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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. I can count numerous, numerous times that Bassong has saved our team with what you are referring to in your final paragraph HTT. Colo will come good, it will take time - but he will fix those errors in his game.
  2. when we signed Colo and had Taylor along side of him, I was hoping we would put Faye as DM in place for Butt allowing Barton or Guthrie to play with him the center. Thought that would have been a solid move...oh well
  3. Carroll is a loser. If he scores tomorrow, then I won't give a rats arsse about his hair.
  4. Maroon and blue hoops for the away... somebody posted earlier they heard the new kit was a beaut....anymore info from your contact?
  5. wish a kitmaker for PES would make the kit for us to use
  6. Kanji

    Beye Injury - Update

    when a man's leg is broken, fractured etc with a tackle, the f'ng review panel needs to suspend the man who made the challenge, obviously a clean tackle wouldnt involve a fractured bone.... but we all know if any of our lot made the tackle, it would be all over the papers and they'd get a ban somehow.
  7. Kanji

    New shirt

    yeah looking forward to hearng about it as well as new sponsers. Really liked northern rock but will welcome new sponsership and the cash injection. Cashley would be stupid to stick sports direct on the kits ESP with the ability to get some cash out of the deal. Anyone want to start having a go at mockups?
  8. Aye and what bullshit that is. The science of hoofing the ball forward is what that t*** stands for. While his mates in the press are bumming him, the poor Blackburn fans are going to suffer his anti-football. Good luck lads, you'll need it. you know only good footballers raise their heartbeat levels to the fat-sam level in order to get a place in the starting 11...
  9. heart monitors and prozone talk as well as his 76 staff of analysts, massuers, and other positions will be touted in the papers and on blackburn forums now
  10. wake up and check this board and the other media outlets everyday to just see if he signed or not. ill be the happiest man in florida if he does...the man is a class act and appears to be a true man who plays the game and doesn't let the money get to him. my heart says he will stay, my mind says he won't....
  11. anyone want to have a go at what owen was saying whilst celebrating? haha. always wondered with him....
  12. such a small club with so many reporters trying to nab headlines and report every peice of news coming out of the club... idiot, simon jordan.
  13. What kills me is when I played in high school we were trained to cover space from day 1. We had an attacking Center Back who would roam the pitch on attacks b/c he had a cannon shot and could pass the ball anywhere on the pitch...when he went forward our defense would shift and one of the 2 CM's would hang back or myself and the other winger would drop back into the LB or RB as the line would shift. It worked very well. When he wasn't given licensed to roam, Myself and the other Winger were given duties to roam the pitch and switch sides throughout the game, and we had our CM's covering. It was covered in training at beginning of season and halfway through it was already stuck in the back our minds, our subs would be ready and able to fill correctly. How professional players seem to miss minor things like this kills me....
  14. Kanji


    nice to see him apologize...
  15. shocker in the last 10 mins. he's been doing well prior to that. cacapa is a waste. he looks like a man having a nightmare that won't end. bassong on for him or geremi at right back and move beye inside.
  16. Kanji


    average player? average players don't have a rocket shot or pace to destroy teams...or a leap to get above the tallest of defenders. average player is your frasier campbell. nothing special. martins is a special flair player. he has a few attributes that nobody can match. the only thing he lacks is tactical awareness. see: michael owen. you put owen's brain in martins talent and you have one of the best strikers in the world. Kaka: spot on about after he scores - his confidence skyrockets and looks unplayable at times.
  17. I love how a player can get THROWN TO THE GROUND and in football, grabbing another man's nose is a more harsh penalty. In everyday life if someone was to grab/tap my nose i'd be less angry than getting thrown to the f**king ground. I see people go in 2 foot challenges but when Barton does it - he hasn't learned a thing? Minus that training ground incident, can anyone tell me when hes gone and been a thug on the pitch? just curious - b/c maybe I am wrong. But ive seen Stevie Gerrard do 2 foot lunges every season and thats just a tough tackle. Im looking at Sir Les with some of his comments about Barton after the match...
  18. I havent been excited watching someopne bomb down the line at the opposition in a long time... He looks much more comfortable on the left, however - wherever he plays - ill be happy hes on the pitch.
  19. The problem is the individuals involved. Look at Man Utd, they have the ultimate Director of Football in Alex Ferguson, he picks and chooses who he wants in the key positions and then strategically runs the club. He will be involved in appointing his successor and said successor will be integrated into the club fabric before Fergie says his final goodbye. Where Spurs and we went wrong was appointing a DoF with no real history in football in terms of the directives of the role they were fulfilling. Its no surprise that when you have a DoF like Comolli dictating the role to a manger such as Jol or Ramos who have more experience than the DoF could dream of that it would fail. Now put SBR (five years ago) in a DoF role above someone like Shearer or even Keegan then it may well of worked. Same in any job, you would not appoint me (a 28 yr old) in a position where I get to dictate to a 50 year old MD what he is to do Excellent post. There are load of jobs out there where the younger is in charge of some older ones. Look at many accounting/fnancial industries....It all depends on the working relationship, synergy, philosophy...w/e the f**k you want to call it.
  20. merlin is spot on about due diligence. i was involved with due diligance when the company i worked for sold. basically we provided EVERY SINGLE document relating to our assets....so detailed that we had to provide agreements withing everything...hell even ones involved with our assets' COPY MACHINES AND COMPUTERS! So due diligence can take 2 days or 3 years. it all depends on how much detail the seller and the buyer are requesting and what they can agree on. I'd like to think our books are clean...ashley would have had his crew clean it up and make them proper accounts - any businessman would start there I would think. So...yah.
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