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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Tiote pulls his shorts up and is wearing a scarf. Hatem in full pants, jacket and beanie, and then you have Campbell weathers it like he's hard as nails.
  2. I still hope we somehow find a way to sign him AND a CB.
  3. I like to think that Anita will take some time to develop but will really come into his own and be an excellent starting 11 player for us soon. I think he just needs to put in the displays to displace Jonas in the team, and he needs to start doing it in matches like the Europa league and really be the driving player for us. When he was in midfield earlier in the season he was dropping back and collecting and playing the ball on the deck. Also the Ramires analogy is exactly what I was thinking as well. Spot on.
  4. What I don't understand is why he doesn't just HIT the f***ing ball with pace into the box and that his high-floating crosses don't do a damn thing because it allows defenders/keepers time to react and get positioned for it (on top of the cross being poorly aimed to boot). If his accuracy on crossing was so poor, the easiest solution in my book is to tell him to drive the ball with pace early and into space. I'm sure our staff have instructed him on this...i hope, it just must not click for him in matches?
  5. If we continue hitting the first man, perhaps we should have someone near the first man to either challenge or flick back...
  6. Seemed a bit nervy with crosses as hes a tiny fella who could get destroyed trying to clear. But I really like his pace going forward and his passing.
  7. Honestly, Colo is far the superior player. Evidenced by last season, evidenced by yesterday. Simply a joy to watch and proud to have him not only in our colors, but also as our club captain.
  8. The Demba we all remembered last season. Was gutted he didn't bury that volley mind you - looked difficult as fuck.
  9. Kanji

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Seemed like he lost his mind after the send-off and looked well pissed off the rest of the match, getting in more tussles than I've ever seen him get into as well. Could tell he absolutely despised playing the Scum and wanted nothing more than to massacre them
  10. Kanji

    Shola Ameobi

    It was 100% Ba. This. Shola was at the back post and put his hands in the air immediately after the goal and looked up to the sky.
  11. Jonas has looked knackered all season bar the opener vs. Spurs
  12. Those claiming its a red need to have a word with themselves. Reputation card 100%. Had Demba Ba done the exact same thing it would have been a yellow. Had Jonas done that, it would have been a yellow. I've played football and watched it my whole life and that was clearly not a red card man. Every single time I've seen the replay it looks less and less one.
  13. Sour taste in my mouth. Down to 10 for 65 minutes and unlucky honestly with that Ba Own goal. Wish he buried that one in the first half. Atkinson can fuck right off by the way.
  14. Whatever happened to us always having a backup of white shorts and socks? We've worn that when we played over there for a few seasons, no? Only think we haven't when Dabizas hit that header. 96/97 as well. Strange we don't have the white alts for this....
  15. Whatever happened to us always having a backup of white shorts and socks? We've worn that when we played over there for a few seasons, no? Only think we haven't when Dabizas hit that header.
  16. Kanji

    Epic NUFC photos

    The view in the background looks class
  17. Nil-Nil until Shola comes on who puts in 3. 1 bullet header, 1 left footed thunderbolt (ie: Spurs (H) last season) and a jumping powerbomb volley (ie: 5-1 from 2 seasons ago) That would be fucking mint.
  18. Kanji

    St James' Park

    Even if we just extended the Gallowgate it looks fucking mint.
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