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Everything posted by jackyboy

  1. I think I remember when we had Carver in charge he said that he reckoned he was one of the best coaches in the country
  2. jackyboy

    Dan Burn

    His lack of skill is being cruelly exposed. We need Targett back
  3. I don't think that Dan Burn is an ideal partner for ASM
  4. I hope that they don't use that flag with SBR in it. Different era and circumstances completely
  5. Forest fans aren't impressed with Wood. They are giving him stick on their forum
  6. jackyboy

    Dan Burn

    He's just not as comfortable on the ball as our other players and it slows us down
  7. Looking forward to seeing him on the left with Taggart. I think it will really balance us up with Trips and Miggy on the right
  8. My first game was back in the 50s with my dad. I remember when the game started and I was stunned because I expected to hear a commentary and there wasn't one
  9. Sounds like he was stopped by the police while he was still with Everton. Refused to give his name to the police who no doubt already knew who he was so got charged and banned for 6 months. Now it seems that someone? saw him driving after he was banned but just after that his girlfriend was seen dropping him off at training. The DM blow it up with a headline saying he could be sent to prison. It could have been a pissed off Everton fan who says he saw him driving
  10. Big Dan has been great but I think that Targett is the better footballer. Such a luxury to have 2 players of their quality
  11. Eddie must have teaching him about composure because this last few games he's had better chances and just ballooned the ball over the bar.
  12. The fact that he's British pushes the price up as there could be limitations as to how many foreign players you can have in your side. Plus he's young and with a mentor like Eddie, who knows.
  13. Apart from giving us the opportunity to rest a couple of players I can't see what he offers which is better than what we have
  14. Thought Trippier was poor by his own incredibly high standards. Gave the ball away a few times which is not like him. The huge majority of our attacking comes down that right hand side
  15. Big Dan needs to get back to doing what he does best and stop thinking he's Eusabio. Got caught a couple of times last night and has been bordering on giving away penalties or the ball in previous matches
  16. Arteta gets on my tits, always outside the technical area and often on the pitch. A Man U player was taking a throw in and Arteta was about 3 feet away from him.
  17. Longstaffe and Joelinton get through an amazing amount of work but sadly they both spurn some really good chances. Compare them to Man Uniteds Fernandez. We do well with the squad we have that's for sure and we are only in our first year of rebuilding so it will take time. Finding players who you would like to sign is not easy. The selling clubs need to be willing to sell also so it's not just about the money. Big money has been paid by clubs on players who just never made the cut and there are plenty of examples at Man U, Liverpool, Everton etc.
  18. ASM looks a lot slimmer and hopefully fitter than he was. I think that they side are getting a bit stale and we need an injection of something different. Most of the starting 11 have played nearly every game and done incredibly well but we need something different
  19. He's probably a year older now
  20. I see Woody starts for Nottingham Forest. Hope he scores for them
  21. He could be a really good player if he wasn't such an aggravating little shit
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