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Everything posted by Scribble

  1. Nope just another opinion. Give it time, too early to judge on 2 games, AND still unbeaten, with the defence looking better than last season. It's grossly oversimplifying to say, "135 minutes of pure s***" we've played some good football and some not so good. Villa came for the draw, defended deep, and got their point we couldnt break them down on the day. As for Bolton 2nd half (I'm assuming you're not including 1st half in your total of s*** football fact stat), the job was done, you often see a second half peter out when one side takes a good lead in the 1st half as they look to hold the lead rather than extend it, that's what happened to us then.
  2. No long queues at my turnstiles, and everyone got through quick, faster than last season. So far so good.
  3. Just what you want after a bloody long grueling run... ... a bit more running! The cruel sods
  4. Or even use the wrong damn card - bastards!
  5. No. OK. Think Sam's going to try to get him to do so though? Either way, that's what he is worth, regardless of clauses. Look I hate to sound argumentative, actually no I don't but until he signs a contract without the release clause he is worth 13m maximum and if you can't understand that you need to slap yourself across the face because there is no hope for you. Bit aggressive dont you think? We all get that he has a clause allowing him to talk to clubs if £13m is bid, and that clause was inserted when we bought him. No need to be sarky. If he didnt have that clause, I think he would be valued at more than £13m. Good OP Jamie too.
  6. I might turn up at 5 to 3 then to avoid the crowds. a good 2 hours 20 in advance sounds a bit excessive, but more power to you, better saafe than sorry eh?
  7. From today's Journal it seems they think Sam will put him on the bench for Villa and keep the same team as at Bolton. Good news imo, Martins deserves to keep his place, and sends the right message about competition and winning a place in the side on merit not reputation.
  8. Don't really think his failure to make it here was anything to do with the supporters at all. It was more the manager not giving him a decent run in the team (roeder or Souness). Most people on here would rather have seen him play than Rossi when we had him.
  9. fully agree btw, just funny. Would see a good reception for solano, maybe dyer, and would like to see one for chopra but the shirt probably means no.
  10. Maybe he's been told his chances of playing are limited this year with all the new players we have, plus there may well be something in him wanting to be near his kids that's initiated the transfer request. Good luck to him, a good player for us who always tried.
  11. Was very good on saturday I thought, a decent player.
  12. You can practically smell the desperation on that transfer
  13. What? and play him out of position? He's a midfielder now! Nah, best keep him put of that knacker mclaren's hands.
  14. You're right, deserves a clean slate I suppose, was just too easy though at the time.
  15. Can see why though, to defend the deep crosses bolton are slinging in and of course, add the style and panache he's so well known for on here.
  16. Gartside has a face like a smacked arse I mean even more than usual, that is.
  17. yeah, shut yo mouth! But I'm talking about shaft!
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