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Everything posted by Theregulars

  1. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    If RVP wasn't so good, Arsenal would be mid-table. If Messi wasn't so good, Barca wouldn't be the best team in the world. If Rooney hadn't scored 20 this year, no way Man U would be winning the league. If Yaya Toure didn't play as often, Man City may not contend for the title. Team minus best/better players = less points and worse league position. I'm referring to chances created. Think we're 3rd bottom of the chances created league. CHANCES CREATED MINIMAL BA ON FIRE MAXIMAL. It's not like Ba just gets the ball in defence and runs it into the goal. Lots of his goals have been set up for him mate, or at least passed to him in a promising position. We're 3rd bottom of chances created league, we're 6th top of actually relevant league. It's an indication of the sides play in positive space (the opp half). Nobody else scoring etc...Tell me if any of our midfielders is even in the top 20 assists? These are the broader indicators of poor direct football. No it's not, the stats relating to us are an indication of whichever style of football we choose to play, which, as of this moment, is a relatively successful style. To score the goals we have done, there have to have been assists or key plays leading up to the goal, and there have been enough of them to mean we have won the majority of games we've played this season.
  2. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    If RVP wasn't so good, Arsenal would be mid-table. If Messi wasn't so good, Barca wouldn't be the best team in the world. If Rooney hadn't scored 20 this year, no way Man U would be winning the league. If Yaya Toure didn't play as often, Man City may not contend for the title. Team minus best/better players = less points and worse league position. I'm referring to chances created. Think we're 3rd bottom of the chances created league. CHANCES CREATED MINIMAL BA ON FIRE MAXIMAL. It's not like Ba just gets the ball in defence and runs it into the goal. Lots of his goals have been set up for him mate, or at least passed to him in a promising position. We're 3rd bottom of chances created league, we're 6th top of actually relevant league. We don't create enough chances for a side in 6th I can't make it any simpler than that. There are charts out there showing it. Can't be arsed looking for them. Last time I looked we were 3rd bottom of it. We look like a team in 6th - if you look at the table, that's where we are, which to me looks like a side in the top 6.
  3. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    If RVP wasn't so good, Arsenal would be mid-table. If Messi wasn't so good, Barca wouldn't be the best team in the world. If Rooney hadn't scored 20 this year, no way Man U would be winning the league. If Yaya Toure didn't play as often, Man City may not contend for the title. Team minus best/better players = less points and worse league position. I'm referring to chances created. Think we're 3rd bottom of the chances created league. CHANCES CREATED MINIMAL BA ON FIRE MAXIMAL. It's not like Ba just gets the ball in defence and runs it into the goal. Lots of his goals have been set up for him mate, or at least passed to him in a promising position. We're 3rd bottom of chances created league, we're 6th top of actually relevant league.
  4. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    If RVP wasn't so good, Arsenal would be mid-table. If Messi wasn't so good, Barca wouldn't be the best team in the world. If Rooney hadn't scored 20 this year, no way Man U would be winning the league. If Yaya Toure didn't play as often, Man City may not contend for the title. Team minus best/better players = less points and worse league position.
  5. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    Not a single person is suggesting that winning isn't better than entertaining, some of us thinks we can play better without negatively affecting our results. A good point. Perhaps Pardew is going for the 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' approach. I don't think it's a given that we wouldn't suffer if we played better football, and to be fair to the manager there is evidence to back it up. We got spanked by Fulham trying to pass it around, and Chelsea picked us apart on the counter. However, there are also examples where we likely would have got more points if we played more daring and attractive football, so the point is a circular one. I also never said people were suggesting entertaining was better than winning, but people who bemoaned the lack of entertainment did not set sufficient stock in the fact that we are winning. Well, I'd say things looked pretty broke against Tottenham, Wolves, Sunderland and Arsenal. In different ways. Tottenham, fair enough, we were without our midfield. Wolves and Arsenal convincingly closing the shop and pretty much surrender. Sunderland in the end was saved by Pardew and the players realizing; "hey, let's try to play some football for a change". That's a good point, too. My point was more aimed at the overall picture in relation to the whole season, but you are right, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that his system could use a tweaking, but not enough to suggest that it's rubbish/spineless/cowardly/gutless etc as many have levelled. However your point is valid.
