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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. From window to mirror, it's a natural progression.
  2. Lazaar - Palermo Best Moments, Skills, Assists Watch from 5:00m
  3. Didn't think this one was coming off, looking good now though. Get in!
  4. He was strongly linked with West Ham about a week ago. In fact searches tell me Crystal Palace, West Ham and Southampton were all chasing the £2.5m rated defender earlier this month. Italian sources claimed he'd even agreed personal terms with West Ham.
  5. Whipping balls into the box from the left, and at pace, our forwards won't know what is happening. Defensive side of his game looks canny also, though I'm aware that clips aren't made of errors. Wise seal of approval.
  6. I know. Also, not friends, acquaintances. My bad. I didn't read the second line of your post. No worries. It's quite revealing how many of us will form an opinion of a player's performance based on how we feel about him though. Yes! Not just players though, anything.
  7. Of course we will. Rafa takes every game seriously, even when its school football teams or playing cards with his daughters. Get with the programme HTT.
  8. Rotation works for the keepers too, right? I know he's in a new team, league and country but he's fucking up my blood pressure.
  9. Where's the counter-attack skills we showed to such effect against Tottenham last game of the season. (Apart from no Sissoko, Janmmat or Aarons obviously).
  10. What's that got to do with Benitez? Its Ryders worthless opinion I assume? Did I mention Rafa once in that sentence ? You view Ryders opinion as mighty? Did I say that as well ? What is wrong with you ? Expand on your original post then please, I'm clearly missing your point. Going out on a limb here but I guess he thought the 'Ronny piece was a load of negative bollocks. Clearly has nowt to do with Rafa like.
  11. Well said. Standby to be ridiculed Shut the f*** up man. You shut up I'm talking sense he scored one goal last season ffs most of us could manage that and you go on about him like he's some great player. How many times he Dosent want to be here he would contribute f all to us if he stayed Man you've been here 4 months and half the fotball section gets the hump with your posts while the rest stay tight-lipped. It took me over 6 years to achieve that level of negative feeling, don't know whether to admire you or pity you to be honest.
  12. I think this is right but people who've played all their lives and get paid thousands a week should be able to settle down when the game starts. (Not the same thing but I played pool in a team that was pushing for the league title and I was always nervous before a match started, once I was playing that wnet out the door).
  13. Is it wierd that I still get an angry feeling whenever I read about ths cunt? It's in the past right?
  14. First thought that went through my mind when I saw it too. Time will tell if Lascelles needed an arm round the shoulder and some encouragement rather that publicly dropping the Captain. I think/hope it will make him more determined due to his own nature.
  15. How would that help us? Frees up our medical staff to work on Sissiko's bruised ego, get with the programme man!
  16. Need a win just to shut the emotional whingers up.
  17. Judging by that display from the ref last night Mitro will get at least a yellow card every game. Need his strength but not his anger. Unfortunately I think they come together.
  18. I didn't get all the crosses, there were so few balls played into space or to feet, everything was coming in as if Mitro was on the pitch. Actually there was so much to complain about I can't be arsed to carry on. Fulham deserved their win.
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