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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. The more I watch that, the funnier it gets What the f*** was he thinking man
  2. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Actions speaks louder than words - it's all well and good that he's acknowledging some mistakes but if he doesn't do anything substantial about them (ie. learning from them), then it's all moot. His track record of learning from his mistakes is rather poor so I can't say I'm confident he's going to implement any sort of effective change.
  3. Morale boosting news. Crap on top of crap on top of crap.
  4. Sifu

    Darren Bent

    Darren Bent, a player whose general all round play is questionable and who is more famed for scoring goals rather than creating them for others, is potentially going to be signed to play in the number 10 role? What sorcery is this? Pardew been sniffing paint again? Should have kept Harper on and play him as a striker then.
  5. Whilst L'Equipe is France's top sports newspaper, it does print a lot of bullshit these days. It's basically like when Sky Sports News' "sources" understand something is happening but it actually isn't. I am therefore going to take that Marveaux story with a pinch of salt.
  6. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I choose to believe you, Ian. I do too. I do really believe that he has a genuine love for NUFC, so much so that he would reject any sort of approach from any club...[/perhapstoomuchwishfulthinking?]
  7. Sifu

    Bafetimbi Gomis

    This will pretty much sum up everyone else's feelings about this. I know fuck all about him and I can't remember what was said about him the first time we were linked with him (but I do seem to remember myself being all for him signing...).
  8. Even greater one by Michael Gray... He was not kind whatsoever
  9. Damning assessment from Guy Mowbray.
  10. England are going to get thumped by a rather large score here.
  11. Hmmm, I realised today that it's the middle of July and the season starts next month. We're not going to sign anyone in time for the City game are we?
  12. There are already enough factors out of the control of FIFA doing their bit to kill off international football, but FIFA also seem pretty determined to do it themselves. Will we ever see a "clean" FIFA/UEFA? Fucking money has ruined everything.
  13. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    There's no such thing in modern society I'm afraid. We could like, not be sponsored? How much are we making from Wonga, £10m max over how many years? That's nothing in the grand scheme of things when you think about TV money etc. Not having a sponsor would just about be fine logistically but as everything is governed by money these days, it is highly unlikely we'll see a NUFC strip sans sponsor.
  14. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    There's no such thing in modern society I'm afraid.
  15. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    Despite him not travelling, I'm strangely optimistic that he will be wearing a NUFC shirt come the City game. Maybe it's the sun messing up my mind but I'm not particularly worried about this situation...
  16. doesn't Taylor have the same agent as Rooney? Nah he's with Willie McKay now. What an ill-advised move. I blame Saylor's dad.
  17. Sifu

    Paul Gascoigne

    As unfortunate as it sounds, he needs to be institutionalised, not just for everyone else's safety but his own safety too.
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