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Everything posted by stlouismag

  1. More likely get his brother Somaney.
  2. FYP. May not be now, may not be this summer, but we all know Ashley's petty, toxic, over-active ego will eventually, spectacularly fuck it up.
  3. Sums it up for me. Might have it on in the background while working but nee special occasion.
  4. aye We (well, me, in my own pathetic way) need Rafa body language analysis! STAT!
  5. Enough with that fucking dirge of the Spurs' version of "When the Saints go Marching In." Up there with the fucking England band for getting on my tits.
  6. Speaking in the post-game interview about how he made it even more narrow after the half!
  7. Aye, they do lovely work. Looks good to others. Still makes me feel like I'm some creepy old German guy's fantasy of a dude with an extra boob.
  8. No fan of middle of the chest badges. I have this one from Toff's - always feels like I have a third tit. At least it's got actual stripes front and back.
  9. Reminds me of the Joselu one, except this knacker doesn't have the smarts to hide his face.
  10. Captained the USMNT tonight against Chile. 1-1 draw.
  11. That's us fucked then. Best wishes, Rafa.
  12. It's Law 3(3) Substitution Procedure: To replace a player with a substitute, the following must be observed: • the referee must be informed before any substitution is made • the player being substituted receives the referee’s permission to leave the field of play, unless already off the field • the player being replaced is not obliged to leave at the halfway line and takes no further part in the match, except where return substitutions are permitted • if a player who is to be replaced refuses to leave, play continues I ref a lot of youth games (U7-U14) and it happens all the time - little buggers never want to go off!
  13. Bundesliga Diaries is fantastic if you follow the league. Reminds me of this place - mix of folks from different countries who all love footie, very good analysis but with a dose (but not too much) good-natured ribbing of each other. Also, Athletico Mince just for laughs (and TV/movie recs)
  14. From his Wiki: Cook started working for sports wear brand Nike in 1996. Cook worked his way up to head of the Nike project "Brand Jordan", working very closely with basketball star Michael Jordan while working at Nike. Us and PSG rocking lush Jordan kits?
  15. This. No love for Spurs, but he's a very special manager and can create something even greater than he already has by staying there. Nothing but respect for him.
  16. Yep. This forum and Rafa are the only two things keeping me even remotely giving a shit.
  17. Owners trying to get a higher first round draft pick. #Murica
  18. stlouismag


    Not a Geordie, but a long-time fan, so lacking most of the ingrained MackemHate. Nevertheless, my ranking of things that come across better/worse than expected, after binge-watching the whole thing tonight: Better: (1) the team chefs (kind, funny, compassionate, lovely folks) (2) Honeyman (who I'd not heard of before watching this) (3) the admin staff - lovely group of hopeful, hard-working folks (4) Not a single mention of NUFC, let alone FTM, 6 in a row, etc. (5) Coleman (6) Ashley Fletcher - scored some nice goals once he settled in, seemed a good lad (7) Grayson (lovely Father-in-law or Uncle, but clueless on what he walked into) (8) Grabban (until he pissed off back to Bournemouth) (9) Cattermole (less of a Neanderthal/psychopath than expected, still utter shite as a player) Worse: (1) Rodwell (portrayed as and seems likely to be all of the shittiest aspects of the modern footballer) (2) the fucking insufferable intro song and sequence (thankfully Netflix allows you to skip it after the first episode) (3) Martin Bain - despite attempts to make him seem competent, just a puppet of Ellis' disinterest and an utter shite to Coleman (4) their keepers - seemingly nice lads, but God were they runny, liquid, burning, spurting shite (defense wasn't much better - maybe not spurting) (5) Short (the intro song and sequence and keepers were really that bad) (6) the sports psychologist they hired for Jonny Williams (7) lack of dogs in prams, blue drink and cheesy chips (8) Jonny Williams' comb-forward hair "style"
  19. As someone who is also on here a lot, but doesn't post much, I will point out that Wor Tony has the following stats: Total Time Spent Online:47 days, 3 hours and 38 minutes Total Posts: 48 posts And registered: Tuesday 30 August 2005, 05:34:46 am So it's not like he's come from nowhere. Cheers, Tony. I appreciate you chiming in whether it turns out to be utter bollocks or not.
  20. stlouismag


    The key change at 2:49! Dying. So sincere, but so cringeworthy.
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