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morpeth mag

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Everything posted by morpeth mag

  1. Does anyone know the rules of this competition? As only Fenebache can get to 9 pts is it goal difference or head to head results that count. If this was CL we'd have won the group.
  2. Would settle for some goals on any day of the week tbh
  3. morpeth mag

    The Daily Mail

    He's a mouthpiece for the Board. As I recall hitzfield and O'Neill dominated every poll. But even if it were true Speherd is paid £500k pa to get appointments right - you don't just listen to the fans - though it would be better if he did.
  4. FS would move him upstairs to DoF and bring in Shearer as first team coach as the only way of saving his skin.
  5. On a lighter note - the slogan for the campaign a la Blue Peter 'Time for walkies Shep' or am I showing my age?
  6. Can't understand why he didn'y come on today for the last 20 mins when we'd clearly run out of ideas. For me I'd have brought him on for charlie who had a quiet game. He could have played left or swopped with Duff. He may not be everyone's cup of tea but we needed a change today and he was it. The squad is thin enough as it is without the manager making it one lighter. All I can presume is that the club are still p*ssed he turned down Bordeaux.
  7. Keith Lamb (CEO, boro) has just said as part of the woodgate press conference that Viduka is staying at boro for the whole season for sure.
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