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Bad Mongo

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Everything posted by Bad Mongo

  1. This isn't about "jobs for the boys", it's about helping someone who actually needs help.
  2. Reminds me of that lawyer from The Simpsons. Hutz: Thank you, Dr. Hibbert. I rest my case. Judge: You rest your case? Hutz: What? Oh no, I thought that was just a figure of speech. CASE CLOSED.
  3. "a risk a professional footballer shouldn't be taking" -- it's almost as if their job in any way were important.
  4. Bad Mongo

    If Ashley...

    Forgiven? No. But I'd be willing to give him a second chance if he showed some ambition. It won't happen, though. [edit:] Of course, it wouldn't be his second chance, but something like his fifth after the Keegan debacle. Which says something about how much faith the fat git deserves.
  5. Bad Mongo

    Sports Direct

    Come to think of it, this is a good opportunity to make the name Sportsdirect synonymous with 'relegation' and 'second division', for those of you who enjoy a bit of adbusting.
  6. Bad Mongo

    Sports Direct

    I feel like interrupting the operations of a business is something that warrants the intervention of police forces. Not sure this a bright idea. It isn't. But how hard can it be to go shopping elsewhere? It's not as if Sportsdirect has a monopoly on Adidas. Just don't buy from them.
  7. I think Llambias should sew them himself, the useless twat.
  8. Bad Mongo

    Sports Direct

    I bet he sold the stadium naming rights to himself for almost nothing, so that he still can pretend he loses money running the club.
  9. This. No one remembers who won the final (it was France vs ?), but they do remember it being Zidane's last game.
  10. Thanks for that. Again, how and what evidence is there? See, it's like this: We had £10M in players who were sold. That's £10M of players out. The £10M in are nowhere to be found. They may have gone into wages or whatever, but those wages would normally have been paid anyway, so it's £10M out.
  11. But he took this money out of the club? Yes, he did.
  12. You know that poetry of yours is so bad that if I just scribble some lines like this it almost reminds me of Shakespeare.
  13. That's ridiculous, even by your standards. The problems that I predicted would happen in each game fucking happened. Not trying to blow my own trumpet, just point out that Hughton got it wrong when many of us not being paid X amount seeemingly got it right. Lovenkrands on the LW basically reduces you to ten men, it's blatant. Harewood is not a battering ram type striker and never will be. Today he was used as such and Lovenkrands was played on the LW and we predicably offered nowt going forward. So what? That doesn't mean everything would work out as planned with you as manager. There is no fact in what never happened.
  14. That's ridiculous, even by your standards.
  15. Really? The moaning after Souness got the job was far worse, and he lasted a long time, considering.
  16. Well, it would be reasonable to call you cunts when you disregard facts and important points just to keep on with your silly ramblings. IMO, of course.
  17. Sounds almost too petty and ridiculous doesn't it, hmmm... Then again, the PDF says it's not only about that one player.
  18. @ Dennis Wise recommending Youtube as a basis for player recruitment. He'd obviously never heard about Luque.
  19. 1) As long as Ashley is in charge, no money will be invested. 2) If the club owes Keegan money, it should cost less. Thus, if the club is sold and Ashley gets fleeced, everybody should be happy.
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