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Everything posted by Theregulars

  1. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    I'm not going to lambast him as we're still in the hunt for Europe, but I certainly will acknowledge that I'd like to see us play better football and not shut up shop when we score in the first ten minutes.
  2. Think we can get a result but I see us conceding at least 2. Don't fancy Danny Simpson or Mike Williamson against their style of football at all. A few weeks ago I would have said we could win but they've been phenomenal of late, and RVP is ridiculous. I know hoofball sucks but anything which keeps the ball away from their midfield for extend periods will be a plus. Also think their midfield three will overrun Tiote and Cabaye if we play 4-4-2 - this happened at home to Wolves, and they're shit.
  3. Yeh must admit I'm normally positive but this has been utter guff.
  4. Don't remember us scoring from a corner all season. Did so in the equivalent of this fixture
  5. What pleasure can you get from moronic posts like this? It's a joke, you burke.
  6. The issue is that they've had the vast majority of the play and the possession for the last 40 minutes or so, allowing them that chance. We've lacked urgency and quality despite playing a team winless in 9, in the bottom 3, and without a permanent manager. THAT is the problem. I agree that I'd like a bit more urgency. Other teams are alwaysg going to have chances and shots on goal though. We have been poor but there's still time for us to take the reins when Wolves run out of chuff. Are you watching? Yes.
  7. The issue is that they've had the vast majority of the play and the possession for the last 40 minutes or so, allowing them that chance. We've lacked urgency and quality despite playing a team winless in 9, in the bottom 3, and without a permanent manager. THAT is the problem. I agree that I'd like a bit more urgency. Other teams are alwaysg going to have chances and shots on goal though. We have been poor but there's still time for us to take the reins when Wolves run out of chuff.
  8. Just think at 2-0 we're happy to sit back and see what they've got - not sayinig I agree but I don't think it's spineless/gutless/shit etc etc. It's definitely boring mind. Think we can score more if we want to.
  9. Pardew hired as a way to pay back a gambling debt racked up in one of Dekka's casinos. Porked his (fat) daughter to get her to fall in love with him and propose and have Dekka call it off, plan fell through when he met Shola's sister. Thus he now works off the debt in the form of managing us for free, while Carroll was sold to meet Dekka's short- term cash flow issues. Yup.
  10. Starting to think following them is like some zany cult, only embracing less reason and rationality than Scientology. The best but is when he starts asserting that John Henry is with them or against them, as if aligning a brand you have invested uber millions in with racism is distillable to something as tribal as 'us vs them'. "those yanks just don't understand us" - you are right, FSG probably don't understand how, when left alone, you defend and seek to exculpate convicted racism. I really hope we smash that lot at SJP and the Dembii put Suarez in a dustbin and hit it with chairs, Cactus Jack style.
  11. Because: a) Pardew has guided us to a magnificent league position and should thus earn the benefit of your doubt re: team selection b) Many of our 'crapper' players have improved under Pardew's stewardship, see Perch and Guthrie c) He was fine against Villa and did a pretty decent job when called upon FWIW, I'm not picking an argument, I agree that Ben Arfa is a better player and I want to see him play more, if it's at Obertan's expense then I don't mind. But I don't like it when our players are just dismissed as 'woefully inept' when they aren't. If he plays badly, he'll be substituted and dropped accordingly. Moreover, Ben Arfa to this point has not done enough to justify automatic selection. To anticipate your counter-argument, neither has Obertan, and he has had a longer run of games. However, as neither has nailed the place down, I'm prepared to let Pardew make the decision until it looks blatantly obvious that the side and results suffer accordingly, neither of which has happened, regularly if at all.
  12. Alright lad, no need to keep hammering it home. Put yourself in our shoes, even if it helped you out would you ever cheer the 'Gooner Scum'? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm yes? well i wouldn't cheer but i'd be silently happy they scored if it helped our league position that's for damn sure. Have to factor in "our scum" have been on a great run and we play them in a couple of weeks. I don't think it's unreasonable to hope for a draw here. To hope for an Arsenal win just because we hate the mackems would be stupid though.. A good point too. If they win they're closer to use, and more form for the derby. How do you know we're not silently happy? It's just in our nature to cheer when the swamp creatures fuck up. Nonetheless your point is an entirely valid one, the nature of league competition means that you are constantly dependent on the results of other teams around you. If Sunderland do win, I'll be annoyed because I hate them and for the above reasons, but I will console myself with the fact that it means rivals for our push to Europe dropped points.
  13. Alright lad, no need to keep hammering it home. Put yourself in our shoes, even if it helped you out would you ever cheer the 'Gooner Scum'?
  14. Yup if results stay as they do it's complete carte blanche for us to have a go.
  15. Theregulars


    My favourite things about the picture of the mongs outside sjp is 'brucey one of us'. Cool, you can have him, free of charge. We've no need for bagpuss lookalikes with a nose like a half-chewed nik nak. Enjoy him and all his worth. Love, Geordies everywhere. I suppose he's mag kernt now.
  16. Totally undermining my grand apathetic statement, I don't think Benitez would be a bad short-term option. Unfortunately he's not ENGLISH rendering aptitude for th job irrelevant.
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