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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. His GQ comment was funny, nice read
  2. Kanji


    That advert graphic looks cool as fuck
  3. He's not a kid like. I think he's about 22 so if he was good enough he'd be at least getting some EL time. Clearly he showed some life in preseason but he has taken some time to adjust. Bigi, though younger and getting games now, came from the Championship. Romain, older, had 2 seasons in Ligue 2 in France. The step-up obviously has taken some time, maybe longer/shorter than some thought. Hopefully he'll continue to work hard and we'll see him in the EL and eventually the PL with some time.
  4. Wasn't Amalfitano always one for the future?
  5. Hate this fixture at Anfield b/c I know how much better we play them at our ground, but as soon as we head to over there, we forget how to play football and Gerrard scores 2 and the press w*** themselves silly that mighty Liverpool are a top side.
  6. Feel like that needs to be a "fuck yeah!" smiley :colo:
  7. x2 I'm proud that he wears our shirt and plays for our club. Proper player & proper pro.
  8. Kanji

    Shola Ameobi

    this thread title change is class
  9. They've been awful since we got promoted tbf. Plumbed new depths this year, at least 30% hit the first man. I keep scoring from corners swept into the near post (Colo mainly) on FIFA, and I keep thinking why on earth can't we have a man on the near post for flick ons? IMO Williamson should be there for every corner. You watch our players during corners, and they're ALL faffing about dead center in the penalty area, with hardly any movement. Ridiculous. Been saying the same thing, if we keep hitting first man then we surely should have someone playing near post to at least contend too! I've posted this same thing too, think in willo thread
  10. When there is a flick and a bouncing ball in the box, I'm more confident in Demba than anyone to bury it in the back of the net. His ability to hit those are fucking incredible.
  11. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    Someone mentioned earlier in a different thread or post that we could do with playing our first choice against a weaker Europa league side and just go for the jugular quick and easy. Think it would do a Cisse/Ba a load of good with playing as a partnership and just dominating and trashing a squad for the mental psyche.
  12. Arlo is mental All rings good to me, says all the right things and with the money they are spending it will have to be broadcasted and marketed well to justify the outlay. Great to see big money investment by a mainstream provider like NBC to continue giving us access to the premiership The Premiership has come a massively long way over here man, wow.
  13. Kanji

    Obafemi Martins

    It worked most times, just not against Arsenal... Or Everton. It did against Reading though and that was one of my favorite games as a fan, with one of my favorite goals ive ever seen live (Emre ) That Emre goal can still be viewed on everyone's favorite internet video site and its a peach of a goal, commentary and of course our stadium erupting. Martins I loved him at times, was such a mentalist it wasn't even funny. His solo effort at home in the Waffa versus AZ was something else. His goal versus Boro in the relegation season nearly brought me to tears as well - but yeah, thick footballer who had no idea how to use his own raw talent.
  14. Ah right. Or THAT move where he passed the ball to Sammy who wasn't looking then held his hands up like WTF.
  15. 3 moments of the match summed him up for me... 1) Jonas played him a through ball on the left wing and there was a good chance he could have full sprinted and crossed if he slid for it - instead, he stopped running. 2) THAT 100mph cross that hit Cisse when all he had to do was drive it to him for a simple header 3) Cisse chased down Ridgewell in the box and Obertan just sat and watched Cisse when he could have helped close him down He looked like a fucking coward out there today. "Crowd gets on him so it hurts his performance" crap that we hear is some of the worst excuses I've ever heard for a player clearly unable to handle this league. The amount of times he was not on the same page as the rest of the squad is mind boggling given that he's not a new signing and has played this same role for quite some time.
  16. He is by far the most frustrating player to watch given he has the mental stability of a child. My goodness.
  17. Kanji

    Papiss Cissé

    :lol: Beren man get in
  18. Shocked by this news but as long as we get same access to nearly all the matches in HD and an online access to see the rest I'll have no problem with this. Perhaps NBC takes the top match or 2, NBC Sports and MSNBC take the fill? Wait and see, but if they are dropping a shed load of cash then they'll no doubt be hyping it up and making sure they provide a better experience to espn and fox (I hope). Hopefully Warren Barton remains in a job and maybe he'll jump to NBC? I love having him support us on TV here.
  19. Semtex, you're the man thank you!
  20. Perch, Nolan, Coloccini & R.Taylor disagree. Enrique and Best too. Ryan Taylor is still the same player he was when he joined tbh. Solid, versatile professional with the penchant for the spectacular but generally an average footballer. He's just been around long enough to score his quota of screamers and put himself into folklore with THAT goal. all around Amazes me how quickly people judge a young player who has yet to find his stride, in a team that has been stuttering along this campaign, and for a manager who is still trying to get right system, formation, and tactics right for this squad.
  21. Roughly 10 matches is the correct length of time one should pass judgement on a player who plays for NUFC.
  22. He'll be an excellent player for us soon, I'm still confident of that.
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