  6. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    If that was the case then why didn't we bring somebody in during the January transfer window when we spent £10 million on a forward? Because nobody of the requisite quality was available at a reasonable price? This is a transfer strategy which has been proved to have serious merit on the basis of this season. Also, they probably didn't think Williamson would be as suspect as he has been based on how solid, if unspectacular, he was last year.
  7. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    We were all over Fulham and we were 1-0 at half time, 2nd half we didn't play well and got slaughtered and weren't trying to pass it around in that half. Bigger picture. We tried to play decent, passing football with a high-line - the warning signs that we'd be pinged on the counter were there before half-time (Santon should have been sent off for hauling down cueball Johnson). We were brutally exposed on the counter-attack by playing that style of football, lending total credence to Otter's post at the top of this page.
  8. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    Not a single person is suggesting that winning isn't better than entertaining, some of us thinks we can play better without negatively affecting our results. Exactly. Krul time wasting was embarrassing yesterday. We looked quite good for about the first half hour, but then just tried to shut up shop and win the game 1-0. Against teams who we are at least the equals of footballing wise, we should be trying to go on and kill the game. Shutting up shop is a method of killing the game which can be just as effective as going for the jugular.
  9. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    Not a single person is suggesting that winning isn't better than entertaining, some of us thinks we can play better without negatively affecting our results. A good point. Perhaps Pardew is going for the 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' approach. I don't think it's a given that we wouldn't suffer if we played better football, and to be fair to the manager there is evidence to back it up. We got spanked by Fulham trying to pass it around, and Chelsea picked us apart on the counter. However, there are also examples where we likely would have got more points if we played more daring and attractive football, so the point is a circular one. I also never said people were suggesting entertaining was better than winning, but people who bemoaned the lack of entertainment did not set sufficient stock in the fact that we are winning.
  10. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    Has it got to be one or the other? I have never said that and I don't think anybody else is. The point is that, while winning AND entertaining football is the ideal, the reality is we are not getting both, and for me/others winning>entertaining. Pretty stark perception of reality really. Personally I think we have a squad capable of both serving up decent fotball and picking up points while doing it too. Clearly you disagree. I don't think it's a stark perception at all. My point clearly states that my preference is for both winning and entertaining football, but if one isn't apparent, i'd rather it be entertainment. I think we have the players to play some decent football - if you read my posting history you will pick this up - but my point was that, if the manager does not make that happen, as long as we are winning then I'm inclined to sacrifice the entertainment side. I would dearly love for your ideal to come true and for our time to play blindingly and spank teams off the park regularly. But most teams in the league are pretty decent too, and not that far off us (in the way we're not far off 4th/5th), so caution isn't something to be roundly criticised.
  11. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    I'd rather see more of that too, but not at the expense of winning. If Pardew, who probably knows more about tactics and football in general than most people on here, who also sees these players every day in training, thinks that we are vulnerable on the counter-attack, then that's his prerogative and his decision to take as the manager of our football club and, with our league position, he's entirely justified. I personally would not like to see a counter-attack by any left winger against Danny Simpson. It will be interesting to see whether this philosophy changes if Pardew is granted a better right-back, for instance. Also, while as above I'd like to see more lovely football like Jonas' cross to Cisse, there were a few examples of that (Cabaye's ball to Demba for Ruddy's save). Pardew's philosophy, I think, is that the quality in the team means that moments like that will happen a few times in the game, and, with signing Ba and Cisse, we have finishers of sufficient quality to execute the chances to grab us at least 1-2 goals most games, and then a defence/team defending philosophy to see it out. Like it or not, it's working well.
