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Everything posted by Teasy

  1. Again though I'm not saying this will go through, because I refuse to do that to myself again. For this to happen the consortium still have to agree to the full price and Ashley has to agree to play nice with the PL. Otherwise the PL will keep being stubborn just to guard against liability. EDIT yeah I agree Jackie Broon
  2. They can change their mind, whether they will is the question. Admitting liability isn't required if the PL and the new owners/Ashley reach a agreement for everyone to move forward happily.
  3. Pretty sure the rules leave it entirely up to the PL to decide who should be named as a director (with the caveat that it can be contested obviously). So the PL can just say its changed its mind.
  4. Didn't disagree with your point, was just saying its a critical theory so doesn't require actual unethical behaviour. I'm backing up your point and like I said I agree, was just saying the theory is nonsense just like all critical theory.
  5. Anyway, do we really have to get political on such a happy day just before it all crashes around our ears? Either the takeover will collapse again or its world war 3, lets face facts here we don't get nice things
  6. At least we're still better than Labour, although maybe not since the Saudi's are in agreement with Labour on womens rights.
  7. I agree, also under the theory of the quote you posted we could be taken over by the baby Jesus and it wouldn't matter, still unethical because it happened in a capitalist society apparently...
  8. I don't want to get too positive because it feels like it'll just go to shit again since its happened so many times. But what I would say is I think in the past there were always two sides in the media. Even when one group had clearly been briefed positively that something was happening soon there was always the other side still saying not being positive, or even actively negative. Likely because one side was being briefed by the consortium and the other by the Premier League. It seems like right now the news is universal. Which suggests both sides are briefing from the same position. Hate even posting positive stuff in case it jinxes things, which just shows how insane this has all sent me... (now I'm off to touch wood, and if the takeover goes through touch some more wood).
  9. Yeah maybe Apple.. Or Disney.. Or Nike... Nah sorry I'm running out of ideas looking for your lovely moral owner.
  10. No point in this club without a takeover. Giving up on it and continuing any interest in this club is something I just can't understand.
  11. Turns out if everyone from officials to commentators deny reality facts don't really matter. All you have to do is watch the video of Murphy getting the ball, and just pretend it didn't happen with a straight face then the commentators back the delusion, no problem.
  12. You're talking as if both sides just want the same thing and have both simply made mistakes or fallen short. If that was the case I'd blame both sides. But the fact is the PL are merely taking any opportunity they can to stop this takeover because it threatens the monopoly of their owners (the big six). So no, at no point will I blame the people who actively want to take over NUFC and give us the competitive Football club we've wanted back for almost 2 decades. I'll blame the side deliberately sabotaging it instead.
  13. WTF do they have to do with ensuring safety measures are in place, the absolute clowns.
  14. He says he's talking about what he's been told from sources on both sides, so he doesn't need to understand the specifics as long as the sources do.
  15. Kane gets the ball first and legs clash, that's a pen every single time.
  16. Glad you qualified that, considering the incredible job Chi Onwurah has done for this takeover. I think she once wrote about it to someone who actually matters!
  17. Think it was a joke not a prophesy like.
  18. The government do need to step in here. Even if its just formalising the PL owners and directors test in UK law with a independent government agency overseeing the operation of that test and ruling on any appeals. The claims that they don't want to over reach by legislating on club membership of a private league is just ridiculous. Legislating on competition aspects of industry is just normal government activity. Over reach is legislating on whether people can step outside of their house, hug people or even step within a certain distance of people, which they've done for the last 15 or so months.
  19. Wtf is a Gammon Box? New fast food place? Or you just couldn't think of anything better for the b. Anyway hopefully a genuine news channel like GBN do take this up. Because there's no hope from the propaganda machines that are BBC and Sky News.
  20. Not only have they enabled it for over a decade. They're currently forcing it to continue beyond where it should have finally ended.
  21. They can't stop anyone buying any club or kick them out. That's well beyond their powers. They can only remove the club from their competition.
  22. Always said that once it became obvious the PL were trying anything to stop the takeover illegitimately they should have gone forward with the takeover regardless. Force them to make a decision of some mind. The ODT is a paper tiger imo. They'll refuse to pass new owners, but there's a reason they have never banned current owners, despite the claim that the ODT is done for every club every year. It's because they wouldn't dare put themselves in a position of one club not taking part and messing up the entire league season.
  23. Not bothered if they don't throw loads of money at the club. Being able to support the club again is enough. Being able to look forward to a new season were everyone involved with the club actually wants success, almost unimaginable as a Newcastle fan these days.
  24. Absolutely, its quite plain that they've broken their rules. The consortium gave the PL the info they say is correct. The PL believe that's not correct, or not complete info and asked for more and the consortium told them they've provided all info. By the PL rules that means the takeover should be rejected. That then leads to the next stage, the consortium being able to appeal. That's the PL's own rules, and its important for them to stick to those rules. Because those of the rules the consortium understood would govern this process when they agreed to buy the club. The idea I've heard so often here that they didn't reject the takeover because they were being helpful, allowing the consortium to finally give the info they wanted, is just so ridiculous. You can't set rules for a process and then change them on the basis that you know best about the well being of the other group in that process. Of course in reality its nothing to do with helping anyone, its a political move and anyone who's honest with themselves can see that.
  25. What's your reason for assuming its rubbish? I have no idea personally, but I'd like to know more.
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