100% SPOT ON.
  3. We have had loads of injuries but the scary thing is judging by todays team selection with all of the players we had fit, we might actually be in the bottom five now if we had everyone but Owen and Ameobi fit all season.
  4. Who do you have in mind? We were in a much better position when SBR was appointed. It was a good club with a bad manager. Now we are a bad club with a bad manager. I dont think we are a bad club now, Just have a very poor manager. We have some decent players but sadly a few poor ones. We have a good stadium and good training ground, FS love him or hate him but he does back the manager with money if the money is there. We have a very poor chairman. That is the reason we end up with poor managers. We have a few good players, a few decent players and quite a few poor players. Shepherd wastes OUR money backing poor managers who HE appointed.
  5. I thought Duff was one of our better players for a change today like. Thats not saying a lot though.
  6. What good manager would want to risk ruining their reputation by coming to work for the pie man?
  7. I've backed Roeder all the way and i like him and would love to see him make a success of the job but i can't defend him today. I was lost for words when i heard the team he picked. Was Moore injured? Why take Nobby off? Terrible team selection, terrible substitutions. The players have to take some of the blame but you can't make a turd shine and i'm afraid thats what Carr and Babayaro are but he picked them despite having everyone but Owen and Ameobi fit. To be fair to them i didn't think they were our worst players today. Dyer and Martins were piss poor.
  8. On a side note i was talking to the bloke who sits next to me and he was saying that Given done a talk in (i didn't ask when but i assume it was over the past few days) and he was asked what he thinks our best defence is and he said Carr, Taylor, Bramble and Babayaro.
  9. Is this some kind of joke? I'm English, i'd support England. It's the badge you're supposed to support.
  10. Take away Taylor and you could say that about absolutely loads of defenders. Doesn't mean we should buy them though.
  11. Why? On our budget, who can we get that are cheaper and better? (although admittedly I could possibly see Silvestre being Babayaro Mark II). I don't know what our budget is but i don't think they are great defenders at all tbh. Roeder has made it quite clear that he didn't want to bring in defenders last summer because he didn't think the ones available were good enough. Distin and Silvestre would just be stop gaps imo. We really need to sort our defence out once and for all. I don't rate Distin any better than a decent defender. We need a solid defence for once who can play together for years to come and be a solid unit.
  12. Glad he's ruled out Distin and Silvestre.
  13. The only one Roeder mentioned going out on loan for the season is Krul. It's probably more likely that Huntington might go out on loan for half a season, and Edgar for the other half. I would like to see Carroll loaned out for the season though. Only heard good things about him. He's only 18 isn't he? Maybe a season in League one then if he does the business hopefully someone in the Championship will take him for another year. Very positive stuff from that article though and i agree with Roeder.
  14. Why i ask? I know some of you don't have any faith in him whatsoever. I actually do and am prepared to give him another season. I didn't make this thread for an argument for or against Roeder though. This is more to do with Freddy Shepherd. Do any of you have faith in the fat man sacking him then actually appointing the right man and if you do on what basis? I certainly don't have any faith in him appointing the right manager whatsoever. How many managers are gonna look at the Newcastle job as an attractive job if Roeder was sacked after yet another manager was sacked in such a short space of time? The more managers we go through the less attractive the job gets. I can't see many managers who is in a job now wanting to leave their job where they are comfortable for this job where they know if they don't have us in the top 6 in the space of 12-18 months then they will probably be out of a job. The only kind of manager we are likely to be able to attract is one who isn't having the best of times at his own club and knows he has nothing to lose (remember Souness). The simple fact is we will never be able to attract a top manager now until we have some stability. Chopping and changing the manager all of the time isn't gonna give us that. Roeder was brought in to give us that but we need to give him another year at the least because even if he doesn't take us as high as where we want to be, it might be better for the club in the long run. This chairman cannot be trusted to sack another manager after such a short space of time and appoint the right man. Its all well and good people saying they don't want Roeder as manager but getting rid of him when theres nobody out there is just stupid. Thoughts?
  15. Fuck knows if this interview will really happen but its pointless people asking questions like some of them in the thread. As if the lads gonna ask him stuff like why don't you leave.
  16. The most annoying thing for me (which was obvious would happen anyway) is that everyone was in agreement that Fat Fred was the big problem and people started to voice what they thought of him, then as soon as the team started picking up a bit everyone shut up and forgot all about it. If we lose another couple of games then everyone will be in Shepherds back again. Why did people even get of his back in the first place?
  17. As much as i love Martins i would pick Rooney. He could go on to be an all time great he is that good. Martins has the potential to be one of the best strikers in the world if he works on his all around game, but Rooney has the ability to be one of the very best there has been. He doesn't get enough goals at the minute but he is such a clever player, and another key point is he has proven to have a good partnership alongside Owen.
  18. Leazes1986

    Eric Gates

    The show isn't half as good without Gatesy. Its a sad thing to say but if i could have picked one of them to leave out of the 3 of them then it wouldn't have been Malcolm.
  19. I bet the little fat twat still gets stick to this day for it. I've never went to watch Blyth Spartans like but he obviously lives locally and i don't think everyone will be forgiving with him.
  20. I was speechless for a minute there until i realised you were a Villa fan. He scored 2 past us in 1996 and played a massive part in us blowing the title and he seemed pretty happy about it as well the cunt.
  21. I would be lying if i said i held these two in high regard http://www.icons.com/images/merch/DHSP1new.jpg http://www.sporting-heroes.net/files_football/FENTON_Graham_19960817_SF_L.jpg
  22. http://www.nufc.com/2006-07images/mag214_cover.jpg Looks like the Chronicle printed parts of the interview the other day judging by the quote on the front of it like but it should be an interesting read. Haven't heard much from him for a while. Will definitely be buying (not that i don't buy it anyway like).
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