  12. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    Has it got to be one or the other? I have never said that and I don't think anybody else is. The point is that, while winning AND entertaining football is the ideal, the reality is we are not getting both, and for me/others winning>entertaining.
  13. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    Nobody is, but we're saying it is effective, in effect arguing that we are content to let substance supersede style as long as we continue to pick up points.
  14. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    So in effect, a bad patch (which all teams) have in December, but pretty consistent as f*** the majority of the season. Somewhere I hear the sound of a nail being hit on the head.
  15. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    Not this s*** again man. Obviously if anyone looks at the league table they say "well toon fans must be delighted". However our fans have actually watched all our matches this season. Huh? Reread. Im asking our fans who should be happier, not what they think. The respective ability of the sides above us to keep possession & dominate games has been highlighted in this thread & used as evidence we underperform under Pardew. Yet many would agree those 2 sides have underperformed in terms of picking up points for the quality of their squad, in comparison to how we have done. So should people be more dissapointed with our attacking play than satisfied with our strengths in other areas? Many seem to be. So true. So many people on here when our fans got/get derided in the media for "demanding an attacking brand of football"/"the Geordies would rather lose 4-3 than win 1-0" claimed that to be the media ganging up on us/not knowing their arse from their elbow/talking s*** etc. Now we have a manager under whom for the majority of the season we have ground out scrappy, 1-0 wins with good team defending, as well as good football and some great goals in part, and so many people on here are complaining about it. Yeah, take your point, the football isn't particularly inspiring and with out first XI there's room for improvement and it's frustrating to see that denied us, but at the end of the day you're living up to the stereotypes that David Craig, Louise Taylor et al set for us having bashed them as inaccurate in the first place. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Pardew can have us playing a formation of 10-0-0 for all I care as long as keep winning, because as a fan of Newcastle United I love it when we win. I'm a fan of Newcastle United first, and tasty football involving Newcastle United second. Once again I'd just like to be clear that I don't demand daft kamikaze attacking football, I don't even mind a defensive line up. What I'd like to see is some control of the game through possession. At the moment we give the ball away far too easily and we often come under pressure as a result - and unlike some are saying on here our defence isn't that great. Against poor teams we get away with it, against the better ones we can ship goals in 3's and 4's. Your point is entirely valid, and one with which I agree. That is something that Pardew needs to address. But that is just one thing, it's not enough to damn him overall and over-react. The defence not being that great, for me, is so much more down to Steven Taylor's injury than anything Pardew does. To a large extent he's worked wonders with a limited squad, but he can only get the best from what is put in front of him, and Simpson and Williamson, at the minute at least, are questionable as to their competence.
  16. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    It's not inevitable that his tactics won't succeed in the long-term. The majority of us on the forum who back Pardew usually attach to praise the caveat of the fact that we recognise the football is turgid at the minute and we will be more critical if the results start going south. Another point to consider here: we're only complaining and worrying based on the fact that we have outperformed expectations this year. At the start of the year I would have been happy with 7th-10th, for instance. But now people are whining because the football's poor and we may lose a grip on 6th (a possibility, I admit), but those expectations were only raised in the first place by our form and winning throughout the year, which in a large part is to be credited to the manager.
  17. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    Didn't somebody point out that our form hasn't been mid to lower table form since the turn of the year? A further point to this is also that the run at the start counts only towards your overall points total throughout the season. I'm not bothered about our form as much as our points total at the end, and a good run, whenever it happens, contributes to that and that alone.
  18. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    But by your 'what-if?' logic, we could just as easily have picked up more points. Taking the last few performances as a sample: Mackem game - had Mike Dean been a fit and proper person to referee a game of football, we would have had more than one penalty, Demba hit the Ba (sorry), Mignolet made a good save from Coloccini... Norwich game - Ruddy pulled off a blinding save from Ba, good save from Cisse, and Cisse should have scored another at the start. Wolves game - In the frst 15 minutes, with better finishing, we could have been 4 up. Saying that a better team than X would have scored more/it would have been worse on the day is useless as an analytical tool because it can be very easily flipped on its head theoretically to back up the opposite argument.
