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Mr Logic

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Everything posted by Mr Logic

  1. Couldn't give a toss about possession stats after that, they defended better and looked more threatening. Deserved to lose. Sadly.
  2. Well that was dismal. Still all ower the shop at Set Pieces and a few of the lads are either off their game or nervous as fuck. Should have been a pen like.
  3. Chuffed for the lad, he is a born leader and will do the club/team proud. So much about the club just 'feels' right now. Thank you Rafa.
  4. http://i1.chroniclelive.co.uk/incoming/article11319719.ece/ALTERNATES/s615d/CD10392700.jpg
  5. Mr Logic

    Strongest Eleven

    At a guess, nobody is putting Colback in because he has no place in a STRONGEST ELEVEN line-up thread.
  6. The impression I get about Shelvey is its always someone else's fault, that and the pointing. The pointing bugs me, especially when he's in acres of space.
  7. Aye, and the second time I've seen unmarked players wide open in these friendlies. Slightly worrying when you add that Janmaat was apparently asking the bench who was supposed to be marking who after Vitesse's subs.
  8. Wonder if Townsend is thinking 'WTF have I done' yet.
  9. I'm still reeling from the effect of the McClaren bounce like.
  10. Mr Logic

    Rolando Aarons

    It wasn't your imagination, and it was something along those lines. (Might have had a change of heart/opinion since then though).
  11. The majority seem well pleased.
  12. I've thought for a while he might be better as a right mid, shame I hadn't mentioned it before now like.
  13. Might find this one somewhere on Kodi, there has been a few int. friendlies covered.
  14. I think he'll do just fine. His time here was spent in a largely directionless team, underperfroming and low on morale. He lost more and more heart as the season progressed and his smile faded with it, but the few occasions the team 'clicked' and dominated for a win he was invariably one of the better players. He should have never been paying on the left.
  15. Incredible. (In an astoundingly ludicrous way).
  16. Saw a few people who said he's slow, I can't comment as I know nought about the lad but a comment from a Blackburn forum was... Don't like the comments regarding his drinking though.
  17. The FA needs a massive dose of epsom salts through their collective colons if they're seriously going with any of the three mooted.
  18. Much obliged, I hadn't seen all of them. Aarons footwork, hope he stays fit.
  19. The biggest problem with Mitro is the rash aggression and occasional cheat. If Rafa can sort that out we're good.
  20. Nothing that has happened since (and including for that matter) Rafa's appointment has been in tune. As nervous as I am to draw the conclusion, it looks like Ashley has finally given up the control and abandoned his model/vision/whatever the fuck it was.
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