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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. They seem to have had a fair few shots in relation to us, even if they're not testing Harper too much so far they're making chances.
  2. Didn't think Beye would play, he'll get to watch a couple more games yet, maybe play in the cup though.
  3. Amen, I'd like 5.. at least. edit: From the top 4 games I mean, not Derby and Bolton, that's 6 already
  4. When did SA brand Martins a squad player? I must of missed that, any link to quotes? Anyway, to answer the question.. I'd like to see Smith and Owen a few times together.. but Howaythelads pretty much answered the question with his assessment of 'One of Owens/Martins with one of Smith/Viduka'. I believe Martins and Owen could be coached into a good partnership, and they'd also gel better by playing together, but as it is Martins is too immobile*. He needs to learn to be looking for space all the time, the more he moves the more he'll pull defenders with him but now and again he'll get clear. And the times he pulls a defender with him all the more space for Owen, and vice versa. With the right midfield, playing football and not skyball, they could be very decent. Injuries may one day force Allardyces hand, otherwise we're unlikely to see it much. *I'm basing this assessment mostly on last season as I haven't really seen him play this one.
  5. I know what you're saying, but that would be even worse than a tad concerning.. Pretty sure SA wouldn't do that?
  6. Portsmouth have 6 pts from 6 games, not too good a return some might say but they have played last seasons top four once already. They're going to be pushing Liverpool for one of the Euro spots (along with us with a bit of luck) imo.
  7. If we are lucky it will be something like 7-0. If it's 2-2 I'd say that was shit out of luck personally.
  8. I recall a time, not so many years ago, when commentaters and pundits alike enthused about the amount of quality on Newcastles bench.
  9. My worry is that caution from Sam, making sure we don't concede, leads to another draw when the goals don't come at the other end. On the other hand we might set about it the way we did at Bolton, I certainly hope so. A win will put us into third, as the table stands now, a place I'm sure we'd all be very happy with.
  10. Mr Logic


    I find it so uplifting to read people talking abut our players positively and saying how it could be rather than all the negative comments like: Not good enough. Get rid. Useless. etc. He may still struggle a bit in the premiership sometimes, with people closing him down quicker, but he has a lot to offer. Not least in terms of link-up play and creativity.
  11. A few column inches by one A. Oliver and half the board are at each others throats. Same thing happens at every club in the country up and down the land, he'll sign an improved offer and end of.
  12. Well the title hints at the fact any RB would have been given a rapturous reception because he wasn't Carr.
  13. On the subject of flair players I realise no-one would categorize Barton as such, but he is the sort of player that can make things happen. Once he's fit and firing on all cylinders he'll bring a lot more to the team than Dyer ever did imo, albeit lacking the extra pace of Dyer.
  14. 1. Chelsea 2. Man Utd 3. Liverpool 4. Arsenal 5. Newcastle 6. Everton 7. Blackburn 8. Man City 9. Tottenham 10. A. Villa 11. West Ham 12. Portsmouth 13. Reading 14. Wigan 15. Birmingham 16. Middlesbro 17. Sunderland 18. Bolton 19. Fulham 20. Derby That middle section, from 12 - 5 was so hard to call, can I edit it at Xmas?
  15. I think that's a very good idea, especially to some of the Asian languages. Korean, Chinese, Thai etc. There is a huge market over there and to make the site accessible to them would/could be of enormous benefit.
  16. A current BBC article about Brooking I think Brooking doesn't help the future of England anyway, considering it's supposed to be his brief. That is if memory serves me right anyway. Didn't he want to introduce all these set procedures for coaching. My memory is a bit foggy now but I seem to recall he had all these ideas which, taken on their own may have been quite good, but as a whole it was just turning the training into a production line. Removing all the potential for creativity and real skills, turning them into 'soldiers' rather than thinking adaptable footballers.
  17. Wrong emotional value for a pre-match song irrespective of meaning. It sounds like the song you want to listen to after 5 pints of Magners and your lass is in your arms, sun setting over the lake etc. etc.
  18. Move heaven and earth to sign Kerlon Moura Souza, every TV station in Europe will be falling over themselves to film our matches, shirt sales with his name on will reach astronomic proportions. Properly handled he could earn more revenue than Beckham once he's a 'face' on the TV. He will provide more entertainment in 20 minutes than two current 90m games, and on top of that he'll create goal chances out of nothing. The only way they'll stop him is to change the rules of football.
  19. I know we've only had 4 games but I am already getting a tad concerned about Sam's apparent high regard for Smith. We'll know more when Barton is back.
  20. His best position is forward, and as such that makes him about 4th choice. I don't think he should play anywhere else except in an absolute emergency.
  21. If Smith is not playing as a forward I don't think he should even be on the pitch, waste of a space that we could find a better player for.
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