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Everything posted by stlouismag

  1. Going to run out of fucking time. Quick, someone check the Megabus schedule!
  2. Always pictured him much shorter and fatter than that. Up to a solid 5 - would still lob rock.
  3. As an employment lawyer (admittedly in the U.S.) for over 20 years, there are two types - those who serve the long-term best interest of their client, and self-serving c*nts who seek to demonstrate their indispensability to their clients by defending/supporting the client's crazy@ss decision and thereby boosting their fragile egos and sustaining their irrationally-inflated egos.
  4. Flashes of competence drowned by years of injuries. Hardly knew you, but glad to see the back of you. Hope you stay healthy.
  5. Both families eminently likable as people, but glad to see the back of them from a footballing perspective.
  6. Elliot dive/punch attempt for those who missed it: http://24.media.tumblr.com/03d0e2b9dcc953a5a41cfcdc209cd630/tumblr_n13tpew4091s8uw8ro1_250.gif
  7. I'm gonna buy a sound bar and a fucking midfielder. :lol:
  8. Should change the thread title to "TapIn Abraham," tbh.
  9. For now, but if Reading win their three playoff games, they'll be level on points. Doubt they'll make up the goal difference though. I'm a cautious 8.
  10. Fuck off you fucking strolling about, dangerous free-kick-giving, backwards-or-sideways-passing, liability. http://31.media.tumblr.com/4289dbb773a1cf97524b1c9de74d3259/tumblr_mftasaOVtZ1qejlczo1_500.gif
  11. http://i.imgur.com/ttIatJG.gif
  12. http://i.imgur.com/a8fP3pX.gif
  13. stlouismag

    Steven Taylor

    Didn't watch the whole game, but my favorite Saylor moment was around 10 minutes in when he collides with another Portland defender trying to close down a Sounders player, instead of covering for his teammate. Saylor continues running (having knocked his teammate down) and reaches twice in vain to grab the escaping Sounders player's shoulder to hold him and commit the "professional foul" as the Sounders player absolutely leaves Saylor in the dust. About 35 seconds into the highlight video on the main page of the Sounders site (couldn't find a direct link to the video - soz). So happy he's gone.
  14. And Lord knows we're always accused of waiting for our next Messiah, so we've got the big three Abrahamic religions covered now.
  15. Me too Always thought you were a canny poster!
  16. June 1 of this year. Because 99% of kickoffs are a dink pass three feet and then a pass back anyway. [edited to remove the stupid Tapatalk signature - got a new phone. Soz.]
  17. Pure oxygen would be fine, so long as there was also an open flame.
  18. Creased that some of the emergency ground crew STILL haven't gotten the hang of these field squeegees. At least the crowd is back in the seats so Univision Deportes can focus on the Colombian fanny.
  19. The ball just needs to be "within playing distance" to avoid an impeding (obstruction) call, which varies based upon the speed at which the players are moving, so it could conceivably not be impeding if the circle of players was small enough. It would definitely be "unsporting behaviour" in the opinion of this referee regardless, and it'd be a yellow card (or even better, a second yellow) for whichever bastard I liked the least on the team that tried it.
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