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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Have to say I want to see Shelvey and Merino together also. Shelvey had clearly been instructed to get up the pitch where ever possible and the two of them worked well in swapping positions, with Merino dropping into the deeper role as soon as Shelvey got forward. Think there is real potential there but only games will prove it.
  2. Yep. Thought he was well off the pace today, so many misplaced balls. Yet so much industry and, for the most part, intelligence.
  3. Unlikely to get that gig in China now, mocking them is only going to be detrimental.
  4. I don't see why that indicates anything about Rafa's future; cynical view - more like the club (read Ashley's plan) protecting potential profits/revenue. The closing sentence of that article, but Newcastle sources have indicated he has been extremely positive and upbeat since returning to work after an operation last week., well, that's just Rafa, getting on with the job. He's not going to walk around with his pet-lip quivering and moaning to anyone who'll listen.
  5. Mr Logic

    Rolando Aarons

    Looked a rather laid back effort from everyone really, but yeah Aarons was lethargic compared to a PL game. Maybe the reserve games are always like that, I don't think I ever watched one before. Even Norwich upping the game in the second half didn't seem to make a difference to our mob.
  6. Mr Logic

    Rolando Aarons

    According to the Chron he'll be playing for the U23's tonight along with Shelvey. Streamed live on NUFCTV.
  7. I wonder if Sanches rear-end 'tackle' will get analysed much, doubt it, but he'll be a good player for them when/if he adjusts. If there'd been no goals in the game I'd give Fabianski MOM just for that save, I was halfway out of my seat celebrating when his fingers fucked that right up. Think Hayden took quite a knock in the first half and never really got into it after that, my concern is he's a bit soft overall because otherwise he is a canny footballer. Murphy was a bit of a damp squib but hopefully he's still bedding in. Neverthless Atsu looked better from the moment he got on. Lascelles, champion. You need players like that even if they're not the best. His heart more than makes up for the odd rick imo. Was a bit annoyed to read the shit he was getting a couple of weeks back for not being good enough, his leadership qualities alone help on the pitch. Fantastic today. Scrappy kind of game though, too open for Rafa's liking would be my guess. But we're ahead of Arsenal, Everton and Southampton. I'll take that all day long - for now. TLDR. PS: Fuck off Ashley.
  8. Simon Bird and Luke Edwards did the first part followed by George Caulkin, Martin Hardy and Craig Hope in the 2nd and then Mark Douglas. All came across really well especially Caulkin ("Ashley is poison" ) and Hardy. It’s going to be on the tf podcast so you can hear for yourself but it’s ridiculous how much Ashley and his cronies have failed to back Rafa. A major point was that he didn’t want huge money either as he thinks that the market is crazy – he didn’t go on holiday and missed his wedding anniversary to set up deals which the club (Justin Barnes by the sounds of it) didn’t follow through. Six weeks for the Lejeune deal to go through when a clause was activated! They all said that Rafa knows how to play the game but he’s not here to constantly pick battles, he’s only doing this as he cares about the club and wants us to be the best that we potentially can be. Sadly, it sounds like he’s away in the summer under the current regime. Fucking bastards. (Not the journo's)
  9. Looked pretty ready to me from this. Tottenham vs Juventus 2-0 | Highlights & Goals | Friendly match 5-8-2017
  10. Mr Logic

    Mikel Merino

    I know a lot of you avoid the Chronicle site, so here's some more encouraging reading.
  11. Mr Logic

    Jacob Murphy

    When you are paying £12m in this day and age, hope has to be a big part of it. I'm glad it's Rafa taking the punt though, his judgement should be better than most. I wouldn't doubt Rafa's judgement and certainly not his ability to manage or coach, but in fairness it was mostly his decision to go for Sels, Lazaar and Gamez. Sels was a Carr recommendation - read it just recently, I think in Rafa's Way, FWIW.
  12. Christ, Perez couldn't have played that more into the keeper if he tried.
  13. Here we go, fucking commentator asking 'how many refs would have given a red card for that', and bringing up racist comments.
  14. What happened ? He scissored him, much like what happened to Shelvey at Notts Forrest.
  15. Need another 2 to feel safe the way they're fucking playing.
  16. So does Willow following... If we sign those two by the end of the week I'll spunk in your mouth.
  17. Best summation I've seen. Certainly more thought provoking than 'He can fuck right off.'
  18. 99% sure this is a pile of shite. Ashley has been seen at several of our games in the south, seems the closer to London the more likely. Journo is a wanker. Plus, Ashley might be a twat but he's not a fucking idiot. Rafa got guarantees, if they get broken then Ashley will be back to square one.
  19. Does that somehow balance the Forest game where everything went against us.
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