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Everything posted by SAK

  1. Great improvisation by Isak to flick it to Longstaff to get a shot off.
  2. Midfield not getting a grip of the game, few passes by Bruno, Longstaff did a good defensive header but nothing possession wise and same for Anderson.
  3. Dan burn slipping and letting their no.10 cross and Pope saves the shot.
  4. SAK

    Jacob Murphy

    He had a poor touch a few times and put a poor cross in when he should have put it along the ground but he picked up the ball a few times and skipped inside and put in a good forward pass.
  5. Cramp setting in for one of our lot couldn’t make out is Targett or Dummett.
  6. Close, shot by Rico Lewis goes just wide.
  7. Nice but or skill by Sony to beat Livramento. Edit: Doku
  8. Silly yellow for Tonali kicking ball away.
  9. Not sure if the Isak sub was pre planned, precautionary as he was down rubbing his calf before being subbed, or an actual injury.
  10. Isak coming off, not sure if due to injury.
  11. Gordon on left, Big Joe into midfield on left side. Edut: is my guess.
  12. Don’t think most are writing him off but making an honest observation of his performance so far. He’s been poor in this game and average over the season so far (exempt versus Villa where he was brilliant) but that’s not to say he won’t come good in time.
  13. We had the best chance, they dominated possession. Big Joe looking good, Tonali not so much. Dummet looking rusty, Pope can’t kick the ball properly, Hall shaky at the start but improved later on, Livramento looking good in attack and defence, Lascelles doing good. Against a team like City who press you to death you need players with a good touch under pressure and who can fend of players trying to muscle you off the ball and that’s where Tonali, Murphy and Miley ( he gets a pass as he’s young) are letting us down and why the ball comes back at us and we’re under sustained pressure.
  14. Ran inti trouble with ball a few times, muscled of the ball, and passed it straight to Man City defence. Only way is up.
  15. SAK

    Alexander Isak

    They send him out for the pre game interview as he speaks the best english. Could be on the streets of south London with that accent. https://x.com/iamjowaxy/status/1695898172269162513?s=46&t=YPwchm7Eflkd4EF16wTg5w
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