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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. No, just the old l'Equipe quotes. Thanks
  2. Was Caulkin's article saying anything new or different today?
  3. Kanji

    Shola Ameobi

    Happy for our big Sho then.
  4. If it wasn't for this board, I wouldn't be nearly as passionate and smitten over this club. Been following since Shearer signed from my folks' home in Tampa, FL and the strange love affair has grown each year exponentially. Relegation only made me more passionate about getting back to the premier league. Also very fortunate that Fox Soccer/Setanta USA, ESPN, & internet TV - etc has allowed me to follow as much as I can and want. But I'd be delusional if I didn't say that if it wasn't for this board and you all, I'd feel insanely disconnected from the club.
  5. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    Yep - he also hit the post/cross bar a few times, completely miss-kicked a few shots that should have been goals, missed a penalty etc. His movement was clever enough to get into the right places b/c he is a better all-around footballer than Cisse. Had he scored those goals he wouldn't have had 1 issue with playing out left - but I'm sure that was the easy thing to point to from his perspective.
  6. Everything from relegation to last season has been a hell of a ride. This year is like going back to the kiddy pool. We're not going to get relegated or anything, but it's just so safe and boring and unremarkable. I suppose I might get more excited once we hit the UEFA knockout stages. This. Last season was such a ridiculous high. This season has been painful - the best for me was opening day at Legends Pub in NYC watching with some 50+ fellow supporters and the place going mental for Ba and HBA's goals.
  7. Sammy is going to be a fantastic footballer for us. He has that unpredictability that is generally coached out of youngsters these days in England. Pards and the staff will have already identified that Sammy's style is not to dissimilar to HBA in that they are tremendously talented at running at defenders and causing havoc with their dribbling. It will only be another reason to NOT coach that out of Sammy and make him something he's not, ala his brother Shola or a typical "English-winger"
  8. Andy? Meh...sure for right fee. Nobby Nolan as a coach? sure.
  9. He still looks genuinely afraid that his body will give way in a match and he'll be hurt. He'll get over it when he gets match time.
  10. He look instantly more comfortable doing everything he was doing the rest of the match - and that goes for dribbling, passing, etc. Him scoring was the best thing that could have happened to him as it was something that went right for the team (in terms of the goal) and something big for him to see results from his effort and hard work.
  11. Zanetti is a fucking legend. That pic though been laughing for minutes now
  12. I want nothing more than to Argentina to line up against Uruguay in their next competitive match and would just love the Argies to take the abs. piss out of Suarez. What a twat of a footballer.
  13. I have the utmost respect for the man, but he really, truly needs to be on the bench - he's a hard working guy who gives us his all, but he's been very poor
  14. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    This exactly. And the crosses that do come his way are terrible bar the ones we've seen Fergie supply him.
  15. His GQ comment was funny, nice read
  16. Kanji


    That advert graphic looks cool as fuck
  17. He's not a kid like. I think he's about 22 so if he was good enough he'd be at least getting some EL time. Clearly he showed some life in preseason but he has taken some time to adjust. Bigi, though younger and getting games now, came from the Championship. Romain, older, had 2 seasons in Ligue 2 in France. The step-up obviously has taken some time, maybe longer/shorter than some thought. Hopefully he'll continue to work hard and we'll see him in the EL and eventually the PL with some time.
  18. Wasn't Amalfitano always one for the future?
  19. Hate this fixture at Anfield b/c I know how much better we play them at our ground, but as soon as we head to over there, we forget how to play football and Gerrard scores 2 and the press w*** themselves silly that mighty Liverpool are a top side.
  20. Feel like that needs to be a "fuck yeah!" smiley :colo:
  21. x2 I'm proud that he wears our shirt and plays for our club. Proper player & proper pro.
  22. Kanji

    Shola Ameobi

    this thread title change is class
  23. Kanji

    Yohan Cabaye retires

    They've been awful since we got promoted tbf. Plumbed new depths this year, at least 30% hit the first man. I keep scoring from corners swept into the near post (Colo mainly) on FIFA, and I keep thinking why on earth can't we have a man on the near post for flick ons? IMO Williamson should be there for every corner. You watch our players during corners, and they're ALL faffing about dead center in the penalty area, with hardly any movement. Ridiculous. Been saying the same thing, if we keep hitting first man then we surely should have someone playing near post to at least contend too! I've posted this same thing too, think in willo thread
  24. When there is a flick and a bouncing ball in the box, I'm more confident in Demba than anyone to bury it in the back of the net. His ability to hit those are fucking incredible.
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