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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Hope the lad makes a name of himself here. All the best Adam
  2. Sifu

    Ligue 1

    One of my favourite places Come visit me Ah, un(e) Bordelais(e). That's two now basically.
  3. Oh god, if Di Canio gets a (what is currently) a PL job
  4. Well, Reading are just idiots for doing this. Bye.
  5. It would please me to see Suarez hacked down at some point. Colo's the only one to have come close to doing so...
  6. MOTD won't change your opinion, it was a definite penalty. Idiotic challenge from Tiote (and aye, he was good up until that rush of blood to the head).
  7. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    Yep, logic dictates that Saylor should at the very least be in consideration for the squad. Some of the players who have been selected for England duty should give him some hope of being selected like.
  8. So Wigan have a good chance of making the FA Cup Final, feck sake!
  9. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    I like his rugged look. Our lack of bite attacking-wise is worrying mind. But that's another win from behind, the spirit has come back and our heads aren't dropping and that can only be a good sign.
  10. Such a poor game. It was a good thing that Stoke were shitter than us really. The first half really reminded me of the Swansea game - that is, us being the better team by some distance but the lack of end product upfront being our main problem. The second half was pretty shite though so like I've said, good thing Stoke were shit and didn't do anything of note. Luck was on our side though and I'm going to enjoy this result.
  11. A very cool and collected player - something you need at CB really.
  12. Unfortunately he's very prone to having a rush of blood to the head, don't actually think we can coach it out him - Tiote's head is as unpredictable as they come. Decent game today though until his moment of idiocy. Still a starter for me btw.
  13. Today was actually the first time I've seen him play! (Missed the Europa League games in which he played because of my staying late at work). Definitely got a great prospect here and he slotted in very nicely. Looks like we're going to have nice bit of competition for LB.
  14. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    His poorest game yet. Having said that he got the winner Worrying signs though but we'll leave that for another day, time to enjoy the result.
  15. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    He's such a crazy f***er but he's been great since coming back from injury. Keep it up
  16. Feeling a bit déjà vu about this game. A lack of end product is again the main problem.
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