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Everything posted by STM

  1. STM

    Mark Viduka

    Is another word for one's rear end! bluewink.gif
  2. STM

    Mark Viduka

    I agree. This is more the standard i expect Roeder to be after.
  3. STM

    Mark Viduka

    However, Chelsea know that at any second Cole could be theirs if they bid the money asked. I believe, they may get rid of Bridge to help fund the Cole situation. My point is that they could get rid of Bridge before Cole joins them, fingers crossed.
  4. STM

    Mark Viduka

    May i reiterate that when lamb said Viduka is staying, what he really meant was " we want more money". Remember Fred last year said that Milner was going no where and about six hours later he was a villa player on loan.
  5. STM

    Mark Viduka

    Only if Solano or Duff get injured. You'd have Nobby ahead of Dyer (hypothetically at full fitness)? Depends on how confident i was on Dyer getting injured again. I wouldn't want to completey disrupt the team by playing Dyer once every twenty matches. If both players are fit then Dyer is a bigger threat to defences.
  6. STM

    Mark Viduka

    Only if Solano or Duff get injured.
  7. STM

    Mark Viduka

    This time last year freddy shepperd said that James Milner is going nowhere, within a few hours he signed for Villa on loan and we got nobby back. The lesson to be learnt is that CHAIRMAN TALK SHITE FOR MORE MONEY! Lamb simply wants the toon to up their price, i suspect we will.
  8. STM

    Mark Viduka

    No mention of possible defenders, other Neill. This is disturbing. Alan Oliver didn't know about Rossi or Viduka yet by some miracal we seem to have got both. He knows fuck all man, we will have a defender in soon. My guess is that a name will crop up in the next couple of hours that hasn't already been mentioned by the media just like Viduka, Duff and Rossi.
  9. STM

    Mark Viduka

    Don't know why but that post amuzed me. bluebiggrin.gif Correct though. Seems to be able to find space from no where, by the way the Boro fans are gutted that they are losing their best striker. bluebiggrin.gif
  10. STM

    Mark Viduka

    Agree 100%. Just goes to show what most clowns on here know about football tbh Equally agree. Viduka will give us exactly what we need. I can't see us changing the way we play, so we sure as hell need someone who can hold the ball up and bring everyone else into play. Go on then, make it four. bluebiggrin.gif At this point last summer we were being linked with him and i was very dissapointed, yet last season i saw a great deal of good football by Viduka followed by a great world cup. Vidukas ability in holding up the ball is second to none, the only problem he had was that Boro failed to make use of this with Mendieta out injured for so long. With the Zog, Duff and Martins ready to get on the end of what Viduka holds up we will improve our scoring. He's also used to being rotated in the boro squad, so he probably have the right attitude should we decided to leave him on the bench. The only problem with Vidukas attitude is that sometime he gets a little lazy, however when critisism is thrown his direction he reacts in the correct way. If we were to sign Viduka for 3 or 4m, i for one would be delighted with our strike force going into the season.
  11. STM

    Mark Viduka

    Give them Milner on loan but make Milner extend his contract with us. Then we get Viduka and an even better Milner next term.
  12. STM

    Mark Viduka

    I'm watching SSN. Your mates a prick!
  13. STM

    Mark Viduka

    Personally, i think Vidukas a cracking player.
  14. STM

    Mark Viduka

    TBH, Viduka would make more sense than some of the names that have been mention over the last few months. He's Strong, has good feet, can head the ball, can hold up the play. Viduka is also used to the squad rotation system should Owen, Ameobi and Martins all be available at the same time. Makes sense for roeder to go for him but we are leaving it bloody late for new names to be mentioned.
  15. STM

    Premiership Predictions

    Champions:Chelsea 2nd 3rd 4th:Liverpool, Arsenal, Man Utd Where will we finish: 5th Relegation: Sheffield Utd, Watford and Fulham Top scorer: Henry and Sheva
  16. STM

