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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I'm tempted to complain to the BBC about Lawrenson. How this cunt has a job in football commentary/punditry is beyond me.
  2. Where you'll get Tyldesley and Townsend, good luck.
  3. Pretty sure that was the Villa game. Definitely Blackburn. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/eng_prem/3599098.stm And O'Brien sealed a happy afternoon for the home team with a superb goal. A brilliant turn and spin from Bowyer's drilled pass-cum-shot took the ball past Matteo before O'Brien struck the ball past Friedel. Ah
  4. Pretty sure that was the Villa game.
  5. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Agree with this. Although I prefer his general babbling than the ITK stuff. It's a shame that nearly all of his posts these days consists this. I remember him being a brilliant poster, once upon a time...
  6. Shearer vs Spurs (FA Cup Semi Final).
  7. Robert vs Spurs (both goals) Ben Arfa vs Blackburn/Bolton
  8. Douglas. http://www.channel4.com/assets/programmes/images/the-it-crowd/series-2/episode-1/the-it-crowd-s2e1-20081218145040-0_625x352.jpg
  9. Sifu


    A parody account, surely? Having said that, there are a few genuine idiots on Twitter...
  10. Sifu


    Really hope this is true. £5 million is a reasonable fee and Douglas is just the player we need. A Colo-Douglas CB partnership would be brilliant and they would complement each other very nicely. Plus, with Saylor and Williamson as backup, think we'll be alright for options at CB (with Streete and [potentially] Good in there too, if need be).
  11. Sifu

    Peter Løvenkrands

    I've said this before but I will say it again, all the best to the man. Will never forget his contribution in the Championship - his goals were key to our promotion and for that he will forever have my respect. It's a shame he wasn't good enough for the PL but ah well. Thanks Peter.
  12. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    Thread title change
  13. Seems reasonable enough but can't see how we would finance such a deal - don't want to to say it but the only way I can see this properly happen is if we cash in on one of our first teamers...(I sincerely hope this won't be the case).
  14. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Twitter was at it all afternoon.
  15. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    He came off the bench against Fulham at SJP. Almost f***ed up a 2-0 lead When he lost the ball in our half, urgh scary stuff.
  16. Ashley's negotiating technique: "He doesn't know how to haggle..."
  17. Can you imagine the reaction if we did
  18. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    I've got one more can of Strongbow in the fridge, guess tonight's as good as reason as any to crack it open. Thank fuck we're finally getting rid of him. First half of the Championship aside, he's really done fuck all and has been comfortably one of the worst players to put on a black and white shirt in recent memory.
  19. Sifu

    Fraser Forster

    Too early to judge Elliott for me but we could do with another keeper with Sodeberg going and Harper getting on. I'm basing this on nothing but think Harper has just about enough left to do a decent enough job as a number 2...
  20. Aye, can certainly see Abeid getting his run of games next season but I wouldn't be too opposed to him going out on loan either. As long as we can recall him, it'll be a good deal for all concerned.
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