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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Lets go for something fruity..... Harper Kadar S Taylor Colo Jonas Enrique R Taylor Smith Nolan Ranger Carroll
  2. Liverpool FC as we have known it died a few years ago. Young players nowadays don't know of their team of the 80's so their heritage is becoming less and less important. They are now simply a lucky cup team - and long may that continue (minus the luck ideally!)
  3. If the last year or so has shown anything it's shown that for the most part Newcastle supporters are either unwilling or too apathetic to do anything to effectively express their anger at how the club is being run. Sure, there'll be people who ring in irately to phone ins, write angry letters to papers, or stand outside the ground and complain to any TV cameras present, but that's as far as it goes. Very little has been done which would actually affect Ashley in a tangible way and make him think twice about what he does or how he runs the club (don't fool yourself that the limited Keegan protests made Ashley decide to sell the club, with hindsight it's obvious that there was plenty of truth in the numerous rumours that he'd been trying to flog it from the minute Keegan was appointed). The fact that Sports Direct shops are still healthily trading in the centre of a city where the majority of the population are supposed to be mad supporters of the club shows that saving a couple of quid on a pair of trackie bottoms is more important to most than making a stand against the destruction of the club. If anything the people or groups who have actually tried to do something or organise things to try and get Ashley to even acknowledge the supporter's views have come in for more criticism and even blame from a lot of people than the owner and his cronies themselves - don't rock the boat sailing into the iceberg, or it's your fault if it sinks. Welcome to <your name here>FC. Shit all over us and we'll keep on giving you our cash. Spot on. It makes my skin crawl when I see wankers in his shops in Newcastle. I wonder if trade in the Sunderland stores are up or down
  4. Can't agree with the work in progress statement. There are 3 clubs who are status symbols (Man U, Chelsea, Arsenal)(4 if you include Liverpool but they need a stadium and a fair wedge spent on the first team but you get the history), the rest are all work in progress. Are we really any further away from Champions League football now than Man City were last season if you are going to throw hundreds of millions at it?
  5. Does it really matter what points would get you up in the past? The only fact which matters is that currently we are on course to finish as champions due to the fact that we sitting in first place. Keep up the current trend and we are there
  6. Which is why I think Ashley will struggle to get a decent wedge for naming rights. The big companies aren't stupid with their marketing cash, and they will know that no matter what official title is placed on SJP the majority of the country will refer to it as SJP for as long as it stands. The only way for them to make it work would be to get some sort of legal thing going to ban any journalist/media outlet from referring to it as SJP - and even then we would have to be on the telly a hell of a lot to large audiences to make it worthwhile
  7. Well, being a toon fan sort of passes the litmus test about glorychasing. Meaning, there's no glory to chase there (and I say that with great respect). If somebody from Asia still supports the toon after all it's been gone through, that's quality supporting. I still don't get why people support a club that they will never see in the flesh instead of a local sports club (stuff like the rivalries for example, just can't be the same), but if you stick to it through good and bad and don't switch to the next hot thing, you get my respect. What I love down here in sunny South Wales are the number of men who spout hatred about all things English whilst wearing ManU shirts with Rooney on the back or Liverpool Shirts with Gerrard on the back
  8. (1) None have scored a competetive goal for Newcastle?
  9. Isn't that the way the government is treating the armed forces anyway?
  10. Yes, but anti-semitic behaviour is exclusively directed towards jews. There's papers on it... http://middleeastinfo.org/library/lewis_antisemitism.html Where does the 'Jews for Jesus' tribe originate from? It has its origins in an early Christian belief that the Messiah was once with us and that the Messiah will return, but only when those of his people who turned their back on him accept that he is indeed the saviour. At that point, the reign of the dark overlord will end, and there will be a period of paradise on earth for the true believers. It's not going to happen. So are you saying if we all turn our back on Keegan Ashley will piss off? Is it not, once those who turned on KK repent and accept he is the Messiah then Ashley will fuck off?
  11. England revert to boring type. Want Belarus to score for comedy value now
  12. I can't believe that there is an international standard in naming the days of the week with fucking ISO numbers and everything!
  13. They'll be employing E&Y transactions team right up to completion, nowt strange in that one
  14. Personally I blame Phil Neville for costing us the league. If he hadn't crippled Gillespie at OT I'm 100% convinced that we would have gathered at least naother 6 points that season
  15. i've always quite liked their home strip. They once had a great number 9 (going back to the mid 90s). Not sure where his career went after he left them. Did Trevor Sinclair still play for them when he scored his overhead kick from outside the box (FA Cup I think), or had he moved on by then? Aye think it was for them in the championship. Just checked Wiki - 1997 FA Cup vs Barnsley
  16. i've always quite liked their home strip. They once had a great number 9 (going back to the mid 90s). Not sure where his career went after he left them. Did Trevor Sinclair still play for them when he scored his overhead kick from outside the box (FA Cup I think), or had he moved on by then?
  17. Didn't David Kelly get sent off in that game?
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