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Colos Short and Curlies

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Everything posted by Colos Short and Curlies

  1. Bird from Dirty Dancing http://img.thesun.co.uk/multimedia/archive/00775/50_col_280x390_775257a.jpg My namesake http://www.ze.nl/artikelen/Image/17-03-2008/dirty%20dancing%20baby_150.jpeg
  2. Fractured my eye socket playing football earlier that day, concussed, on pain killers and pissed on WKD (I was a student, it was allowed). Pulled a stunner of blonde IRish lass anall that night. IT doesn't get much better than that night
  3. Nail on head. Is there better either at the club or who we could attract from elsewhere? I'd be quite happy with Lovelyhands, Ranger, Shola and Andy 'Hitman' Carroll if we could get in Wiltshire (assuming we're playing a one in one out game here) and possibly get Vikic some game time when he recovers from injury. If its Harewood or no-one, then the only possible harm to keeping him would be in keeping Nile or Andy off the green stuff
  4. To be honest its just a natural part of the evolution of football under Sky et al. Money attracts money, which then allows the richer teams to improve at a faster rate than those with none, creating leagues within leagues. It's then only natural that teams concentrate on beating the teams from within their 'own mini league'. Its going to become more and more common I'm afraid, and it won't be long before its teams fighting for the last UEFA cup spot who are doing similar, not just those fighting off relegation
  5. No wonder Newcastle didn't manage to buy Schweinsteiger after selling Milner. He must have signed a new contract then, he was in his final year at BM when we sold Milner iirc
  6. What you do if you were Liverpools yankee doodles? Sack Rafa = £20m plus up to £10m to recruit a replacement Keep Rafa and risk missing out on Champions League = £20m at least in lost revenue Surely the only thing they can't afford to do is to sack him at the end of the season if they don't qualify?
  7. This would all make perfect sense but for one slightl flaw....They make Boro's kits FFS ..For HOW long ? As I said, they look long & hard before acting and Steve Gibson has probably been the main reason why they haven't jumped ship yet - wait until the contract is up for renewal....don't forget that Boro had the best academy system in the NE. So why don't they make Crewe's kits?
  8. Was it? Players have little scuffles in training all the time. 'Little Scuffles.' Doesn't describe it though, this was a fight, and when it came out why the fight started it just made the whole thing sound even dafter. He clearly has anger issues of sorts, and is easily wound up. Yet N'Zogbia also has previous for being involved in fights with fellow colleagues. I was unaware of this, who with? Matty Pattison for one. Matty used to live next door to my mother in law and is still mates with my brother in law. Blames Charlie Zog for deliberately crocking him in training resulting int he injury that pretty much knacked his PL career. Nothing to do with him being nowhere near PL standard like. Tbf the lad was supposed to be class when young, was injured for 2 years or something which is a hell of along time at that stage of your career most players with an injury like that would have been booted out so they must have seen something different. Aye true, mind when he made his first start against West Brom he looked very good, looked like something to get excited about. He just didnt develop in the end. Is he still at Norwich does anyone know? Being played as the slowest winger in history didn't help him either
  9. Scrap the Champions League and Europa cup. For every league which falls under UEFA's banner, every club in their top league is entered into a super European cup. No seedings, one legged ties from round one to final (A preliminary round or two may be needed to lose some of the chaff - its a work in progress). We get the true European Champions. TV may be a bit of a bugger, but you could make use of digital telly (like Sky do for Champs leagues) or internet to get every game available to view if you so wish.
  10. It's all about opinions, but I think littering the streets is anything but petty and I'd expect an organisation which wants to be taken seriously and take over one of the biggest football club brands in the world to have a bit more off than handing out leaflets which anyone with half a brain knows just get thrown away by most people. I hate litter ! I thought NUST were trying to take over Newcastle United, who last time i looked are currently a 2nd division club in England not Barca, Man U, Juventus or one of the other biggest clubs in the world. And yet in it's ads include, "Barcelona on Tyne". Does that mean we are ditching the Black and White Stripes if NUST buy the club
  11. I've always wondered why the Irish and Scousers seemed so close. Now I understand
  12. That explains why they're such a bunch of miserable, violent, car-thieving angry cunts then. Salt of the earth man
  13. I know he is Brazillian, but what would they have made of Fumaca??
  14. Having lived by Swansea for 4 and a bit years now can I please respectively ask that we do not roll out a barrarge of sheep lover chants. There is no sheep loving down here just pure raw sex with the fluffy friends
  15. Yeah I do a client newsletter at work and included this story - it got the most clicks, easily. Bizarre chain of events. I wonder if his reply was simply 'on yer bike'
  16. Holding on to Torres is going to take some doing. Be interesting if someone like Man City made a silly offer for him. Can't see him playing for another English club tbh, back to Spain, poss Barcelona would be my guess I can actually see him going to Chelsea. Wouldn't really fit in todays Chelsea, but for some reason I can see him go there. What about Gerrard? He hasn't won the league and if Liverpool decay continues, he won't win it there. So what is more important? Being loyal to Liverpool or picking up the winners medal? It's going to be an interesting finish this the only reason Gerrard didn't go to Chelsea a few years back were threats made to himself and his family from the lovable Scousers. (000% allegedly of course)
  17. Holding on to Torres is going to take some doing. Be interesting if someone like Man City made a silly offer for him. Can't see him playing for another English club tbh, back to Spain, poss Barcelona would be my guess
  18. Before Ashley paid off the debt the club were paying out £8m a year on debts of around £80m. Even after that was paid off we were still paying more then £1.6m a year just for the overdraft facility (between £2m to £4m depending how much of it we used). So I don't see £1.6m as anything to be worried about. Though I did mention having the option to opt out of interest payments in order to keep the money in the club. If its £1.6million total outflow then fine, my worry is that it is £1.6million to the members, then another trench to service a loan and another trench to service an overdraft etc. I know I'm a negative bod when it comes to the NUST and this intiative but believe me I'm willing to be converted and if its the best way forward then I'll support them 100%. However, I can't see how we as supporters can generate enough income to get the club back to challenging for Europe without looking for outside assistance, which will come at a cost. We've all seen what happens when you borrow against banking on Europe (Luque/Owen etc) and then you don't get there. I just hope that when the plans are unveiled in their totality that a sustainable path (maybe a 5 year plan or such like) with achievable and sustained improvement are detailed along with how much in full it is likely to cost the club. We should be able to generate more income than Everton purely due to the size of the stadium, the question is though is there a plan on how to use it effectively?
  19. If each investment accrues 2% return then the £80million will cost the club £1,600,000. Is this 2% per year? or a flat return regardless of the lenght of time the investment is held? If the latter, are people happy with near enough £2,000,000 going out of the club each year?
  20. What I like about Harps this season is the number of shots he catches standing up, almost taking the piss out the striker with a 'is that all you've got' manner. Love it when keepers make regulation saves look piss easy, no need to make it look flashy and make the striker/shot look better than they really are.
  21. Yeah I appreciate that, what I'm wondering is does it place me at a massive disadvantage if I want to cash in my investment, given that people are unlikely to pay a premium just to secure a 2% return. Surprised you didn't get the answer I got on a similar question - why would you want to cash it in if you are a true fan???
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