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Everything posted by Scribble

  1. He said it was to keep the shape a little better, no reflection on how Martins played, he praised him. Even joked about not daring to sub him again.
  2. Sometimes these players make it so hard to love this team. Come on Lads give us something to cheer this half!
  3. Yes, but only in the season ticket holders forum...
  4. Almost scoreed and then almost conceded another, good save Harps
  5. yes, he's (Owen) looking a bit isolated We've got to be careful about all these corners we're conceding.
  6. That is a good statement, but threads like this at least serve to counteract some of the knee-jerking, WUM, or just plain ignorant threads that are calling for his head. Perhaps some of those people are just speaking in the heat of the moment and aren't really expressing their real opinion just an extreme reaction to an unpleasant result. We lost today, we shouldn't have, we played fairly well, created chances and bar one moment of madness defended decently. Of course, that doesnt mean anything if we go down playing well with no points to show for it, but it does show he is turning the team around and getting better performances out of the players in my opinion. I'm a bit more optimistic after the game despite the disappointment of losing, KK has my full support (for what its worth) and we need some stability with this man at the helm to turn us around and head in the right direction.
  7. Bentley looked like he played through the centre against Butt, Enrique was up against emmerton. Fairly solid and I think he deserves to keep his place (hopefully with N'Zogbia in fronof him on the wing).
  8. Played well apart from once letting their winger get goal side. comfortable on the ball too.
  9. What a good idea. It's quite clear ''King Kev'' can't manage anymore, he's f****** past it, why can't people just accept this? He's been out of football for 3 years, and look at our team, we aren't European contenders anymore, we are a joke. Now, under Keegan, not Allardyce we are in a relegation battle. Since Keegan has been in charge we have conceded 13 goals in 5 league games! How is this acceptable? In the same amount of time we have scored a meager 3 goals. We are now 6 points off the relegation zone, player morale is the lowest I've seen it in a very long time but the supporters need to wake up and see Keegan has lost it. Allardyce was doing things with this club, Keegan no longer has the ability to do so.
  10. Good post, I agree with that. It's about teamwork, confidence and fitness. We did seem to keep going a lot longer against Man Utd, so I'm hoping the rest will come given time. It was interesting (and painful) to watch the Man Utd game as a yardstick to see how far we have to go (and its bloody far), but they have just hammered Arsenal recently too. Also, good post Pinkeye. You're never as good as your biggest win nor as bad as your worst defeat. For us the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
  11. Some of the performances haven't been bad in patches, but it's stringing it together for a full 90 mins that seesm to be a problem. Arsenal 1st half in the fa cup was really good to watch and a breath of fresh air after some of the football we'd endured. I think the problem is is KK is trying to set the team up to have a go. This makes for a more open game when both sides are attacking and does leave space for the opposition when we lose the ball. Its a sea change for our players who have spent all pre-season and half of this season palying to one system and then are expected to suddenly become as adept in another style against teams who have pretty much played the same way since the start of the season. Derby and a lot of other teams try and keep it tight and score on the break, makes for a tighter game but less adventurous which is what KK was brought in for. I say give him time to draft quality creative players in that will be more comfortable playing attacking football, a good pre-season to improve their fitness, get a settled back 4 and a solid shape about the team and get them used to playing how he wants them to, then we'll see better performances and a few of the players who look so god-awful now will look a hell of a lot better (there is still no hope for some though).
  12. Smith to start with Andy coming off the bench second half. (would prefer Viduka to start in lieu of Smith tho)
  13. what about faye? Nowadays everybody wanna talk like they got something to say But nothin comes out when they move they lips Just a buncha gibberish And muthafuckas act like they forgot about Faye
  14. I instantly thought the same thing when I read the quote in your post Johnson293. Here's hoping.
  15. Out: Shola, Roz, Butt, Carr Faye for DM, new RB for cover/start New LB, New CB New CM playmaker (would love a deco) New RW (SWP would be great, or someone with pace) New Striker
  16. Scribble

    Keegan is

    :clap: I fear that your voice of reason will be drowned out by the clamour for kneejerk reaction, but it doesn't stop your contribution being one of the most sensible I've seen here for quite a while. :clap: agreed. Damn fine post, couldn't agree more.
  17. Scribble

    Alan Smith

    I'd say the problem is down to the players. Not their skill, on the whole they look decent enough for an upper mid-table side on paper (some better some not so), but they fold like a pack of cards when they concede. Never look like holding on to a lead and panic whenever they get put under pressure. The team also dont look fit enough to play attacking football for a full 90 mins (witness some great starts , followed by numerous second half collapses). There's not even much of an understanding or cohesion between anyone to cover for the above weaknesses as they've been chopped and changed all season (especially the back 4). Look at Aston Villa, nothing fantastic (bar young and agbonlahor who missed our game), but they are a settled 11, who know what their roles are and work as a team. We need a flukey win, and some games with an unchanged side to hopefully turn this around.
  18. yep, and then proceeded to tear Carr a new one
  19. sounds like a bit more shit-stirring from the rags again.
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