    Same old Sunderland

    TBH i almost feel sorry for them. To think they could get relegated again to league1. bluecry.gif Chairman and manager. The club cost 10m for fucks sake. I think they will stay in the championship for three seasons. Autumn,Winter and Spring. Cheerio
  17. Near Hexham, in mighty northumberland. bluebiggrin.gif
  18. Southern Monkey? bluebiggrin.gif If there's anything worse than a Northern Monkey it's a Southern one.
  19. He must be, because Luque is the GREATEST striker in the world, and anyone who saw him last season and though the was very poor is WRONG, He must be GREAT, he has a showreel, and everything. Come on Albert, show us how FANTASTIC you are. Top post. Why? because he is taking the piss out of Luque and everyone who wants him to succeed. Or because he's making a stand for all those people who don't rate Luque and don't want to be proved wrong.
  20. I do hope nobody actually believes that Roeder really thinks that. So Roeder's a liar? That would go down well with your theory that Luque is heartless wouldn't it? Are you saying that you have not been encouraged by his recent performances? Luque is getting better and better every game he has played this season. I hope it continues. I've only seen bits of ONE of his performances. I'm not saying Roeder is a liar. I'm saying that you have to take what managers say with a big pinch of salt, they may have other motives for saying things. You completely believe that Roeder thinks Butt has a future at NUFC, do you? As for his performances, from what i have gathered, as i haven't bothered this pre-season, he's been alright. Unless he can start the season on fire, i'm not interested. His performances last season were pathetic, and he has a lot to make up. If he wants more time to bed in, tough. Either he's good enough now, or he's not. We'll see in the actual season, won't we. I agree that we should really judge the chances of Luque succeeding at SJP on his performances in the premiership. However, i disagree that his last seasons performances were pathetic. I saw alot of lad play and i'm convinced that his failure to live up to his 9.5m expectation was due to alot of things. One of those was injuries but he did also have alot of time to get fit after that. Another one was bad management under Greame Souness, that is a certainty. I also believe that once the crowd got on his back for not scoring he lost alot of confidence and because of this failed to perform for the rest of the season. I think so far this year we have seen a different Luque. He looks sharper and shown quite a few glimpses of his "old self". However, my biggest worry is that Roeder will sign somone and then forget completely about the talented spaniard. What i'd like him to do is keep the rollercoaster going by easing him into games and playing him with other experianced stars such as Emre,Duff and Nobby. These are the players that can bring him into the game and get the best out of him. If they do that then eventually Luque will be the one bringing others into the game.
  21. I do hope nobody actually believes that Roeder really thinks that. So Roeder's a liar? That would go down well with your theory that Luque is heartless wouldn't it? Are you saying that you have not been encouraged by his recent performances? Luque is getting better and better every game he has played this season. I hope it continues.
  22. If the manger spent time trying to adapt Luque's undoubted talent into the premiership maybe we wouln't have to faulk out 10-12m on at best good players such as Bent and Defoe. Luque has talent and can score goals against top european opposition such as PSV, Real Madrid, AC Milan and Juventus. Why can't he do it for us? Not because he's a mercinary or a heartless person but because under the tenur of Greame Souness we played very little "football". Under Roeder he has significantly improved in my honest opinon and so may it continue. We only need one striker in my opinion as we already have Dyer, Luque, Ameobi,Owen and Duff who can all play up front. What we need is an instinctive striker who will pop up in th right place, the answer is Robbie Keane not Defoe.
  23. When he arrived everyone said he was coming here to earn 60/70k a week. Then reports came out saying that he was on pretty poor wages in spain and 40k was the deal he was getting here. It may have been one of the reasons we opted for him. Although, i don't know the facts on how much he's getting paid.He said he wasn't coming here for the money and the fans inpressed him when we played depor in the inter toto last year. Some fucking mercinary,eh?
  24. We might as well stop buying English players. Owen, Butt, Bramble, Ramage, Chopra bla bla bla, to name a few of those English players who have failed in Newcastle United. No foregin players, no English players. Someone setup an academy in Pluto or Mars please Good point. We have had just as many maybe more english flops, yet we keep on buying them at a steeper price. Why not buy one striker and give Luque his chance. So far this season he has had one performance and 1 goal. That's a 100% record as far as i'm concerned. The situations not complicated, the guy had a poor season because of a horrific injury. Not because he's saddam hussiens evil twin and wants to stay on the bench and earn his 40k a week.
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