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Everything posted by magorific

  1. magorific

    Isaac Hayden

    Improved massively in the second half. Looked and moved like he was carrying some sort of brain injury before the break.
  2. That's the type of nonsense which has other fans calling us delusional. Please stop with it.
  3. Textbook set Ronaldo off on one post Ronaldo would be calling Lloris if he was our keeper. No keeper is allowed to make a single mistake without being dismissed by the wise one. Darlow is bound to make the odd error on crosses because he takes responsibility for so many of them. I - and I bet our centre-halves - would far rather that than have him stuck to his line. It's the mark of a truly brave keeper - and the mistakes will lessen with experience.
  4. Watching Gosling tonight, even he's got far more about him than Jogback.
  5. Should win comfortably, but a little nervous about Atsu's tendency to give the ball away cheaply.
  6. magorific

    Matz Sels

    Well, yeah, because that would be the view of an imbecile. Well, yeah, because the cross was on the 6 yard line. You aren't seriously comparing that incident with Sels' latest flap hand moment?
  7. The search function is the best thing on RTG..
  8. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/the-gift-that-keeps-giving.1224655/page-5#post-23264966 "Dwight Gayle for 10m makes Rodwell for the same price look like a good deal" ?
  9. Apart from Gouffran being class all season...? Couple of good goals and that is why he starts. Mostly more anonymous than Gini was. Offered absolutely nothing today. This. Do you go to games (genuine question)? Our third best player on Saturday.
  10. Apart from Gouffran being class all season...? Couple of good goals and that is why he starts. Mostly more anonymous than Gini was. Offered absolutely nothing today. Were you there on Saturday?
  11. Apart from Gouffran being class all season...? He hasn't been. He's been s**** last 4-5 games. No. Exactly this. Was more than decent on Saturday.
  12. So many 80s teenage memories - most of them at away games. The 8-1 defeat at West Ham on a Monday night where Pedro ended up in goal, a win at Oxford where Billy Whitehurst (playing for them) offered out the whole away end, the '87 Cup game at Spurs (mental inside the ground, far worse outside), Paul Goddard scoring a midweek winner at Arsenal. A copper scraping me off the floor after I slipped celebrating Andy Thomas scoring in a win at Chelsea. Sadly, also some less happy memories (NF songs, monkey chants)...
  13. Yes, he is quick in terms of straight-line foot speed. Shame that alone doesn't make a footballer, let alone a decent full-back. He is SO slow in his decision-making on the ball that it's agonising to watch. How many times does he end up delaying his distribution so long that his "passes" are charged down?
  14. This is bang on, our fans are so accepting of mediocrity now it stinks. The "we can't get any better" or the "without Ashley we would have done a Leeds" comments from a lot of even quite knowledgeable fans is sickening to say the least. There's nothing wrong with aspiring for more, its not deluded to stand up for better, if you don't you end up like ambition less Sunderland absolutely buzzing about winning a relegation battle every single year. Yeah, cos we'd have sold 40,000 season tickets had McClaren still been in charge...
  15. Ronny reads minds, didn't you know? From a distance, obviously. Funny, but I'd be surprised if he wasn't one of those who ridiculed the fans who protested after KK got shafted. You're damned if you do and if you don't where NO's supreme being is concerned.
  16. In this case I do, yeah. We're talking about a Championship side that couldn't even make the playoff final. They were largely awful today, too. Usual WUM drivel, please. The last time I was accused of this (by you, iirc) was in January when I said our transfer window had been f***ing inadequate. I apologise. The "WUM" part was probably out of line. As I said, I'll bow to your superior knowledge of a team that scored (iirc) 12-13 goals in 3 straight games during the business end of last season and missed automatic promotion on goal difference. I'll bow to your unique insight into the play-off process the rest of us mere mortals refer to as a "lottery". I'll bow to you. Period.
  17. I see Ronaldo has turned his usual WUM drivel up to turboshit re Brighton. Best mate is a Brighton fan and I remember him very much enjoying the run of big wins they had in April when the pressure was seriously on to keep pace with the top two. But never mind. Miserable Ronnie knows better.
  18. Nobody who was there today could think Shelvey is the worst of our problems. Anita, Dummett and Hayden were atrocious. Vurn is an emergency right-back for me - nothing more. Utter madness from Rafa to leave Ritchie on the bench, and we desperately miss Mitro's physicality and general attitude.
  19. So, just to clarify, TCD thinks Paul Dummett had a better season than Chancel Mbemba..
  20. magorific


    My point - if you're bothered amid your trademark foaming - isn't as much to do with Shearer (although he at least had sporadic good games beyond his "one tournament") as it is with Rooney having bombed miserably at four successive tournaments.
  21. magorific


    Rooney had literally two good games in that "stand-out" tournament, and we reached the first knock-out round. Comparing that with Euro 96 is utter f***ing nonsense.
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