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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Tall, RB, Knee surgery, sounds about right. (Delaney, obviously.. before someones says wtf you on about?)
  2. Is that not just some gimp sat in his bedroom eating Doritos and masturbating that updates that thing though? Hey, I resent that, I've never editted Wiki nufcblog in my life!
  3. I like the look of that, almost a completely new team.
  4. In that case I don't know, or understand, why you felt the need to say: They did meet according to the media, so what? I meet my boss every single day of my working life unless one of us is on holiday. The so what? is answered by my feeling that Sam will be more informed now. Which is good news along with Mort's latest comments. We agree about Mort's comments yes?
  5. They did meet according to the media, so what? I meet my boss every single day of my working life unless one of us is on holiday. Hmm, I was actually replying to a post of Baggio's. More specifically his last paragraph. In the meantime three other posts arrvive making it look, perhaps, as though I was replying to you. BAGGIO: Have I been on the wind up? I suppose I have in a way but I was (and still am) genuinely worried about going into the season without the players we need, as I've said we heard it all last summer how we'd get the players in we need but ended up with the likes of Bernard at the last minute, I've got alot more faith in Allardyce but there's still a question mark over Mort and his ability to deliver, Sam's comments haven't helped the situation either if I'm being honest. And then me: I think there has been a lack of communication with Allardyce too, though he will have known more than us. But didn't they just meet again for talks two or three days ago. Hopefully Sam is more relaxed now, as we should be also. I see I'll have to use [ quote ] more often.
  6. I think there has been a lack of communication with Allardyce too, though he will have known more than us. But didn't they just meet again for talks two or three days ago. Hopefully Sam is more relaxed now, as we should be also.
  7. Great to hear those comments, getting the foundations right is what builds a strong house. Interesting about the debt, suggests there was stuff hidden from general public knowledge, though not surprising. Everyone should take heart from reading that, very uplifting. Oh, and I should add. "You'd be amazed at the quality of player that wants to sign for us." That might finally be coming true over the next couple of years.
  8. I had a feeling it might be Everton he has agreed to join when I woke up this morning, this thread is certainly funny if Smith is not coming near us.
  9. If it is Smith I think he'll prove to be a valuable addition to the squad. Surprised at the amount of negativity from some people which seems more prejudice than reason. Doubt you'll see Smiths head dropping in a game and starting to walk dejectedly round the pitch like Dyer did on occasion. Nor will he fall asleep on the goal line defending a corner. I'm sure he will contribute more to the team results over a season than Dyer ever did.
  10. The new regime will have a more relaxed view I think, or they should do as in my opinion it's in their interests to generate as much publicity/enthusiasm for the club as possible. These streams are the most contentious but the quality is so poor that only the financially challenged choose that option. Anyone who can afford it will already be signed up to their chosen provider such as Sky or Setanta. Football has been priced out of the range of some people. To try and deny them any access to images and or poor quality clips of action is self-defeating. They should encourage it. One site I know that specialises in providing links to streams are of the opinion that links are definitely not illegal anyway. It's just a signpost. Hardcore media barons may view that differently and I don't expect this site to change it's stance without some advice but it is something that should perhaps be brought up at the upcoming fan representatives and board meeting. In a way that is as coherent and appealing as possible.
  11. If the powers that be, the new board, recognise the psychological effect a noisy passionate support can have on both the opposition and the home team then they would do their utmost to try and improve the situation. The current ground at times can seem almost passionless compared to times in the past and I'm quite sure the periods of almost total silence are even more disconcerting to the players than when a few boos ring out. As with anything there is no one factor that causes a problem or forms a solution. But exciting football coupled with dedicated singing sections (standing?) in lower tiers of the ground would go along way to improving the situation.
  12. If he's on 60k a week now how much will it cost us to 'buy' that clause?
  13. .....Dyer has been found to have thrown eggs at his own house in an effort to justify his exit from Newcastle United Football Club, the facts came to light when it was discovered he had enlisted the help of Nigerian striker Obafemi Martins. Apparently a car backfire startled the Nigerian and he took of down the road dropping eggs as he went. Police followed the trail of yolks and Obafemi felt obliged to admit to his part in the affair....
  14. That's true, they should learn to communicate together without using the media. FYP.
  15. That's true, they should learn to communicate without the media. Nobodys saying that Mick, however if you're going to come out and say "I'll get the quantity but I'm not sure about the quality" then you've got to expect fans to be worried about the players coming in. Perhaps people have been spoilt by all of the cash spent by the old board? The bold bit was the strangest thing to say. It sent out all the wrong vibes - including to the players he will be signing assuming they hear/read about them. Quite bizzare.
  16. Just read the article and I think it's garbage they've cut and pasted from another source, forgetting to delete the Zoggy bits. Only quotes are regarding the Korean.
  17. I remember hoping Souness would be hauled up on assault charges at the time, Bellamy was, or could be, an odious little gob at times but he brought a lot to the team and getting rid due to a purely personal clash was, for me, the height of Souness's ineptitude. There was quite a few rumours regarding Shearers position in the whole thing, (backing Souness and disliking Bellamy), but if he couldn't see how much Bellamy contributed to his own declining game and the team as a whole then I have doubts he'll ever make it as a manager anywhere outside the lower leagues.
  18. If that's nailed on does it also mean Dyer is gone I wonder.
  19. I like to be as optimistic as the next guy, but an injury to Taylor or Rozenhal quickly makes it all look a bit bleak - despite all the other ticks a decent defence is still missing. We can most likely tick it next week or 10 days though.
  20. Loads of people would have taken it the wrong way, never mind they can all start quoting me on other message boards across the country and we'll see which paper runs with the exclusive first.
  21. So he's resigning then? (damn, that was a quick deletion!)
  22. Be nice to see Mort take out some legal issue with the Independent if this is an utter fabrication. Trouble is when papers do issue apologies and retractions hardly anyone ever notices them buried on page 34 or wherever, but the main story always sticks in their minds.
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