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Everything posted by Theregulars

  1. "Collymore closing in!!!!! Kevin Keegan hangs his head, he's devastated!!!!" - I cried all night, was only 10. Selling Robert and Bellamy, they reignited my passion for NUFC which had been doused by Dalglish and Gullit. Webb's blatant miss of Thomas Gravesen's pole-axe on Bernard, which knocked us out of the title race to all intents and purposes. 2-1 at Man City this year, for the sheer injustice, the lack of class and self-respect of their side/fans and HBA. Hadn't been so excited about a player for years. Selling Gary Speed really upset me, I thought it was a terribly short-sighted and disrespectful move. Appointing Joe Kinnear. Siging Michael Owen (always hated him).
  2. Not safe yet - we're bound to go through another shit patch. But if the question is do I think we'll go down, then no I don't. Especially with Hatem returning I think we've enough in the squad to consolidate the position we're in/finish around mid-table, which would be a massive achievement.
  3. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    Yup, for me he's done pretty well so far - the losses at Man City and Spurs were to be expected (although the City one was cruel and horrible after two gifted goals), wins against Wigan and West Ham were good, Stevenage awful, Sunderland great performance, just really, really unlucky. I still think he is a bad manager, but I'm not going to deny that, thus far, he's done pretty well for me. I still expect him to be done within a year/18 months once performances tail off.
  4. Theregulars

    Alan Pardew

    Still think he's incompetent.
  5. Spineless, as ever. Anybody who knows anything about football knows that the tackle was a fair one. Moreover, while they are happy to uphold that red card, they were willing to do nothing about De Jong's legbreaking career threatener on Ben Arfa.
  6. I sincerely hope that's the last time Alan Smith ever wears a Newcastle United shirt. He's an absolute disgrace of a footballer.
  7. You'd think non-regulars like Routledge and Smith would be keen to use this opportunity to play well and show the manager why he should pick them regularly.
  8. I enjoy how Best, his replacement as a transfer, scored more goals in one game than he has done all season.
  9. We seemed to carry the ball up the pitch fine without Jonas against Everton. We had Ben Arfa tbf. Think that's his point. Although I agree with Wullie wholeheartedly.
  10. I smell danger if Llambias stumbles across that.
  11. One thing's for sure, I reckon Best will put in more effort than Shola does some times. I know it doesn't count for much, mind (see A.Smith), but if he can hopefully get himself in a position to score something might work out. Law of averages says he'll get at least one chance, hopefully it's a tap in, he scores, feels a bit better about himself and we'll see what he do. If he's crap for whole 90 minutes I reserve the right to rescind this optimism and lambast him. Go on Leon, my son.
  12. Best of luck to him tonight to be fair. It's a squad game and he's a member of our squad, so I'll be rooting for him.
  13. What's wrong with Shola now? Always been patient with him but that's a massive fail when he needs to stand up and be counted. If the front pair is Best and McLoven I'll be really, really happy with a point.
  14. Clone him and everywhere. With Harper/Krul/anyone in goal, it won't matter.
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