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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Think we'll see one new face before the season kicks off [/optimism]
  2. I expect nothing less from Guy Mowbray.
  3. I was offered a free ticket for this game. I declined, think that may have been the wrong decision...
  4. Bit of a difference between the Darlo area and Victoria Park to the amount of fans that can go. True but there's going to be the odd set of idiots intent on ruining it all.
  5. Really hope we don't see a repeat of Darlington. Unfortunately think we'll see some trouble on Tuesday...school holidays and all that. We even had trouble during a reserves game last year ffs.
  6. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Hope you're not going on about Liverpool's Lucas...
  7. Jack Butland, still a young'un but looks like he has a promising career ahead of him...
  8. Sifu


    Gupter's revenge?
  9. Oi, Cronky appears to be a bit owld but he deserves your respect. (Edited my post btw )
  10. Jog on americaz. Eejit. Sorri, hav i hurt your feelings? Ameriscum? who is this guy?
  11. Quarter Final penalty shootout. Now why does that sound familiar...
  12. Mackem Ji with a free header...way over the bar thankfully.
  13. fitness/his knee? Probably but he was GB's most threatening player and with him gone, we'll do well to scrape through.
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