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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. I'd like to see Anita use his pace a little more, he seems to try and hit a pass earlier than he needs to when he has loads of space in front of him to carry the ball into. He's a very tidy player who will become an excellent one here in time in my opinion - he has the legs to get up and down the pitch.
  2. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    I thought Perch/Bigi starting was not the right way to go. I thought Anita at RB would have been better but I assume Pards has noticed that Anita is obviously not as strong in the air as Perch. Would have liked to see Anita's quickness and pace in the centre with Tiote, even thought I was very impressed with Bigi's performance.
  3. I've always thought there were times he just played brilliantly for us. I thought his Spurs performance was top notch. But if I am honest, he needs a sitting. I'd even consider playing Anita there or even wide just for the fact that he has a decent cross, can cover defensively and has some excellent pace - if we were to do 4 man midfield or 3 man midfield in an out of a match, Anita seems to have the stamina to get up and down the pitch very well.
  4. Kanji

    St James' Park

    Glad kits are now 1 season wonders now!
  5. He's playing out of his skin again. Thank fuck for him.
  6. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Hatem chasing local fanny? Brilliant. Now I want to hear his joke....
  7. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Personal trainer/fitness coach. Tons of pro athletes have them all over the world. And probably that footage was taken before the Euros to keep fit or when he got back from the Euros and had time off maybe?
  8. The kid is hilarious on the nufc tv vids, always smiling and joking around - seems a very likeable kid who is very grounded. He, Bigi, and Haris are fucking smiling all the time, great to see.
  9. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    would welcome someone who knows french to give a summary of some that.... watched a 20 minute video that was in french with the only english being Pards few lines in it. I'm going mad.
  10. Kanji

    Joey Barton

    trollmaster at it again
  11. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    He's totally doing that tonight on the town Glad for the man, shocked as hell to be honest but I really am proud that he is our boss and happy for him, the staff, and their respective families too
  12. Love seeing him just attack and take on the full-back no nonsense. No silly step-overs and running into his man like we see from Ober
  13. Looks like a man who still doesn't trust his own body if im honest. He seemed much more direct in his attacking last season. It will take time, but hopefully he gets back to his style of play soon
  14. Kanji

    Dan Gosling

    Gets into the right positions but his final decision to either pass or shoot are the difference of him actually being a useful player or not. We are really missing Guthrie imo.
  15. Saw the 2nd half more so than first, Gosling gets into the right positions but his decision making is really gash when it needs to happen. Thought Ferguson, Tav, Bigi looked great and f*** it, I think we may have our Papisto back. I applaud the effort of both Obertan and Gosling, I really do. They do look like they work their socks off, but fact of the matter is, they aren't good enough.
  16. You think back to the way he played last season at Chelsea which for me was one of his best performances in our shirt. He physically beasted the entire midfield, he also took the absolute piss out of them at times which I've mentioned here before where he was riding challenges, beating a man very easily and playing a killer ball in attack. I agree with you mattyp in that I bet there isn't a player in this league who wants to play against him when he's out there. He is as essential to our team as HBA, Krul and Colo are in terms of first names on the starting 11, even though we've somewhat managed with some out.
  17. Kanji

    Alan Pardew

    Tiote Anita and Cabaye does sound tits, but not if it means Perch at right back... Would rather see Perchinho alongside tiote in midfield and Anita on the side. Never thought I'd want to see Simpson back, but Perch seems completely lost on the flank. Quality player at DMF/CB mind, but he has been exposed badly at RB this season. Hm, begs a question. Simpson RB with Anita/Cabs/Tiote in midfield or Anita RB with Tiote/Jonas/Cabs in midfield or Anita RB with Tiote/Perch/Cabs ... ooo the options.
  18. Kanji

    Shola Ameobi

    You're welcome. top work Like many of us have said all along - look at how much of a different build & style he had. Imagine had he not had all of those injuries and bulked up like a tank. Some of his early goals were outstanding if im honest it looks like the last 2 years he's really gotten much bigger. Watching through this again, his Champions League and Uefa Cup goals were troll-tastic. His Mackem slaying too goals of course...His 46 and 50 PKs, 51-53 in the Championship hat-trick, the 2 vs the Mackems in 2010, and of course 71 and 72
  19. Kanji

    James Perch

    Definitely. Wouldn't sell unless we get silly, silly money. Essential member of the squad and should be our backup holding midfielder to Tiote for the foreseeable future. I think Anita is better off playing at RB and playing in a Jonas carrier role as he's got the mobility and quick feet for it vs. Playing the holding role which will take time for him to adapt to, if that is where he ends up playing later on.
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