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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. I'm not rating Shelvey. If we can't control the game he's a luxury. If you're in a relegation scrap he looks like a luxury also. Wouldn't play him again this season unless something dramatic changed.
  2. Well done Jonas, and once more SHAME on the club. And this.. Confirms beyond mere suspicion what a slimeball cunt this man is, even no longer affiliated with the club in any way he tries to protect them, (and himself probably), with a garbled submission.
  3. If he wants a project we're the mother of all projects. Only Ashley to overcome and it is all his.
  4. I really hope he is. He seems the most logical partner for Shelvey that we currently have.
  5. The only thing I am sure of is it won't be the same as Sunderland. All the pairings of Shelvey and Wijnaldum as a midfield two, NO.
  6. He's a natural PR machine all by himself. Contrast that with the snark shark Ashley employs to do his lying for him. Wonder if Ashley will see the light.
  7. It's easy to look shit when you're up front alone, but if we played a more attcking game with more bodies in the box I'm sure this lad would shine.
  8. This is the best news of the day, that useless twat suspended.
  9. Bloke's a class act, he just doesn't belong in our half. Should always be on the team sheet in an advanced role.
  10. Four for me, everyone who said Mitrovic is crap are wrong, everyone who said Wijnaldum is crap were wrong. Strong second half mind, same at Leicester. Still think we'll be safe as we're only going to get better. Thought the ref was a cunt. Defenders can hold and push forwards as much as they like but a forward stands up for himself and its a foul.
  11. I get too much pleasure out of this.
  12. It's embarrassing man. I can respect people having reservations but some of the shite posted about him is unreal. There's no point at looking at past records, just look at Vardy. How many of our fans would have had him in the summer? It's incredible isn't it. The guy looked very promising in his first few games but has had to sink or swim in a club where nearly everything falls to bits over a period of time. There's still a lot he does well and for me it speaks volumes to his desire and commitment that he's still out there willing to lead the line and get stuck in. Rafa had to make the comments he did, if only for the lads confidence, so we don't really know what he genuinely thinks but I'll take a bet its closer to truth than lie. Then we hear there's a top coaching routine been put in place for him. I thought 'Great'. Apparently a lot of other people took it as an opportunity to mock the coach and ridicule him for his clothes and appearance. Social media FTW.
  13. There even appears to be three keepers at the Leazes End, or its a 4-dimensional representation of blobby.
  14. Pretty much everything about him impresses me, but a standout was after the game where either the possible off-side or penalty claim was mentioned and he just dismissed it. Paraphrased - 'These are things you cannot change so they're not worth talking about'. Contrast that to most other managers whinging on about refs and decisions costing them.
  15. Watford could well beat them.
  16. Being in a bad place mentally doesn't encourage fast healing either. Not saying they'd heal over night like just because of Rafa, but positive mindsets heal quicker than negative ones.
  17. Mr Logic

    Steve McClaren

    He was starting to annoy me with his comments that bore no relation to reality, but now he's gone I'll very soon forget him. Unlike that cunt Pardew who is like a stain on my mind that even Persil could not eradicate. I honestly thought he would fade from memory too, but every time I see his face I get this massive negative reaction.
  18. http://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/sport/football/football-news/new-newcastle-boss-rafa-benitez-11035645
  19. Contrast this, "It's a massive club". Say it 5 times every interview you do in the first few days. with this, "We can't compete with the likes of Southampton".
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