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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Mr Logic

    Isaac Hayden

    Think this lad could be a diamond. Might even see Shelvey getting the space he needs with Hayden alongside him as protection. /proud member: Dennis Wise Academy of Scouting.
  2. I can only assume the FA thinks avoiding relegation is similar to avoiding getting beat in an International comp, nothing else would explain hiring this windbag.
  3. As it stands atm I also think it could be Gayle.
  4. We've had enough bad managers. Pardew is more than that - a smug, hateable conman. What did he do exactly? That's what I'm trying to understand. Tell lies, try and pass himself off as the English Mourinho, dance like a f***ing c***....I could go on. I mean, for a foreigner like me, your absolutely relentless hatred for Pardew is almost comical. "Kill all his family" ffs He did everything in his power to dumb down expectations for an owner hell-bent on running this club on the cheap. He defended him to the hilt and blamed supporters for conceding a last minute equalizer at home to Crystal Palace. He constantly lied through his teeth and embarrassed the club by his behavior on the touchline. He also couldn't speak proper English and sounded like a used-car salesman when talking to the press. He also discarded Hatem Ben Arfa, one of the most naturally gifted and entertaining players we have ever had at a time when his own side was playing some of the most turgid and lifeless football around. And losing. Agree with it all. But I thought that game where he blamed the fans, was Reading at home? When we lost 2-1 and he said the fans were getting excited at 1-0, which meant the players were too gung ho and it allowed Reading to equalise Unless he did it on more than one occasion.... Don't remember him saying that after the Reading game and he probably didn't tbf to the lying cunt. That was all his own undoing changing the entire look of the side thinking the game was one on 60 minutes. He fucking did, the despicable cunt, and he hinted at fans upseting the concentration levels on at least one other occasion. Seriously Jotenko, he is an odious human being. Narcicistic to an obvious degree and nothing is ever attributable to him unless it was a fluke win.
  5. Ditto, I should have added that myself.
  6. Look at that man, Shelvey and Lascelles hanging on his every word. Just struck me. Captain and Vice Captain maybe?
  7. I'd pay good money to actually watch his blood boil, whilst it is still in him of course.
  8. He joined us with 10 games left of a Season? Before that he had been off managing abroad, what could he have actually seen of either Ritchie or Gayle, Ritchie only recently playing Prem footy, Gayle hardly playing any Prem footy this season. You think he scouted Ritchie in the championship? Behave cause Carr's behind the pair, maybe the scouted evidence is enough though to justify Raffa agreeing they will work in the championship. You can't be that naive. Sorry if that sounds cuntish Not cuntish, just moronic. You clearly haven't read a thing about Rafa or his player databases. Still, the good thing about being completely wrong is that you still have a chance to educate yourself.
  9. Mr Logic

    Matz Sels

    Hope someone tells him we like our keepers to hold onto the ball. Palming every other shot back into the penalty area in highlights of last season.
  10. I'd be fucking gutted if he went to play for that shitehouse. Imagine going from Benitez' tactical acumen to Pards and 'a bit of magic'.
  11. Need a 6 week long 'advent-type' calender. We're going to get a load of games on TV aren't we.
  12. GOOGLE: Euro Fanny 2016 Did you mean Boris Johnson? (Couldn't be arsed shopping an actual image.)
  13. It really puts all the previous shite into sharp contrast.
  14. It's like deja vu for me, in so many ways. It was like this when Keegan became manager for the first time. He completely altered the club in every way, always positive. I've watched the 5-1 last game about 6 times now, it is so reminiscent of the past - so many elements coming together. We're in for a ride!
  15. Not often he turned up but when he did it was nice to watch. Not enough though, more likely to give away possession than do anything useful. Bye.
  16. Fuck that, Pardew will crush the guys spirit and he'll never be the same again.
  17. A lot of people said that about Townsend as I recall. I'll just wait to see what Rafa does.
  18. They look like three pikeys that can't quite comprehend where they are.
  19. Taylor out, Mbabu staying, it keeps getting better every day under Rafa.
  20. What a contrast to the last 5+ yrs of shambolic management - one out, one in, quick as you like.
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