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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. I think this happens with every player, the fullback run is as much about keeping a defender occupied from what I can see.
  2. Same thing happened to me a few weeks back on another bet/link from .com
  3. Out of the 11 on the pitch, if you had to call someone a cart horse, it would be Dummett. Colback is the Shetland pony.
  4. Any team that can effectively defend and counter, as Wednesday did, we don't seem to have any kind of answer to. Rafa could have changed things a lot earlier. Bit disturbing.
  5. That has just made Xmas a lot better.
  6. Never saw that coming. Shame they didn't retrospectively ban Lansbury, though maybe I'm being greedy.
  7. Someone a few pages back said 'the FA need to look into that' and it occured to me that the FA need looking into. There is no one looking over their practices and decisions. The FA aren't going be too much in favour of constantly scrutinising ref/linesman decisions because it reflects poorly on the the FA and the sport. Far easier to stick it to players everytime because of ambiguity or uncertainy. Shelvey gets reported for possible offensive language because someone said they heard it. He could get slammed and accused of bringing the game into disrepute. Lansbury play-acts himself into the Guinness Book of Shitehawks in a stunning display of bad sportsmanship but that doesn't even get glanced at, when it is arguably bringing the game into disrepute too. The fucking FA frequently bring the game into disrepute.
  8. What a fucking debacle. Lansbury? scissored Shelvey and then play acted the damage. Fair enough Shelvey kicked out but it was nowt. Clark should have had a legit penalty. Clark goal chalked off. Dummett couldn't stop himself, Lansbury got the ball caught under his feet. I don't believe it was even a deliberate push. Darlow, total hero.
  9. Its like roulette man, fuck the past stats. New team, new players, new mindset.
  10. Motherfucker, I went to get a beer to celebrate, came back and its 1-1. (Beer tastes shite now).
  11. Lascelles leaned in slightly with his head first like, subtle, watch the replays. Unlike Mbokani, he was not subtle. Pissed off though. We need to be more ruthless.
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