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Everything posted by jackyboy

  1. I said on here months ago that Bruce would bench Almiron because he doesn't have a clue how to get the best out of him. This is exactly what Bruce apparently did at Villa where good young players were frozen out and blamed for shit performances
  2. I'm sure that Bruce admires Burnley's style of play and any cast offs from there will help his cause
  3. The manager has stamped his identity on the team. Unfortunately it's clueless
  4. I used to really enjoy it when all the kick offs were at 3.00pm Saturday and watching or listening as the results came in. Even at the games you might find someone with a transistor radio picking up the scores from somewhere and telling those around him. Oh and the players played for the shirt and not for money. Happy days
  5. £30mill was a good bit of business by us. That and selling Andy Carroll were both good moves
  6. I'd have Gary Monks missus over Bruce
  7. Maybe with the crumbling of our High St shops Ashley may think that the best way for him to make money is through NUFC rather than SD, hence our recent player acquisitions. Keeping Bruce is good and cheap providing we avoid relegation.
  8. Pardew was an absolute tosser but throughout all of his time here I still supported my team and wanted us to win as I have done since the Joe Harvey days . Bruce is also a tosser but I can't bring myself to support the team while he is here. All I want is for us to lose and hopefully get rid of him. 6-0
  9. Very much like Pardew for putting square pegs in round holes. Why can't they see it? If you have a couple of players who excel in certain positions then play them there and build the team around them
  10. Asking the Saudis for more information, information that they felt was asking too much is a bit like telling The Queen that we need to a credit check on her
  11. Damage would have been caused while playing golf. I reckon he covers more ground in a game of golf than he does in a few games of football
  12. I have supported this club for 70 years been through lots of highs and lows. I lived for the results, giving me such a lift and great feeling when we won and absolutely choked when we lost. Rafa gave me such great hope and he was so respected. It was sad but predictable when he left but I still lived in hope. The appointment of Bruce, who I have never ever had any respect for just sickened me. The takeover talk kept me going just thinking of what could be but that seems to have gone. The only pleasure I get now is when we lose, the bigger the margin the better. Not because of the players but because of what my club has become and worst of all, being lead (not managed or coached) by Steve Bruce, one of the biggest frauds and snakes in football
  13. I used to really enjoy watching Van Persie. He always passed the ball ahead of his players prompting forward movement
  14. We'd struggle a lot more without Steve here. Look at how Aston Villa have gone downhill since he was sacked
  15. Hopefully Man U will come back with a sting in their tails and take it out on us to give Bruce and co a hammering. Trouble is I don't think Ole is a lot better than Bruce
  16. Didn't watch it. After watching 30 minutes of us against Tottenham any enthusiasm (that I didn't have) just evaporated
  17. Why did our £40 mill striker not take a penalty?
  18. Jose says he really likes Steve Bruce having been opposing managers many times. I think the interview missed off the bit where Jose says I really like Steve because I know I'll get a lot of points playing against his teams
  19. He actually played really well in some of our Championship games
  20. We always play better against the top teams
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