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Everything posted by jackyboy

  1. How can he have a leak when everyone is so behind him giving their all.
  2. Bruce has succeeded in killing off the transfer talks. All talks suspended because of the threat of relegation
  3. And don't forget that he left it to the press to tell Darlow that he was dropped
  4. It's no coincidence that our performances have improved since the arrival of Jones and I'd love to hear the journalists bring that to his attention. The problem is that to play this high press sort of football the players need to maintain extremely high fitness levels. Giving them a new paddling pool or new wheelie bins just isn't enough. You need top fitness coaches and medical staff. You can see that we start off brightly but fade due to this lack of the fitness required. I think that some of the LFC players are suffering a bit of burnout from the incredibly high standard they set last season. Man City, according to Pep are doing less running this season, another sign of the awareness of these top coaches. No doubt Steve will be analysing the data as we speak to stay ahead of the game and come up with some mind blowing system or solution
  5. . I am with you every step of the way. I have always hated and despised Bruce throughout his so called managerial career
  6. He'll be telling the players that it is an honour just to be on the same pitch as these great Wolves players
  7. I'd guess that the wages were comparitively shite so this was to sort of compensate for it
  8. He has always been a really arrogant little shit. Anyone on this forum could have achieved what he achieved at Celtic
  9. I think he'll be back at the weekend. Bruce was waiting for something to make the decision for him and hearing him keep bringing up about Darlow being beaten on the near post, that it was a cardinal sin, something we need to look at etc tells me that he has found a way to have the decision made for him and justified
  10. Bruce fails in every category I can possibly think of but to me the thing he lacks most, in fact the thing he has zero % of is integrity. Some thing which Rafa has in bundles
  11. I find it very difficult to stop believing that there will be a takeover soon. The reason for that is that I'm desperate for just a glimmer of hope. When I stop letting my heart rule my head I see a different picture. If there really was a takeover in the offing then I would expect Ashley and the potential new owners to come together to protect the investment. They would have ditched Bruce and brought in the man who would be the new manager. Neither party would have allowed the situation to become as desperate as it is now and risk relegation.
  12. jackyboy


    Hasn't he just been self isolating for Covid
  13. It's taken Bruce 18 months to build this latest failure of his and we could all see it coming from day one
  14. Bruce sent a message to tell the fans the he's convinced that we will be alright.
  15. I think you mean he's a cock in interviews ;D
  16. Fraser had his best ever game, most creative player on the pitch and Bruce hasn't started him since
  17. It doesn't matter if we get stuffed this weekend because there are lots of positives and the players are enjoying it.
  18. Dubs does Lascelles job by organising the defence
  19. But there were a lot of positives
  20. If Jones hadn't given us the boost for the last couple of wins we'd be tottering on the brink now
  21. I wonder what could have driven people (Newcastle fans) to hate Bruce so much??
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