  19. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    Completely disagree. Can think of many victories where we won scrappy games by one goal and then defended for our lives with the majority - Sunderland away, Everton at home and Fulham at home being a few that come to mind at first, as well as the awe-inspiring early season football that we witnessed in (what seemed so at the time) getting a good point away from home at QPR. There was a lot of 'percentage football', last-ditch defending and luck in those games too. That we've showed poorer form since the early season run, in my opinion, is down to: - injuries/absences (particularly to Steven Taylor and Cheik Tiote) - the squad at the beginning of the season overperforming - some truly shit refereeing AS MUCH AS it had to do with Pardew's increasingly negative tactics - I don't disagree with you on this point, we have been more prone to long-ball and stodgy football since 0-3 at home to Chelsea.
  20. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    Not this s*** again man. Obviously if anyone looks at the league table they say "well toon fans must be delighted". However our fans have actually watched all our matches this season. Huh? Reread. Im asking our fans who should be happier, not what they think. The respective ability of the sides above us to keep possession & dominate games has been highlighted in this thread & used as evidence we underperform under Pardew. Yet many would agree those 2 sides have underperformed in terms of picking up points for the quality of their squad, in comparison to how we have done. So should people be more dissapointed with our attacking play than satisfied with our strengths in other areas? Many seem to be. So true. So many people on here when our fans got/get derided in the media for "demanding an attacking brand of football"/"the Geordies would rather lose 4-3 than win 1-0" claimed that to be the media ganging up on us/not knowing their arse from their elbow/talking shit etc. Now we have a manager under whom for the majority of the season we have ground out scrappy, 1-0 wins with good team defending, as well as good football and some great goals in part, and so many people on here are complaining about it. Yeah, take your point, the football isn't particularly inspiring and with out first XI there's room for improvement and it's frustrating to see that denied us, but at the end of the day you're living up to the stereotypes that David Craig, Louise Taylor et al set for us having bashed them as inaccurate in the first place. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Pardew can have us playing a formation of 10-0-0 for all I care as long as keep winning, because as a fan of Newcastle United I love it when we win. I'm a fan of Newcastle United first, and tasty football involving Newcastle United second.
  21. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    I've given up listening to him, talks like a politician. So do most managers and players in post-match interviews due to media training and requirements preached to clubs at board level.
  22. He played very narrow but he and Gutierrez were at the hub of most of our attacks. They linked up well as a pair down that side. This. If Ruddy doesn't make that save, Lots of people on here would say Cabaye had a decent game for that beautiful assist. Yes he's had better games for us, but today he was just necessarily solid and did his job. I actually think Guthrie was poor, caught in possession a lot and wasteful.
  23. I meant in terms of getting our first win in 5 games. For me that lifts morale when compared to a draw/loss.
  24. I think the situation is best summarised by just acknowledging that he's, at best, a lower-end-of-the-table Premier League right back or a Championship one. Nowhere near as bad as people on here make out, but at best I'd call him competent. I concur with the sentiment that if we want to kick on as regular European contenders there shouldn't be a place for him in the side, barring a Perch-esque improvement.
  25. I actually think considering how Norwich have done this season it was a pretty good result, and personally I totally expected a performance like that. I don't mind the grittiness or the non-carpet football (provided we win), but what got my goat were all the stupid little mistakes. The dalliances in possession, the misplaced passes, falling over etc. I'd love carpet football all game but sometimes a decent opposition stops you from doing it, as I think partially happened today. Hard-working, morale-lifting and well-fought 3 points against a decent, industrious and praiseworthy mid-table side. I'll take that.
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