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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu


    I don't think Henderson's reaction helps like, he barely touched him That's why it's only a yellow for me. Henderson's reaction does him no favours.
  2. To my mind, this is it basically. England can't take it for granted that there's a relatively "favourable" route to the Final. If this World Cup is anything to go by, it really doesn't matter who you are, if you bottle it and don't take it to the opposition on the day, you will more than likely get punished. It goes without saying that Tuesday will be the first true test of England's mettle (I'm not counting the Belgium game as neither side looked like they wanted the win on that day) - if they get the win against Colombia, then things will certainly look good
  3. At least the atmosphere at Old Trafford is still the same.
  4. Sifu


    I think you're far from alone in holding that viewpoint. I'd wager most fans who don't have a representative from their team will be in the same boat. I'm really looking forward to the World Cup but haven't been able to get behind England properly for a while now. Think that certainly is a factor; had Shelvey and Lascelles made the squad, I guess I would have shown a bit more interest in the England team than I have done in the last few weeks. I, too, am looking forward to the World Cup so guess it'll just be a matter of enjoying the actual tournament rather than fretting over my support for England (I'll probably have a few pints when they're on to up my interest a bit).
  5. Sifu


    Is there anyone else who isn't really feeling it in regards to their support towards England in this upcoming World Cup? I'm seeing all sorts on my Twitter and Facebook about how this squad is a group of "likeable" players who we should all rally behind and that to do so otherwise is being unnecessarily pessimistic and idiotic. I can understand the need for togetherness and "unconditional" support to help see the team through but there's still a few players in that squad who I really (maybe irrationally) detest and to bring myself to celebrate a success to those particular players would be a somewhat hard thing to do. My passion for the England team has really dwindled over the last 6 years or so and that's probably down to the constant disappointment during that time (in tandem with enduring us in that time as well). Who knows, maybe I'll put my fairweather hat on and get hyped when I watch that first England game but at the moment, there's nothing there
  6. I'm a regular Tapatalk user and for me, it's a better experience than the mobile site.
  7. Sifu


    Fer and Bony out for the rest of the season for Swansea. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/42937089
  8. Never want to see this guy ever play for us again
  9. Sinclairs Oyster Bar tbh. Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Tapatalk
  10. Bloody awful, isn't it? Either with one man extra, Sheffield United have looked very poor, both teams have been poor, in fact. As fitting a 0-0 as it can ever be. Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Tapatalk
  11. This has been a rather shite Sheffield derby like Sent from my HUAWEI VNS-L31 using Tapatalk
  12. Very disappointing today He didn't have much bite to him today and I expected him to give an ageing Bruno a tougher game.
  13. Sifu

    Paul Dummett

    He still can't do anything with the ball but thought Dummett was solid enough. I'd honestly and definitely rather have him than Manquillo. Having said that, I think I'd prefer Mbemba at LB despite it not being his natural position.
  14. Merry Christmas everyone!
  15. Anyone know where our fans tend to drink before going to Old Trafford?
  16. Don't worry everyone, I'm going to the game so it'll be a comfortable loss for us
  17. Gutted that I can't be there today. Good luck all
  18. Walkabout in the Printworks (by Victoria train station) has been pretty decent the times I've been.
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