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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. 3 ex-Newcastle managers failures back in work in a 24hr period of utter madness.
  2. Just seen this, fucking Carver. Bad enough Pardew getting another PL gig. What are the odds Carver gets the gig when Pardew is inevitably sacked. Zero, no-one else would be as thick as Ashley surely.
  3. Impossible to say if they'd be a good owner but I'll go out on a limb and say they'll be better. (Obstinatley ignoring the fact I thought anyone would be better than Shepherd and after SJH withdrew his entusiam and consolidated).
  4. Pure speculation here... If, and its a fucking big IF, there are/were relegation clauses worded in to the bid somehow I think it is only being used as a jostling tactic to a more attractive but fundamentally similar offer. The first question to ask is where is all this info coming from, does it all just boil down to twitter rumours being picked up in a 2017 version of Chinese Whispers? Fair enough for the news to leak out that a bid has been tabled, but to then get into the forensics of clauses within said bid - I'd take all that with a heavy dose of salt. If the bid for cash was around the 270/280m mark it is basically offering Ashley his money back (including the loan) and ignoring the benefit his other business dealings have enjoyed through 10 years of association. One which he isn't going to accept because he will want some kind of compensation for that loss of assosciation. Not rational in a logical sense perhaps but probably very valid in a business sense. The possible 350m bid of 200m now plus 3 x 50m installments is an attractive offer, (if you remove the relegation clause). He won't accept that one because of the potential unknowns, inserted clauses. So you go back with a bid of, say, 310m and what looks like an olive branch of, say, 50% reduced advertsing space for the next two years. Now he has less to baulk at, and if he truly understands what happens to the club should he not sell it becomes even more attractive. He makes a (small) profit and gets, an albeit reduced, continued exposure for a set period. My only fear is he is such an egotistical psycho, he'll hate to be perceived as being the victim in a game of 'oneupmanship', that he cuts his nose off to spite his face and we spend the forseeable future staring up at the Premiership from the lower leagues. What's probably important to him is that the deal looks like he did well, even if ultimately the news comes out later that it wasn't as good as it was made to appear. By then the meme is out that Ashley did well and not many will be paying attention to the actual fine details.
  5. dunno if he said it, don’t care. Love him, the fucking asshole that he is. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QC6BiXAvfUg I'm kind of in the love/hate camp, a morbid fascination if you like.
  6. Mr Logic

    Jacob Murphy

    If you accept that football fans are, generally, morons, it becomes much less astonishing.
  7. So we got beat by ManU, most expected it anyway. I'm not pissed off the way I was following each and every 1-0 loss this season, esp Bournemouth because on another day we might have been 3-0 up at half-time there. Onward we go.
  8. Missed that. What happened? Shelvey asked/told him to tuck in more and Ritchie looked like he got the hump.
  9. Wondered if it would be Ritchie off after he argued with Shelvey.
  10. Martial's arm was on Yedlin's shoulder for the first like, Yedlin just couldn't get up.
  11. Some half that despite the half-time score, think I'm sweating as much as the players. Elliot's not good enough, as if we didn't know. Mitro for Joselu second half please. Imagine if we'd gone at Huddersfield, Brighton, Burnley etc the way we started this match.
  12. It seems to be more than just the risk of a red. Shelvey can be a risk of a red too but he plays, brings more to the game I guess.
  13. Just a reminder.. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2016/nov/02/danny-ings-liverpool-injured-rest-of-season
  14. A snippet from a Chris Waugh piece in the Chronic.. Who here thinks they were booing the team? I was sure it was at the goddamn awful officiating.
  15. http://www.espnfc.com/story/3256954/leicester-boss-claude-puel-hints-he-is-open-to-hatem-ben-arfa-reunion Speculation linking him with Leicester/Puel
  16. From the Chronic website, lazilly re-formatted for legibility
  17. All correct! I’ve had several messages off him today and I’m already calling the fine lady we were talking about ‘Queen Amanda’! I don’t want to tempt fate and you never know with the fat w***** in charge but I think we are in for a rather splendid January!
  18. I think after half a century without a meaningful trophy we could be allowed some leeway when it comes to buying some success. Yes, I just cannot believe it is 48 years since my first year (as a kid) having enough money to go to most of the games. 1969 was my first year, and as my own School Report once said . . "a good start, but must try harder" . . . http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showpost.php?p=55836819&postcount=942 I'd actually still be very uncomfortable with a Man City solution to success, I don't know if that makes me a purist or some such thing but I'd prefer to shock people - a bit like Leicester did (though not immediately fade away after). If we are sold and Rafa stays it can work either way, buy it, or do it through team work. You probably only need a 20-30% increase in player ability in half the squad, the ones we'd not shed a tear to lose anyway, and you can be sure Rafa is making top 6 every year provided he's still buying the hungry genuine characters. It would be hard for me to feel attachment for, say, Aguero the way I feel it for Shelvey, Merino, Shearer, Lee, Lascelles etc. Money changes everything but I still believe you only need everything to be run correctly with a view to success, everbody with the same vision, in order to produce someting special. It was '73 I went to my first match. Pretty sure Tommy Gibb was still there, positive Frank Clark and Iain McFaul still were. Davey Craig too? Incidentally, as a complete aside, I was wondering about a football song the other day, and if it referenced a player or it was just some tune football fans sang... "Aye, aye, aye-aye somebody pinched my sombrero, the dirty twats, they've pissed in my hat, and now I've got nothing to wear-o, wear-o, wear-o."
  19. And you get the sense that the players just knuckle under and work even harder, no-one ever kicks his toys out. Look at Mitro, he's still delighted when the team win., wants to play and prove himself. Man, can you believe it, we have a TEAM, all thank to Rafa; and despite the fat controller.
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