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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Wilfried Bony

    *Do not bump until summer*.
  2. Wasn't there a rumour Ba lived in a hotel the entire time he was here. Wouldn't surprise me. Rumour's false. They showed a bit of Ba's house in that interview he did for French TV last month.
  3. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Pretty sure they know beforehand they wouldn't last any longer tbh. Go there for a few months, collect a massive pay packet and f*** off. Probably got bored shitless. More than likely, playing in the Chinese League is hardly a challenge.
  4. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    So much for promoting football in Shanghai/China...that's Drogba and Anelka gone within a year. Mind you I'm not really surprised.
  5. You should seriously put a signature in your gifs. Recognition ftw
  6. Sifu


    I concur, injuries played a huge part there unfortunately.
  7. Sifu

    Wilfried Bony

    This is most unexpected. Really thought the Sissoko was the conclusion of our transfer business this January, apparently not! We've gone crazy :cheesy2: (and I'm for all it!). Cue the mass hysteria.
  8. We're probably looking into securing Ince already. Expiring contracts is a trigger word for Ashley and co...
  9. Having looked at that more closely, I'm refusing to buy on the basis that the grammar is all wrong "The Toon Friend". (Sorry).
  10. There's blatantly going to be loads of people buying that in time for the Chelsea game next Saturday
  11. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Sissoko didn't even talk to Pardew did he? Not sure about that tbh but I suspect he must have spoken to Pardew on some level before signing for us...
  12. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Guess it's more the likes of Cabaye and Ben Arfa selling the club to the new ones. More than likely I guess but Pardew did sell it very well to Cabaye 2 summers ago!
  13. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    One thing I will sort of give to Pardew is that he seems to sell the club rather well to prospective players (if he does get involved in the transfer dealings that is...).
  14. Summer signing methinks. In fact, might put a bet on it at the bookies. This lad and another 2 [at the very least] (along with a fair few youth signings) and think that would be a decent enough window. Having said that, let's try and rescue this season first...
  15. Just googled that and that was the one I was on about, it has since been replaced by Nudo.
  16. I certainly hope so. Been on the lookout for one for ages. The last one I can recall is that place (the name escapes me) which is now Nudo.
  17. My beard's getting itchy. In desperate need of a win here, don't really mind how we do it, as long as we do it.
  18. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Alors Alan...over to you. The new signings will be a much needed boost for us and certainly for Pardew. But now it's time for him to show us what he's really made of...will he be up for the task? We shall see...like Cajun said last night, it's almost as if he's been given a clean slate. No more excuses now.
  19. Well this has turned out to have been a very good month Whilst Colo's long term future is still uncertain and unresolved, I'm confident that he'll keep it professional on the pitch between now and the end of the season - we'll need him to anyway, he is our captain after all. A Yanga-Mbiwa and Colo CB partnership
  20. Fantastic news Well done to all involved in our of all signings. Credit when it's due, never would I have expected 4 signings in a week.
  21. As if Ratboy's opinion counts for anything
  22. Ferguson's Nufc career is over man. Not necessarily. Well I'm holding out hope that he has a future here anyway...
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