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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. There's not so much rotation going on there like, guessing he wants a core 11 that are really getting up to speed on his system?
  2. Mr Logic

    David Squires

    The Fat Sam debacle should be fun.
  3. Well that last half hour was increasingly tense. Puzzled why Rafa never changed things as it got worse and worse.
  4. Wish we'd got a second like, never feel anything like secure with only one.
  5. Thought this was a canny read. (from http://www.skysports.com/football/news/11689/10587259/aston-villa-v-newcastle-why-the-championship-league-standings-dont-tell-the-full-story )
  6. http://www.pne-online.net/forum/showthread.php?100581-EFL-Cup-Newcastle-Away General opinion seems to be quite upbeat, good pay day and a chance of going through.
  7. Not at all, but when it gets into 'Rafa dropped a bollock' and 'we need to play this way not that way' when both goals were individual errors and we just beat a team 6-0 away from home, then people have a point tbf. We've lost badly at home to one of the worst sides in the Championship. It's a massive cause for concern. Fixed your post. Before the kick off Wolves and Newcastle had both lost 2 games of 7 played making them far from one of the worst sides. It's also NOT a 'massive' cause for concern. Mildly perturbing perhaps. Elsewhere I see you handing out worst post of the week awards and slamming other peoples posts as terrible simply because you don't agree with them. Don't know why you don't get rinsed on here more often with double standards like that.
  8. It does begin to look like Perez is only at his best with Mitro on the pitch. He leapt on his back after Mitro scored at QPR, pure joy.
  9. Well we've never lost a second half with Rafa, but we have to win this second half. HTL.
  10. Except we pretty much played 4-4-2 against QPR, or so Rafa said.
  11. The last thing Rafa is is arrogant, , Pardew fits that description though.
  12. Doesn't strike me as a particularly intelligent lad I got it, just in case no-one else did.
  13. From the podcast, that bit about not getting on players back, so logical really when you think about it. For anyone here that is a dad will know you don't encourage your kids by criticising them, you encourage them.
  14. "I look forward to getting some perspective on this........... possibly in about ten years time when I pay any attention to football again." ~ A QPR fan last night.
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